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Collectif stick for BS


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If it's ok with people, I think I'll just be a leech for now -- clinging to someone's thread. Progress will be limited to funds which is something I don't have a lot of, so if I started a thread, it could be weeks or months before I posted an update.


It kinda didn't sound right when I went back and reread what I typed. Either way I am happy to see some more home grown collectives and controls =)

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I found 2 old joystick at home and i dismont them :D.






I make some test with switch and SVMAPPER and all work fine (Thanks TH69 :thumbup:)


On the second card i have 2 microstick that i will use for the spot and the weapons selection.


To program them i use a AUTOHOTKEY script but the conbination of Ctrl and other key don't work :mad:

Here is my script, can someone help me :helpsmilie:


; July 6, 2005: Added auto-detection of joystick number.
; May 8, 2005 : Fixed: JoyAxes is no longer queried as a means of
; detecting whether the joystick is connected.  Some joysticks are
; gamepads and don't have even a single axis.
; If you want to unconditionally use a specific joystick number, change
; the following value from 0 to the number of the joystick (1-32).
; A value of 0 causes the joystick number to be auto-detected:
JoystickNumber = 0
; END OF CONFIG SECTION. Do not make changes below this point unless
; you wish to alter the basic functionality of the script.
#Persistent  ; Keep this script running until the user explicitly exits it.
SetTimer, WatchAxis, 5
GetKeyState, JoyX, JoyX  ; Get position of X axis.
GetKeyState, JoyY, JoyY  ; Get position of Y axis.
GetKeyState, JoyZ, JoyZ  ; Get position of Z axis.
GetKeyState, JoyR, JoyR  ; Get position of R axis.
KeyToHoldDownPrev = %KeyToHoldDown%  ; Prev now holds the key that was down before (if any).
if JoyX > 70
   KeyToHoldDown = i
else if JoyX < 30
   KeyToHoldDown = y
else if JoyY > 70
   KeyToHoldDown = u
else if JoyY < 30
   KeyToHoldDown = {LCtrl}u
else if JoyZ > 70
   KeyToHoldDown = {RCtrl}{:}
else if JoyZ < 30
   KeyToHoldDown = {RCtrl}{m}
else if JoyR > 70
   KeyToHoldDown = {RCtrl}{!}
else if JoyR < 30
   KeyToHoldDown = {RCtrl}{;}

   KeyToHoldDown =
if KeyToHoldDown = %KeyToHoldDownPrev%  ; The correct key is already down (or no key is needed).
   return  ; Do nothing.
; Otherwise, release the previous key and press down the new key:
SetKeyDelay -1  ; Avoid delays between keystrokes.
if KeyToHoldDownPrev   ; There is a previous key to release.
   Send, {%KeyToHoldDownPrev% up}  ; Release it.
if KeyToHoldDown   ; There is a key to press down.
   Send, {%KeyToHoldDown% down}  ; Press it down.

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I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do, but


{LCtrl}u will send the following:

LCtrl down

LCtrl up

u down

u up

i.e. first you press and release the CTRL button and then you press and release the u button.


I think that you want to send LCtrl + u at the same time.


^u will do this.

or {LCtrl down}u{LCtrl up} will also work.




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Hi Oakes,


:mad::(:mad: Don't work.


Oakes, what i want to do is to use my 2 microjoystick (axis) like the 2 hatswitch from the collectif.

The first to control de weapon (air-air, all, ...)

The second to control the spot light.


With my script i have a problem with command witch LCtrl or RCtrl + another key.

For exemple to select AIR-AIR i have to pusch LCtrl + U. I use your exemple but it always dont work.


I beleave that you use to a microjoystick. How have you configure it in BS. Maybe can you give this part of your script :music_whistling:



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