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The Missing Link Ep 2: ASW aircrafts.

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We continue with the Missing link series, Part 2. In that episode we talk about the ASW aircrafts and ASW Weapons. In fact, that connects with the previous episode 1.

From the times of LOMAC/FC/DCS World, has appeared (and disappeared), some ASW aircrafts, but the antisubmarine warfare never was implemented by ED on the core as a proper Sonar engine technology, sub weapons, sub damage model, flooding, etc. Some that aircrafts and helicopters have ASW capabilities, but the lack of them has put them only as ASUw platforms, and their main role on the simulator has disappeared.

On the list, on DCS W, has the Ka-27/SH-3W/SH-60B/S-3B/Tu-142M


A Ka-27, with MAD?

Ka-27 [Helix A] was intended to replace the decade-old Kamov Ka-25, and had to have identical or smaller external dimensions than its predecessor. On DCS, the helo is only capable of working as a radar platform, and I am not sure if the radar matches the proper Osminog [Initsiativa-2KM] radar. The other sensors as A-100 Pakhra sonobuoy processor, 
Troynik data link, VGS-3 Ros-V dipping sonar or MAD, has all missing them. The actual version has only a Ka-27, not the Ka-27M from January 2017.

On fact the Ka-27 has capable to carry that weapons on the internal bay (No modeled), with a payload of 1000 kg:

  • 1 AT-1M or UMGT-1 or APR-2 torpedo
  • 8 PLAB-250-120 DC
  • 2 KAB-250-100PL Zagon guided DC
  • 1 RYu-2 Skat Nuclear DB (No on DCS W)
  • 2 500 L tanks
  • 36 RGB-NM-1 Sonobuoys

In fact, the Ka-27 worked on pairs, carrying search sonobuoys (RGM-NM-1) and dipping sonar (VGS-3 Ros-V) and other carrying MAD and weapons. Torpedoes have better use on open waters (the old russian torpedoes have problems on Shallow waters), meanwhile Depth Charges (DC) & Depth Bombs (DB) have better on Shallow waters.

Ka-27M additional Loadouts (same payload):

  • 32 RGB-16 Sonobuoys (Ka-27M)
  • 1 APR-3M Orel torpedo or 8 KAB-PL DC (Ka-27M)


  • Ka-27E: Equipped with radiation detection sensors. Capable of detecting nuclear weapons aboard ships. Two based Black Sea. Single in each other's fleet.
  • Ka-27PS [Helix C]: SAR with radar only, one 500 L tanks as standard. Can carry 3000 kg slung load or 12 survivors. Standard is 12 six-man and 2 five-man life rafts. In service 1982. 104 delivered - 40 Navy, 40 Border Guard, 24 Air Force.
  • Ka-27PST: One Ka-27PS trials 2nd Gen FLIR in 2003.
  • Ka-27REP: One prototype with unknown standoff radar jammer.
  • Ka-32: Civil Ka-27PS also used by the Navy for shipboard SAR, patrol and VERTREP.
  • Ka-32A11BC: Shore based SAR with two each at Nikolaevka (Pacific) and Severmorsk-1 (Northern). In service Nov 13.


  • Regiments (OKPLVP): Baltic - 745th Donskoye 1986; Black Sea - 78th Lake Donuzlav 1986-95, 872nd Kacha 1979-?; Northern - 830th Severmorsk-2 1980, Severmorsk-1 2000; Pacific - 710th Novonezhino Oct 82-May 98, 289th Nikolaevka May 98.
  • Late 80s - 90s: Fitted with Izumrud sonobuoy processor and 16 RGB-16.
  • 1990s on: Ka-27PS frequently deploys on naval ships replacing Ka-27 for some deployments.
  • 2010: Four Ka-27PS in use with the Air Force for land SAR.
  • 2016: 16 Ka-27PS in naval service.
  • Jan 17: First Ka-27M delivered to Russian Navy. It has a Bumerang combat system - Kopyo-A radar, MAD, 3rd gen ES, RGS-B01 Kema acoustic processor, VGS-3 Ros-VM dipping sonar, Bumerang data link. 46 aircraft planned to be upgraded - 4-6 training plus five squadrons each of 8 Ka-27M. 22 delivered by Oct 18 with 3 training, 6 Pacific, 6 Northern, 7 Baltic.
  • May 19: APR-3M Orel torpedo completes trials. Estimate operational 2020.



