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Hi, just posted my first post over in ME corner. Been watching for a while now and this forum seems way friendly so I guess its time I jumped in.... On to the point...


I noticed setting up weather in ME that if its above 15k they deny my ramp start. I think this only started happening after but I could be wrong... Ive been searching since the patch came out to find anyone else or any info on this but im coming up dry. Can anyone replicate or let me know if there is something Im missing?


Why would ATC ever deny rampstart?? Gotta be in a lau file somewhere if I can just find it...

Anyhow, thanks for any input, nice to meet you all in advance. And please do check out my post over in ME corner... Thanx-



ED rox.



Hi, since your new and noone else talking to you I will talk to you, TBH I dont know what you mean though. 15K? is that 15knots of wind? Definately got the right frequency and all that? 15knots in Dynamic is like a total hurricane for some reason, or it was in 1107. I havent had a chance to see if the weather got fixed in 1108. Hope so.

Technical Specs: Asus G73JW gaming laptop... i7-740QM 1.73GHz ... GTX460m 1.5GB ... 8GB DDR5 RAM ... Win7 64 ... TIR5 ... Thrustmaster T16000m


Yeah, thanks, being a noob is like disasterous so Ive been spamming the boards getting my posts up. lol. Yeah 15knots.. I think the A-10 can takeoff in crosswinds up to 20-25 but Im not sure. Either way with dynamic weather, with rain or snow.. its hard to get your departure base in a lower than 15 knot area... Theres gotta be some kind of possibility..


Edit** Yes, my freq's are right, Ive tested it with high winds, denied startup, then lowered the winds and I was cleared. Give it a shot.


I would have thought there is no chance the REAL crosswind limit is less than 25knots, however DCS A10C has (or hopefully had) some crazy turbulence on very light winds with dynamic weather. I have had the plane pushed sideways across the apron in gusts a lot less than that (according to the tower anyway)


Its probably just the Health and Safety fairies in the tower, or its bring your kid to work day. I would just ignore them and go flying.


Hopefully someone with much more knowledge on the subject will be along shortly to help you with the answer. Usually theres plenty of folks about, I expect everyone is too busy flying at the moment though. new patch just out etc.

Technical Specs: Asus G73JW gaming laptop... i7-740QM 1.73GHz ... GTX460m 1.5GB ... 8GB DDR5 RAM ... Win7 64 ... TIR5 ... Thrustmaster T16000m


No, I didnt think about that, I was only reading the flags in the dynamic weather mode... I guess I should read up on European meteo... doh.. Im really kind of just wondering does weather have an active effect on ATC and where can we find info on what the limits for ATC is.


I dont mind blowing off ATC for my own purposes, but if Im trying to build a campaign, for public release (which I am) it makes a little difficult when ATC wont let you turn on the microwave...

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