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How to make the "standart" view less zoomed in for facetracknoir

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I'd like to make the standard view of the su 27 less zoomed in, i think it's possible to edit the value in view.lua, but I've been digging around the file and haven't found the correct variable.


the reason why i wanna do this instead of zooming out using facetracknoir is because facetrack is wobbly enough without handling zoom.

[-]SilverOne[-] [- Best Regards


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Navigate your mouse to a file called "View.lua"

in <installation folder>\Config\View.


Than open it with a editor (I recommend Notepad++)


and higher the second value of the plane you want to edit to something like 160.0 to be able to zoom further out.


line #110:

-- Camera view angle limits {view angle min, view angle max}.


CameraViewAngleLimits = {}

CameraViewAngleLimits[su_27] = {20.0, 120.0}

CameraViewAngleLimits[su_33] = {20.0, 120.0}

CameraViewAngleLimits[su_25] = {20.0, 120.0}

CameraViewAngleLimits[su_25T] = {20.0, 120.0}

CameraViewAngleLimits[MiG_29] = {20.0, 120.0}

CameraViewAngleLimits[MIG_29K] = {20.0, 120.0}

CameraViewAngleLimits[F_15] = {20.0, 140.0}

CameraViewAngleLimits[A_10A] = {20.0, 140.0}

CameraViewAngleLimits[KA_50] = {20.0, 140.0}

CameraViewAngleLimits[A_10C] = CameraViewAngleLimits[A_10A]

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Navigate your mouse to a file called "View.lua"

in <installation folder>\Config\View.


Than open it with a editor (I recommend Notepad++)


and higher the second value of the plane you want to edit to something like 160.0 to be able to zoom further out.


line #110:


Thank you for your response,


i did find that variable, however what i want isn't to change the limit, but instead, change the standard value, that is, when you load the cockpit i want it to be less zoomed in by default, so that when i move my head it moves from that value.


lets say the default zoom value, when you open the cockpit is 50. I want it to open at 30.



the default view is just too zoomed in, and using facetracknoir results in constant movement "inside" "out".


Best Regards.

[-]SilverOne[-] [- Best Regards


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Don't know where to do this...


One solution (If you don't zoom around )

is to find your value and (BTW its calculated in degrees)

and make a line like this: CameraViewAngleLimits[su_27] = {120.0, 120.0}


so the zoom limit is set in stone.




or - didn't I get your request at all?! - wondering...



and BTW : I don't use FT no IR... so pictures describing what you want to change would be very helpful. - another idea is to tweak the axis of the Face Tracker you are using in the axis command section in game of DCS.

Edited by PeterP

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Don't know where to do this...


One solution (If you don't zoom around )

is to find your value and (BTW its calculated in degrees)

and make a line like this: CameraViewAngleLimits[su_27] = {120.0, 120.0}


so the zoom limit is set in stone.




or - didn't I get your request at all?! - wondering...



and BTW : I don't use FT no IR... so pictures describing what you want to change would be very helpful. - another idea is to tweak the axis of the Face Tracker you are using in the axis command section in game of DCS.


Thank you for your response,


Alright, so face track, unlike track ir isn't very stable. It constantly wobbles, "moves", around even when your head is still. For example, if i activate the zoom function, and i am perfectly still, my head will be moving back and forth constantly, even though i'm not moving.


when i load the game, the default zoom is too close to the instruments. So i just pull my head foward, calibrate face track - which is like saying hey, this is where everything is 0. and then pull my head back, effectively zooming out.

Again this presents the problem that the view is unstable, it keeps zooming in and out, even though i am not moving.


so, in order to retain the zoom ability, i want to load my cockpit zoomed out.



Why don't i just deactivate zoom in facetracknoir? because i can set in a dead zone for zoom, and it'll only zoom in if i go beyond this dead zone, effectively eliminating the permanent wobble in the cockpit.


so this is the default "0" zoom in lock on.




This is what i want it to be:



please ignore the slight vertical movement, and focus on the zoom :P

Edited by SilverOne

[-]SilverOne[-] [- Best Regards


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Ahh! I think I got it now - you want to modify your eye-position in the cockpit ....

Another problem (Maybe I'm too helpful sometimes...)


I have no working FC2 install...and I use the values from DCS-A10.. - point.


Look out fot the "SnapViewsDefault.lua" in



our problem:


This are the parameters you have to edit and what they are doing:

You have to edit the values starting in line 1055 to change the default start-up view below .

\Eagle Dynamics\DCS Black Shark 2\Config\View\SnapViewsDefault.lua

The values can be positive or negative!

Snap[11][13] = {} -- Default cockpit view
Snap[11][13]["y_trans"]   = -0.041336805555555564    -- move viewpoint Up/Down
Snap[11][13]["x_trans"] = 0.36 -- move viewpoint Forward/Backward
Snap[11][13]["hAngle"] = 0 -- Tilt viewpoint Left/Right
Snap[11][13]["viewAngle"] = 75.0  -- FOV aka Zoom
Snap[11][13]["vAngle"] = -25 -- Tilt viewpoint Up/Down
Snap[11][13]["rollAngle"] = 0  -- Roll viewpoint Left/Right
Snap[11][13]["z_trans"] = 0  -- move viewpoint Left/Right 

you want probably Lower:

Snap[11][13]["x_trans"] = 0.36 -- move viewpoint Forward/Backward


-- maybe this will help.