SH-3W (Surely a SH-3H) was the main ASW helo carrier on the UsNavy from 1973, before the reach of the SH-60B in 1984. the H has a sensor suite of LN-66HP radar, MAD, 2nd Gen ES, AQS-13B dipping sonar, 24 sonobuoys, SQR-17 sensor link, but as the Ka-27, surely only the radar will be capable, but meanwhile that appears on the DCS encyclopedia, the unit on the mission editor has banished. SH-3 Acts as relay between sonobuoys and ship, must remain in radar LOS of ship to use sonobuoys.

The SH-3H has capable to carry the subsequence weapon cargo with a payload of 715 kg:

  • 2 46 torpedoes or 2 Mk14/54 DC
  • 1 Mk101 Lulu or B57 nuclear DB (No on DCS W)
  • 2 ALE-37 chaff pods or 2 drop tanks

The Mk-46 torpedo will change with the date of the deployment: Mk 46 Mod 0/2/4 in 1973, Mod 5/6 in 1979, Mod 5A(S) (Shallow capable) in 1990. DC had better to Shallow environments before the Mod 5A(S) Torpedo reached.

Some Remarks:

  • 1976: ES and radar removed to make room for tactical navigation equipment, 24 sonobuoys and sensor link. Estimated sonobuoy loadout is 18 SSQ-41A/B, 6 SSQ-53.
  • 1990 - 91: Fitted with S(1)1 7.62mm mg.
  • 1992: 80 converted to UH-3H utility/transport with all sensors removed.
  • 1995: Replaced in ASW role by SH-60F.


The SH-60B was deployed by the UsNavy on 1984 on main ASW helo on carriers, FFG, DDG and other units. Your suite has the 2nd Gen ES (ESM), MAD, APS-124 radar, ARQ-44 Hawklink (send data to Ships), 25 sonobuoys (15 SSQ-53A (search), 4 SSQ-77A VLAD (localization) and 6 SSQ-62 DICASS) and UYS-1 sonobuoy processor. 

The SH-60B ordnance Loadouts was capable, with a payload of 1860 kg:

  • 2 Mk 46 Mod 5 torpedoes or 2 120 USG fuel tanks (Block 0)
  • 1 120 USG fuel tank, 2nd Gen FLIR (some from 1987)
  • 3 120 USG fuel tanks or 3 Mk 50 torpedoes (Block 1)
  • 2 Mk 50 torpedoes, 1 120 USG fuel tank (Block 1)
  • 1 AGM-119 Penguin, 2 120 USG fuel tanks (Block 1)
  • 4 AGM-114K Hellfire, 2 120 USG fuel tanks (RDK from 1998; AHP from 1999).
  • About Torpedoes: Mk46 Mod 5 1983; Mk46 Mod 5A(S) 1990; Mk46 Mod 5A(SW) 1996.

Some remarks:

  • Feb 83-96: 186 delivered. Last 99 are Block I (see below). 
  • Feb 85: First ship deployment (Cromelin).
  • 1987: 25 fitted for service in Persian Gulf service with 2nd Gen IR jammer), 2nd Gen D, S(1)1 7.62mm door gun. Seven fitted with 2nd Gen FLIR on the starboard pylon.
  • 1990: ALQ-190 AIRBOC available.
  • 1991: Five fitted with 2nd Gen FLIR on starboard weapon pylon.
  • Jun 93-97: 28 kits delivered for Penguin missile capability - crossdecked as required. Penguin retired 2003.
  • 1993-99: 99 updated to Block I with 99-channel acoustic processor, Mk50 torpedoes, third hp.
  • 1997-00: 46 Armed Helicopter Program (AHP) kits delivered with nose 3rd Gen FLIR/laser designator, S(1)1 12.7mm MG - crossdecked as required. In service 1999.
  • 1998: Seven Rapid Deployment Kits (RDK) with Hellfire and nose 3rd Gen FLIR/laser designator.
  • 2000: AGM-114M available vice AGM-114K.
  • Feb 10 - Jul 15: Retired. Last deployment returns Apr 15 (USS Gary - O. H. Perry class FFG).


S-3B on DCS World appears on 1988, as a update of the S-3A from 1974, put has a problem, has a mix of two versions, the previous pure ASW/ASuW version equipped with a Sonobuoy processor, capable to minelaying, and other pure ASuW version with armament expanded with lose all ASW/Minelaying capability. Carries one 300 USG drop tank and one 300 USG buddy store as standard. The sensor suite was APS-137 radar, MAD, 2nd Gen FLIR, 3rd Gen ES, Link 11 data link, 60 sonobuoys (45 SSQ-53D/E/F (search), 6 SSQ-77C (localization) and 9 SSQ-62C/D/E.) and a UYS-1 sonobuoy processor.

