grenshep Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 Hi, I think there's a bug in mission 10. 2 of the Tomcats (the ones that should take off the first ones) can't move because one of them stucks in front of the other one. Seems that both want to follow the marshals signals but they get stuck in a one to one position. I've uploaded the trk for you to check. Excuse my English because it's not my first language. kind regards! MISSION 10 - RODF.trk oh, and thanks for the campaign!!!
Solution baltic_dragon Posted December 16, 2024 Solution Posted December 16, 2024 (edited) Thanks, checking it now. EDIT: Fixed internally for the next patch. Edited December 16, 2024 by baltic_dragon For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
grenshep Posted December 20, 2024 Author Posted December 20, 2024 Fantastic! expecting the new change to continue the campaing. Many thanks!!!!!
chamol Posted January 3 Posted January 3 Hi, I tried M10 yesterday after the update and unfortunatly, it is still too crowdy on the deck. The two F14 finally went off (but because there is a bug that moves slowly the two F14 with carrier moving, the F14s were stuck). Two F18s stayed stuck on the deck (sluggo is on of them).
baltic_dragon Posted January 5 Posted January 5 We'll check that. The taxi directors are still work in progress, and the Tomcat is causing a lot of trouble from what I've seen... For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
Jakes Posted January 5 Posted January 5 I was unable to reproduce this. I switched on the battery and APU, saluted for engine start and got the go for that from the deck crew. Ran through start up and waited for the "you may taxi" splash screen. This popped up around 10min in. I then saluted and had to wait for available deck crew. I could taxi at around 14min and was sent to CAT 2. I was the last aircraft to taxi. Everyone else taxied as they should/were directed with no issues. Any landing that doesn't require the jaws of a good landing...
chamol Posted January 5 Posted January 5 Hi ! Well I tried again today the behavior was the same. Even if this time, tomcats were not moving at all even at 14h33. You can see that the position of the tomcat is moving as the carrier moves. The other tomcat did not move. I have done screenshots up to 14h33. Best regards
baltic_dragon Posted January 5 Posted January 5 @chamol thanks.. then I guess we are back to the likely issue with 3rd party unofficial mods etc.. do you have any unofficial mods for aircraft installed, or things like SRS radio? These all tend to break the DLC campaigns for some reason... Some great advice from Jakes below that helped a lot of players: The No.1 Rule with DCS Campaigns... If you have ANY mod that is NOT purchased from the DCS Store, it will probably cause issues. SRS and OpenKneeboard(Mostly VR users) seem to be ok, as we test these mission using both. Make sure to remove any and all mods before flying campaigns. (Check out OVGME, I use it daily and it works well) If you have no mods, or if removing all mods still does not fix the issue, take the following steps(Test after each step): 1) Delete fxo and metashaders folders in you saved games. Can get gummed up with old files. 2) Rename you DCS Saved Games folder, run DCS and let it create a new one. Close DCS and then just copy the Config folder from the old to the new so you don't lose your bindings at least. (Some mods can write to places like your scripts folder in your saved games location as an example. Also seems to help sometimes even if you never run mods at all) 3) Do a full deep repair of DCS to clear up any unwanted stuff in your main game folder. Some settings to check: 1) If you have easy comms enabled, disable it. 2) Under Gameplay otions, make sure the tick box on the bottom right for "No force from mission, use min" is NOT ticked. 3) Try disabling TacView under special options. It can cause issues, usually performance, but that can lead to bugs if your cores are overloaded/too busy and it misses a trigger point due to that. A side note, some mods can write to places like your scripts folder in your saved games location (as an example). If removing all mods still does not fix the issue, take the following steps: 1)Delete fxo and metashaders folders in you saved games. Can get ummed up with old files. 2) Rename you DCS Saved Games folder, run DCS and let it create a new one. Then just copy the Config folder from the old to the new so you don't lose your bindings at least. 3) Do a full deep repair of DCS to clear up any unwanted stuff in your main game folder. For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
chamol Posted January 5 Posted January 5 I disabled mods for clouds and one for syria. Did a repair, a cleanup. A quick check launching the mission showed that everything is now ok. Thx 1
baltic_dragon Posted January 16 Posted January 16 Glad to hear that. It is a pity though that so many things can break missions, and troubleshooting something you cannot reproduce can become a problem... For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
xsnrg Posted February 14 Posted February 14 Just an FYI, trying this mission as I type. I wait for the yellow shirt taxi clearance. And never get the go ahead, jet is still chalked awaiting crew member and can't move. All other jets in the mission take off. I've tried several times and can't move. Once I tried to taxi early and got tangled with an f14 on deck and neither of us could move with directors. If you time it just right when the f14 in front of you turns to the cat, salute and you can get taxi clearance but it's earlier than the mission wants, but it works. I believe there was an update between the last reply and today, I wonder if they tweaked something in the taxi directors In the last update?
baltic_dragon Posted February 21 Posted February 21 They might have. And taxi directors are largely out of my hands, so in many cases there is nothing I can do when people experience problems with them... and usually for some given mission works fine, for others it doesn't. We found out that correct procedure is super important though: Battery and APU on Salute for engine start up (deck crew raises arm) Finish my start up Wait for the on screen pop up that says I can start taxiing (As per the mission brief - Designer Notes at the end) Follow Taxi director orders. Launch while all other aircraft are moving to their spots for launch For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
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