Happy fiddling! - and - to play save:

Make a backup before you fiddle! ;)

Edited by PeterP
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Ahh! I think I got it now - you want to modify your eye-position in the cockpit ....

Another problem (Maybe I'm too helpful sometimes...)


I have no working FC2 install...and I use the values from DCS-A10.. - point.


Look out fot the "SnapViewsDefault.lua" in



our problem:


This are the parameters you have to edit and what they are doing:

You have to edit the values starting in line 1055 to change the default start-up view below .

\Eagle Dynamics\DCS Black Shark 2\Config\View\SnapViewsDefault.lua

The values can be positive or negative!

Snap[11][13] = {} -- Default cockpit view
Snap[11][13]["y_trans"]   = -0.041336805555555564    -- move viewpoint Up/Down
Snap[11][13]["x_trans"] = 0.36 -- move viewpoint Forward/Backward
Snap[11][13]["hAngle"] = 0 -- Tilt viewpoint Left/Right
Snap[11][13]["viewAngle"] = 75.0  -- FOV aka Zoom
Snap[11][13]["vAngle"] = -25 -- Tilt viewpoint Up/Down
Snap[11][13]["rollAngle"] = 0  -- Roll viewpoint Left/Right
Snap[11][13]["z_trans"] = 0  -- move viewpoint Left/Right 

you want probably Lower:

Snap[11][13]["x_trans"] = 0.36 -- move viewpoint Forward/Backward


-- maybe this will help.

Happy fiddling! - and - to play save:

Make a backup before you fiddle! ;)



aah awesome, i knew there had to be a way to do it ;) i'll fiddle with it after dinner and report back!


oh also i rated you +... this forum for some reason keeps defaulting to russian under chrome... i've given up on it , so if i made a mistake let me know!

Edited by SilverOne
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[-]SilverOne[-] [- Best Regards


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This file has 1000 lines of code :/


you don't happen to know which one it is?


here's the file for you :






from the view.lua file i get :


iSu_27 = 1,

iSu_33 = 2,

iSu_25 = 3,

iSu_39 = 4, -- Su-39 or Su-25T

iMiG_29 = 5,

iMiG_29K = 6,

iA_10 = 7,

iF_15 = 8,

iKA_50 = 9,

iMirage = 10,

iMiG_23 = 11,

iSU_17M4 = 12,

iIL_78 = 13,

iAV_8B = 14,

iA_50 = 15,

iC_17 = 16,

iC_130 = 17,

iF_4E = 18,

iF_5E = 19,

iF_16A = 20,

iF_16 = 21,

iFA_18 = 22,

iFA_18C = 23,

iKC_10 = 24,

iMiG_27 = 25,

iSu_39 = 26,

iSu_30 = 27,


iF_2 = 29,

iYak_40 = 30,



i take it's one? geesh i guess i should have started at the top.


EDIT: actually what i want is the FOV, field or view aka zoom. but can't seem to find the right one :D


i've changed all the values from "1" but with no sucess :(



final edit lol, i got it working... turns out its in the "CAMERA view angle limits" in view.lua... i thought these would have no affect because they were limits... owell i was clearly wrong


thank you for your help.

Edited by SilverOne

[-]SilverOne[-] [- Best Regards


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Just found a good guide how to fix what you are struggling, it differs not much from my suggestion but is really well written.

And if you found your way to handle it already - it will help maybe others that are facing the same problem:).



...and I have a PS3-eye toy cam ... and I'm just thinking about to set it up just to see how this works... even if I have a TrackIR....:P


Link for the full set-up guide : http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=1377446#post1377446


You've probably noticed that each time you load up the sim and enter your pit you're too "zoomed in". You've probably been "zooming out" the whole time. Well, sorry to disappoint but, this won't work anymore. You can probably move your head forward a bit and calibrate that as "standart" or "all axis 0s" and then move it back. This might sound like a great idea at first, until you notice this very slight constant zoom in and out.


Thus In order to fix this, we must make that "standard" view a little more zoomed out, to do this you'll have to edit the view.lua file. Don't worry, i promise it'll be simple and not scary. Don't forget to make a backup of the file first!


you can find this file at: LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2\Config\View, open view.lua with notepad.


In line 145, or, around half way in the file, you'll find the folowing:

If you can't find it, just copy some random text from here and go to "edit - find" or use CTRL F.

-- Camera view angle limits {view angle min, view angle max}.
CameraViewAngleLimits = {}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_27] = {30.0, [color=Red]175.0[/color]}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_33] = {30.0, 117.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_25] = {30.0, 117.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_39] = {30.0, 121.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29] = {30.0, 112.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29K] = {30.0, 112.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iA_10] = {30.0, 97.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iF_15] = {30.0, 110.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iKA_50] = {30.0, 115.0}

Depending on the plane, ion my case the Su-27, you'll wanna change the View angle max, the second variable in the line, i marked it in red for you. I personally like 175, but i didn't really fiddle with it. After you've made your changes just save the file. If anything goes wrong, just restore the backup you made.

This wobble, or movement, isn't noticeable when you're zooming in or out, but when you're still it's very frustrating; takes the "feel" away from your aircraft.

Edited by PeterP

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