The S-3B ordnance Loadouts was capable, with a payload of 4536 kg:

  • 2 drop tanks, 4 Mk46 Mod 2 or Mod 5 (1979) or Mod 5A(S) (1990) or Mod 5A(SW) (1996) or Mk50 (1991) torpedoes.
  • 2 drop tanks, 2 Mk46, 1 B57 NDB (retired 1991)
  • 2 drop tanks, 2 Mk46, 2 Mk54 DC.
  • 300 USG buddy stores, 1 AGM-84D Harpoon IC or 1 AGM-65E/F, 2 Mk82 bombs, 2 Mk46 Mod 5 torp (standard 1990s).
  • 1 AGM-84H SLAM or 1 AGM-84K SLAM ER, AWW-13 guidance pod.
  • 2 AGM-65E/F Maverick or 2 Harpoon IC or 4 ADM-141 TALD decoys.
  • 10 Mk36 or 10 Mk62 or 2 Mk52 or 2 Mk55 or Mk56 or 2 Mk60 or 2 Mk65 mines.


  • Jul 87-Aug 94: 119 converted from S-3A (Atlantic Fleet Jul 87-Jul 91, Pacific Fleet Mar 92-Sep 94). Strength: 64 (Jun 05), 40 (May 06).
  • Squadron strength: 10 (1987) 6 (1992), 8 (1993-94) 6 (2004). Squadron to 6 a/c when the aircraft carrier has one Super Hornet squadron. S-3B is removed when each carrier has two Super Hornet squadrons.
  • 1990: ALQ-190 AIRBOC available.
  • Early 90s: Fitted with Emitter Correlation Program (ECP) - ES recorded and used post-mission to plot radar locations (treated as ELS with information available in post-mission debriefing cycle).
  • 1996-99: Four fitted with AGM-65F capability (VS-22 on Roosevelt), later two each to VS-31 and VS-32. Possibly fitted with ALE-47 vice ALE-39 decoys at this time (Counterm: 3rd Gen D).


Developed in response to the American Polaris programme, the Tu-142 grew out of the need for a viable Soviet ASW platform. We don't know the proper version built by ED, the only version will be the 2000 version, but it is unknown.

The actual suite carried by the Tu-142 will be:

  • Tu-142 [Bear F Mod 0-2]: Berkut radar, Berkut sonobuoy processor, 1st Gen ES, Gen 0 RWR. That version was defensive guns as 2 NR-23 23mm in tail (0.5) with PRS-4 Krypton [Box Tail] GFC.
  • Tu-142MK [Bear F Mod 3 & 4]: Korshun radar, Korshun-K sonobuoy processor, MAD, 2nd Gen ES, Gen 0 RWR.
  • Tu-142MZ [Bear F Mod 5]: Korshun radar, Zarechye sonobuoy processor, MAD, 3rd Gen ES, Amethyst ASW sensor, 1st Gen RWR.


  • Tu-142 [Bear F Mod 0-2]:
    • Tu-142 [Bear F Mod 0]: 12 delivered 1968-71. Range reduced to 4525 nmi.
    • Tu-142 [Bear F Mod 1]: 5 delivered 1968-72 with standard undercarriage.
    • Tu-142M [Bear F Mod 2]: 22 delivered 1974-77 with larger cockpit.

The 142 ordnance Loadouts was capable, with a payload of 9080 kg:

  • Tu-142 [Bear F Mod 0-2]:
    • 268 RGB-1, 10 RGB-2 (search only).
    • 176 RGB-1, 10 RGB-2, 3 RGB-3, 3 AT-1M or AT-2 or AT-2M torp, 14 PLAB-250-120 DC.
    • 12 MDM-3 or 6 MDM-5 mines.
    • 2 RYu-2 Skat nuclear DB, 4 AT-1M or AT-2 or AT-2M.
  • Tu-142MK [Bear F Mod 3 & 4]:
    • 66 RGB-75, 44 RGB-15, 10 RGB-25, 15 RGB-55, 3 AT-2M or APR-1 torpedoes.
    • 12 MDM-3 or 6 MDM-5 mines.
    • 2 RYu-2 Skat nuclear DB, 4 AT-2M or APR-1 torpedoes.
  • Tu-142MZ [Bear F Mod 5]:
    • 64 RGB-16, 10 RGB-26. 16 RGB-36, 3 UGMT-1M or 3 APR-2 torp.
    • 64 RGB-16, 10 RGB-26. 16 RGB-36, 14 PLAB-250-120 or 14 KAB-250-100PL Zagon DC.
    • 12 MDM-3 or 6 MDM-5 mines.


