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Guys, I need help.:helpsmilie:

I'm trying to set up two monitors for the ka-50 one for camera one for shkval and abris.

I have followed the Dummies guide and checked all previous threads on this subject.

I was able to set up Shkval and Abris over the camera in one monitor but every single time I tried something involving the second monitor it crashes.

My Monitors are 1920x1200 and 1920x1080, both DVI.

Since I have a nVidia I cannot use eyefinity and nVidia surround apparently doesn't apply to two monitors.

I tried SoftTH, an old one in a previous thread and also the last version. Same result.


I'm not at home right now so I cannot post my .lua file.


- I've turned off full screen and unchecked "disable aero interface".

- I have extended desktop, my main monitor is the left one and I have aligned them at the top so the second one is at x=1920 y=0.

- I'm trying with the default HIGH preset in graphics config, added my combined resolution of 3840x1200 and used my custom .lua which appears correctly in the monitors setting.


There is so much information around. I just need to know where to look for the latest information on this subject.


Asus P6T, i7 975, 6 GB DDR3, GTX670 , Win7 64, X52 Pro and TrackIR.

Posted (edited)

When you get home from work post your Saved Games\ ...\DCS\config\options.lua and your Program files\...\DCS World\config\monitor setup\monitor setup file you are using. You have a blissfully easy setup and it should be no problem at all.

Edited by JG14_Smil

Thanks for your reply, I'll post the files tonight. It's been 3 days of playing with configurations instead of actually flying the ka-50.


Asus P6T, i7 975, 6 GB DDR3, GTX670 , Win7 64, X52 Pro and TrackIR.


Ok, I'm at home now. Here are my files







options =


["difficulty"] =


["fuel"] = false,

["easyRadar"] = false,

["miniHUD"] = false,

["birds"] = 0,

["optionsView"] = "optview_all",

["permitCrash"] = true,

["immortal"] = false,

["easyCommunication"] = true,

["easyFlight"] = false,

["radio"] = false,

["labels"] = true,

["map"] = true,

["cockpitLanguage"] = "english",

["units"] = "metric",

["tips"] = true,

["reports"] = true,

["externalViews"] = true,

["iconsTheme"] = "nato",

["padlock"] = true,

["weapons"] = false,

["setGlobal"] = true,

["geffect"] = "realistic",

}, -- end of ["difficulty"]

["graphics"] =


["multiMonitorSetup"] = "twomonitors",

["color"] = "32",

["preloadRadius"] = 150000,

["heatBlr"] = 1,

["scenes"] = "high",

["water"] = 2,

["fullScreen"] = false,

["disableAero"] = false,

["visibRange"] = "High",

["treesVisibility"] = 9000,

["aspect"] = 3.2,

["haze"] = 1,

["HDR"] = 2,

["TranspSSAA"] = true,

["textures"] = 2,

["cockpitShadows"] = true,

["shadows"] = 2,

["effects"] = 3,

["MSAA"] = 3,

["height"] = 1200,

["sync"] = false,

["shadowTree"] = false,

["civTraffic"] = "medium",

["width"] = 3840,

["clutterMaxDistance"] = 300,

["lights"] = 2,

}, -- end of ["graphics"]

["plugins"] =


["Ka-50"] =


["altTrimmingMethod"] = false,

}, -- end of ["Ka-50"]

}, -- end of ["plugins"]

["views"] =


["cockpit"] =


["mirrors"] = false,

["reflections"] = false,

["russianHud"] = false,

["avionics"] = 0,

}, -- end of ["cockpit"]

}, -- end of ["views"]

["sound"] =


["world"] = 0,

["radioSpeech"] = true,

["cockpit"] = 0,

["volume"] = 0,

["headphones"] = 0,

["music"] = -12,

["subtitles"] = true,

["gui"] = 0,

}, -- end of ["sound"]

["miscellaneous"] =


["Coordinate_Display"] = "Lat Long",

["accidental_failures"] = false,

["headmove"] = false,

["force_feedback_enabled"] = false,

["f5_nearest_ac"] = true,

["f11_free_camera"] = true,

["synchronize_controls"] = false,

["f10_awacs"] = true,

}, -- end of ["miscellaneous"]

} -- end of options





_ = function(p) return p; end;

name = _('TwoMonitors');

Description = 'Left MFCD and Right MFCD on the left and camera on the right'

Viewports =


Center =


x = 1920;

y = 0;

width = 1920;

height = 1080;

viewDx = 0;

viewDy = 0;

aspect = 1920 / 1080;





x = 0;

y = 120;

width = 960;

height = 960;




x = 960;

y = 120;

width = 960;

height = 960;


UIMainView = Viewports.Center





Asus P6T, i7 975, 6 GB DDR3, GTX670 , Win7 64, X52 Pro and TrackIR.

Posted (edited)

You need to change your setup so that your main monitor is on the left in Windows (center view will be at coordinates 0,0). No matter how you want them physically, DCS requires that the main monitor occupy the upper left most of the display area.


Fix that and change your monitor lua to reflect it and you should be fine.


EDIT: I will have to ask Peter to perhaps emphasize this particular paragraph on page 12 of the Dummies Guide.


It also always advisable to sett your left monitor as “MainScreen”

As sometimes windows are not properly spawned across the whole Desktop if the

left/up corner of your main-screen is not at the X-0/Y-0 position of your entire desktop.


EDIT2: Your OP indicates that you set windows up correctly so it is just your monitor lua that is backwards.

