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AI dogfighting logic


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I hate discovering things like this but the sad truth is that AI still can't dogfight for shit.


had a quick AI 2x F-15 vs 2x Su-27 which ended up as a 1v1 dogfight guns only. Both of them flew extremely retarded making all kinds of odd pointless maneuvers, like continous loaded rolls when they should be pulling for gun shot, and generally clueless behaviour.


I know there's probably most focus on missile fight logic but dogfighting is a very important aspect. I'm surprised with the DCS P-51 module released that no improvements have been done to this since.

It's kinda essential for WW2 aircraft.


Come on ED!

1C did it with IL2, Neoqb did it with Rise of Flight, MicroProse/BenchmarkSim did it with Falcon-BMS...


You must be able to create a proper dogfighting AI too.

If you want to see what I mean simply throw 2 AI planes against each other with guns only and watch.

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Agreed, I feel like the behavior has regressed over time. I remember when the demo for LockOn came out where you fly iirc an SU27 against a Mirage after the merge and it was basically 50/50 whether I would beat him. He didn't extend ever and kept in a tight turn fight.


There's odd defensive behavior in enemy flights too, I just set up a quick dogfight my Su27 vs. two Expert Mirages. Only the flight leader would consistently drop flares, the wingman never dropped flares. Then the would extend away and just make a lazy orbit, then one would make a head on pass.


I wish the AI pilot would occasionally notice your IR missile launch and then just dump a load of flares. I wish excellent AI would also fire more than one missile at you.

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