  • Tu-142 [Bear F Mod 0-2]:
    • Service entry delayed by equipment trials. NDB type estimated.
    • Mar 70-72: Northern Fleet regiment equipped - 76th OPLAP at Kipelovo. Replaced by Mod 3 Aug 78-Dec 80.
    • 1976: One Tu-142M converted to Tu-142MP with UMGT-1 and APR-2 torpedoes (see Tu-142MZ for loadouts).
    • 1976-78: Pacific Fleet regiment equipped - 310th OPLAP at Khorl.
    • 1977 on: Tu-142M upgraded to Tu-142MK standard (see separate entry).
    • Aug 78-Dec 80: Northern Fleet a/c transferred to Pacific.
    • 1980: 169th Guards formed Cam Ranh, Vietnam with 4 Tu-142 and 3 Mi-14PL. Due to the short runway, fuel was reduced to 70000 kg, 4700 Nautical Miles range.
    • Early 80s: Fitted to carry air dropped MG-74 3rd Gen mobile decoys (simulates C/V/Y/D class sub), replacing torpedoes to support submarine sorties.
    • 1988-92: Retired.
  • Tu-142MK [Bear F Mod 3 & 4]:
    • 25 delivered Sep 78-80 plus Tu-142M conversions. Some later to Tu-142MZ standards. Initially used Tu-142 sonobuoys until 1981, see Tu-142MZ loadouts. NDB type estimated.
    • Aug 78-Dec 80: Northern Fleet equipped.
    • 14 Mar 83: First deployment to Cuba.
    • Early 80s: Fitted to carry air-dropped MG-74 3rd Gen mobile decoys (simulates C/V/Y/D class sub) replacing torpedoes to support submarine sorties.
  • Tu-142MZ [Bear F Mod 5]:
    • Pacific Fleet only. Can carry air launched MG-74 mobile decoys (simulates C/V/Y/D class sub) replacing torpedoes. 39 delivered 1988-93 plus some Tu-142M upgrades. Service entry delayed by avionics issues.
    • Jun 09: First operational refuellings by Il-78 Midas tankers.
    • 2017: KAB-PL depth charge available, replacing Zagon.
    • 2019: Fitted with control link for Forpost UAV.

The Mines info will be added to episode 1.  Will be added about ASW sonar systems, sonobuoy processors and other systems related to the ASW environment.

Actually has some Submarines modeled on DCS World:

  • 093 SSN (Dekka) (Chinese Assets Pack)
  • ARA Santa Fe S-21 (RAZBAM) (South Atlantic Assets Pack)
  • TypeVII U-Flak Sub (German Axis) (WW2 Assets Pack)
  • Project 636 Varshavyanka [Improved Kilo] (Soviet / Russia)
  • Project 877 Paltus [Kilo] (Soviet / Russia)

You can check them on the Ship Overview post

Has some details about the ASW aircrafts, none of them is capable of Detect, Classified and Hunting submarines. Another problem has been the lack of a Sonar Engine capable of detecting any sub, and of course, the subs have the actual old damage model from the LOMAC times, and no have nothing as an underwater physic explosion, flooding, etc.

Has actually none ASW weapon modeled on DCS World.

Other points, has some lack about missing units:

  • Actually has none as a NATO ASW aircraft (Gannet AS.1/4 / Neptune MR.1/ Shackleton MR.1 / 2 / 3 / Sunderland V/MR.5 ) and NATO ASW helicopters (Lynx HAS.3 / Merlin HM.1 / 2 / Sea King HAS.1 / 6 / Wessex HAS.1 ).
  • The missing of AR/UK Aircraft and Helicopters helos on South Atlantic Map (S-2E Tracker / S2F-1 (1962: S-2A), S-2F Tracker / S-61D-4 Sea King / SA.319B Alouette III / Lynx HAS.2 / Nimrod MR.1 / MR.2 / Sea King HAS.2 / HAS.5 / Wasp HAS.1 / HAS.3 / Wessex HAS.3).
  • The lack of any Chinese ASW aircraft / Helicopter to Chinese Assets Pack.
  • The lack of any WW2 Allied patrol aircrafts vs submarines.

Edited by Silver_Dragon
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