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Maverick slew to tgp off target


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When slewing onto a target in the TGP (TGP SOI, point mode on target, TMS forward long, china hat forward long), the maverick seeker head will slew onto the target first time. But, it often happens when moving onto a new target, locking it (point mode, TMS forward short, TMS forward long - and I mean long, like 5 seconds, TGP SOI), both the next maverick seeker head and TGP will move to the previous target with china hat forward long. This is fustrating when pressed for time, trying to lock onto moving targets or selecting between closely grouped targets if the plane's nose isnt pointing directly at the target (to better manually slew the Maverick seeker). Is this exptected or am I missing something? Been like this for the past 3 or 4 versions..


I'm using a hotas Warthog, I thought it could be that the tms forward long does not register, but I checked in the cockpit view and it shows the switch moving forward.


So I'm lost. It kinda spoils a otherwise great sim

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Your issue sounds like your TGP is not being set to SPI- that's the only reason it could move when you hit china hat forward long. China hat forward long simply slews sensors to SPI, and if your TGP was SPI, then it will not move. Get your TGP on a target, SOI the TGP, hold TMS forward long. To verify that the TGP is SPI, to look to the HUD- if the TGP aimpoint (little diamond) is in the HUD FOV, then this diamond will have a line coming out of it that points towards the flight path marker. That's the SPI marker. If the TGP aimpoint is outside of the HUD FOV, then follow the line out of the flight path marker to the edge of the HUD. There will be a set of symbology there that tells you the distance to SPI and the number of degrees you need to turn in that direction to point your nose at the SPI. If your TGP is SPI, that symbology will have a little diamond in the center of it.


I know you are taking special care to make sure your TGP is SPI, but somehow, you are failing. That is the most likely explanation, at least.

Edited by Speed

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Thanks for the reply, Speed, but - I know TGP must be SOI, otherwise I wont be able to lock onto the target (or move the TGP head with the throttle joystick), and I know it's locked - since, in the TGP screen, the point is following the target (for moving targets) - Also, I can get rid of this problem by slewing onto static targets in the TAD view - which cannot of course be done for closely grouped or moving targets, and anyway often there's no time for that - could be some hardware issue I think, unless it's a common bug, but I dont see any unresolved complaints in previous posts on this issue.

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One thing I always do to ensure no "wierdness" occurs is to remove the SPI with TMS down long first. I have run into issues, most likely user related, where the SPI wasn't forgotten when I thought I set a new SPI and the TGP/MAVs went to an area other than my intended target.

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Thanks for the reply, Speed, but - I know TGP must be SOI, otherwise I wont be able to lock onto the target (or move the TGP head with the throttle joystick), and I know it's locked - since, in the TGP screen, the point is following the target (for moving targets) - Also, I can get rid of this problem by slewing onto static targets in the TAD view - which cannot of course be done for closely grouped or moving targets, and anyway often there's no time for that - could be some hardware issue I think, unless it's a common bug, but I dont see any unresolved complaints in previous posts on this issue.


No, the TGP must be SPI to get the maverick to slew to the TGP crosshairs. To set your current sensor to SPI, use TMS forward long. SPI != SOI. SOI is just whatever sensor your HOTAS is currently operating. SPI is the actual aimpoint your aircraft is targeting. All that "point" mode (aka, "locked") means in relation to the TGP is that the TGP is tracking whatever is under the crosshairs. It has nothing to do with whether the aircraft it targeting that point. I hear so many people b!tching online sometimes in the middle of flights about OMG I CAN'T GET THE TGP TO LOCK ON THIS TARGET!!!!111. Guess what- point mode is MOSTLY IRRELEVANT. All point mode does is make the TGP automatically follow a moving target. If your target isn't moving, it does nothing special at all.

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No, the TGP must be SPI to get the maverick to slew to the TGP crosshairs....


Not necessarily. I have personally found that the most efficient way of deploying Mavs are first to sort your targets via markpoints and then to slew the Maverick to the respective markpoint, TMS Fwd Short to track and fire. Slave next Mav to next markpoint, track and fire etc etc. Once targets have been allocated markpoints, no need to bother further with the TGP. Further no need to worry about setting SPI's on each target as each individual markpoint is the SPI.

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Not necessarily. I have personally found that the most efficient way of deploying Mavs are first to sort your targets via markpoints and then to slew the Maverick to the respective markpoint, TMS Fwd Short to track and fire. Slave next Mav to next markpoint, track and fire etc etc. Once targets have been allocated markpoints, no need to bother further with the TGP. Further no need to worry about setting SPI's on each target as each individual markpoint is the SPI.


Yes, necessarily. What you're describing is slewing the Maverick to a mark point, not the TGP crosshairs. The OP specified slewing Mavericks to the TGP crosshairs. Mark points won't fix themselves on moving targets, either, so what you describe is not very useful for the moving targets that the OP specifies. For closely spaced stationary targets, that's a different matter, but if the mission builder didn't set disperse under fire to false, then even stationary ground target groups will start moving when attacked, wrecking all your mark points.


With the TGP there is also no need to set it to SPI more than once in a multiple maverick pass.

Edited by Speed

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With the TGP there is also no need to set it to SPI more than once in a multiple maverick pass.


Obviously as all you are doing is slewing your SPI around.


What I meant to convey was that if time is of the essence, slaving the Mav to a markpoint is faster/more accurate than manually slewing the SPI to the next target.


Be that as it may, it's 6 of one and half-dozen of the other. Both get the job done :)

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I understand - make TGP SOI, move point over target to track, TMS forward long to make TGP target SPI, then china hat forward long (still with TGP SOI - right?) to slew Mav to SPI. The "TGP crosshairs" you mention is the same as the point in pointmode over the target - am I right? If so, then the point is where TGP is SPI after china hat forward long. So the point is actually important, since this is where the TGP is locked, the same point that will become SPI, and where the Maverick head will slew to once china hat forward long is pressed.


This is what I'm doing - my previous post just "proved" that I had to have TGP as SOI to be able to lock, make a SPI and slew. So, as I mentioned in the original post, I will TMS forward long to make TGP SPI. Still, with China hat forward long, I slew to something else. That's whats confusing me...!


No matter anyway if I make the Mav view SOI before china hat forward long. same thing. No matter if I lase when assigning SPI to eliminate parralax. Same thing. Only happens on third or fourth target. And from then on, I can forget to assign a new SPI on the TGP screen for the rest of the mission.


I must admit I've not paid attention to the diamond in the hud in general. Sometimes I check it in the TAD view. So that's a good idea. Also will try to remove SPI before assigning a new one. I can also try to borehole the TGP before slewing to a new target. And assign TMS forward long to a keystroke to see if it's the Hotas malfunctioning.


I hope they add a GAU-8 to the

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Please, next time this happens, just save the track and upload it here if at all possible. If not, try to make a shorter track that fits within the size limits that illustrates the problem.

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I attach a track - funny thing is, the track goes haywire right about the same time the Mav targeting goes wrong. When I was fying, the first Mav launch had no problems, then I proceeded to the next (Jtac designation). When I locked onto the second target (SAM of on the end of the lineup of trucks), and then slewed the Mav, it slewed both the TGP and the MAV off target. Not to the first target, but off the SPI to some point. I lased when designating SPI, so should not be parralax. I'ts here where the track also goes wrong (at least when I play it back). Seems to me some bug or some procedure that I'm following... I also tried to use the TAD to lock, but it did not work (even though I reported before that it does)..


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