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Can't use joystick in Training?


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Are we not supposed to be able to use our joystick in the training tutorials? I can only use the keyboard commands. The joystick works ok in the free flight.


New to flight sims and must say this one is kicking my @ss! I can't even get through the training without messing up something and having to start over! I have been scouring the links to various faqs and other training materials but it sure would help if I could find a good profile for my x52 pro that has all the basics on my hotas.

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As long as your controllers are configured correctly in the Input Options, they should work well. If you haven't already done so, try to go through the "A-10C Real" input profile and make sure all of your axes and buttons are mapped correctly - and that nothing extra is mapped where it should not be (like throttle controlling pitch and roll). Finally, make sure Game Mode is OFF in Gameplay options.

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- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

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welcome to the community and welcome in the DCSverse, it´s a massive detailed Simulation.


Two recommendations.


1.) visit the wiki. It contains numerous of information and tutorials (you´ll find it on the top of this page (wiki). It´s well structered, so you´d find there what you´re looking for.


2.) check out the Squadrons list and look for an open one. Flying online is more teaching than messing through the Trainings alone.


good luck


EDIT: Noticed that you have registered right today, so here´s the link to the root page according to DCS A-10C Warthog: http://en.wiki.eagle.ru/wiki/DCS:_A-10C_Warthog

Edited by MemphisBelle
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Thanks! I do think the training is helpful but it also throws a lot at you. One wrong button press and it can throw the training mission off and make it impossible to get back on track and continue. I am also having a very tough time deciding what is the best profile to have on my x52 pro. Most of the ones I have taken off this site end up leaving several of the axis and buttons empty which seems like a waste. Pressing one or two modifiers plus a keyboard button is so distracting that I want to limit it as much as possible. I also hear that a Track IR is a great purchase and I would get one immediately but want to prove to myself that I am going to stick through the learning curve before investing more money.


I think I need to step back and approach each piece slowly. Maybe review something like the Mavericks in the manual and the wiki and then take the Maverick training to get the most out of it.


I can already forsee that some of the best part of a study sim are the unexpected events. For example I finally released a GBU and took out an enemy but I was too low and my tail caught on fire from the blast! As if that wasn't bad enough I pulled the correct fire bars and was just about to pat myself on the back for knowing how to release the fire extinguishers when I realized I had instead jettisoned my fuel which then blew up my plane. Now maybe it was just a coincidence but if this sim is realistic enough to start my jettisoned fuel on fire I am impressed!

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