Edited by cichlidfan

ASUS ROG Maximus VIII Hero, i7-6700K, Noctua NH-D14 Cooler, Crucial 32GB DDR4 2133, Samsung 950 Pro NVMe 256GB, Samsung EVO 250GB & 500GB SSD, 2TB Caviar Black, Zotac GTX 1080 AMP! Extreme 8GB, Corsair HX1000i, Phillips BDM4065UC 40" 4k monitor, VX2258 TouchScreen, TIR 5 w/ProClip, TM Warthog, VKB Gladiator Pro, Saitek X56, et. al., MFG Crosswind Pedals #1199, VolairSim Pit, Rift CV1 :thumbup:


Thanks for your help.


However, it didn't work. It still crashes.


Here is my modified .lua



_ = function(p) return p; end;

name = _('TwoMonitors');

Description = 'Left MFCD and Right MFCD on the left and camera on the right'

Viewports =


Center =


x = 0;

y = 0;

width = 1920;

height = 1080;

viewDx = 0;

viewDy = 0;

aspect = 1920 / 1080;





x = 1920;

y = 120;

width = 960;

height = 960;




x = 2880;

y = 120;

width = 960;

height = 960;


UIMainView = Viewports.Center




And here is another I created with Easy Monitor Configurator

(by the way, it will be really nice to add the issue with the KA-50 update and the registry to the EMC quickstart manual, otherwise, it's a great piece of software)



_ = function(p) return p; end;

name = _('TwoMonitorsEMC2');

Description = 'Shkval+ABRIS+Camera'

Viewports =


Center =


x = 0;

y = 0;

width = 1920;

height = 1080;

viewDx = 0;

viewDy = 0;

aspect = 1.77777777777778;




ED_KA50_Shkval =


x = 2051;

y = 310;

width = 834;

height = 558;




x = 2947;

y = 167;

width = 691;

height = 863;


UIMainView = Viewports.Center




I tried with the LOW graphics preset, tried with Full Screen on/off

same with Aero.


Here are my .log in case you want to see them.




00000.000 INFO VFS: Using 'Saved Games': "C:\Users\Dennys\Saved Games"

00000.002 INFO LAUNCHER: Launch command: D:\DCS World\bin\dcs.exe --noreplay --trackfile "C:\Users\Dennys\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\LastMissionTrack.trk" "C:\Users\Dennys\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\tempMission.miz"

00004.374 UNKNOWN main: locale: en EN

00004.408 UNKNOWN main: me_db_api creation started

00004.658 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./mods/aircrafts/Ka-50/entry.lua

00004.658 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./mods/aircrafts/Su-25T/entry.lua

00004.659 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./DemoMods/tech/CombinedArms/entry.lua

00004.659 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file D:\DCS World\DemoMods\tech\CombinedArms\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo

00004.659 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./DemoMods/aircrafts/A-10C/entry.lua

00004.659 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file D:\DCS World\DemoMods\aircrafts\A-10C\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo

00004.659 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./DemoMods/aircrafts/Flaming Cliffs/entry.lua

00004.659 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file D:\DCS World\DemoMods\aircrafts\Flaming Cliffs\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo

00004.659 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./DemoMods/aircrafts/Ka-50/entry.lua

00004.659 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./DemoMods/aircrafts/P-51D/entry.lua

00004.659 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file D:\DCS World\DemoMods\aircrafts\P-51D\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo

00004.659 UNKNOWN main: PLUGINS START-------------------------------------------------

00004.660 UNKNOWN main: plugin: Ka-50 Black Shark by Eagle Dynamics applied

00004.660 UNKNOWN main: plugin: Su-25T by Eagle Dynamics applied

00004.660 UNKNOWN main: plugin: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics applied

00004.660 UNKNOWN main: plugin: A-10C Warthog by Eagle Dynamics applied

00004.660 UNKNOWN main: plugin: Flaming Cliffs by Eagle Dynamics applied

00004.660 UNKNOWN main: plugin: P-51D Mustang by Eagle Dynamics applied

00004.660 UNKNOWN main: PLUGINS DONE--------------------------------------------------

00004.676 UNKNOWN main: ./MissionEditor/data/scripts/unitsclasses.lua loaded

00004.680 UNKNOWN main: ./MissionEditor/data/NewMap/classifier.lua loaded

00004.741 UNKNOWN main: me_db_api creation complete

00004.769 UNKNOWN main: options data successfully loaded

00004.769 UNKNOWN main: Ka-50: options data successfully loaded

00004.798 INFO EDCORE: createSerialQueue IOQueue

00005.326 ERROR DXGUI_EDGE_RENDER: Cannot load texture ''

00005.440 INFO SOUND: loaded 507 sdefs from ".\sounds\sdef"

00005.453 INFO SOUND: XAudio2: Using device ID:'{}.{ded9747b-153d-4194-9c86-19e5b12bba3f}' Name:'Speakers (Logitech G35 Headset)', channels: 8

00005.453 INFO SOUND: XAudio2: channel layout: FrontLeft FrontRight FrontCenter LowFrequency BackLeft BackRight SideLeft SideRight

00005.482 INFO SOUND: Using SSE FTZ mode.

00005.739 WARNING DXGUI: Invalid align type!

00006.477 WARNING LOG: 6 duplicate message(s) skipped.

00006.477 UNKNOWN main: Cannot load skin[] from file [nil]

00006.479 UNKNOWN main: Cannot load skin: can't open './dxgui/skins/skinME/static2.skin.lua'

00006.479 UNKNOWN main: Cannot load skin[staticSkin2_ME] from file [static2.skin.lua]

00010.065 UNKNOWN main: Mission C:\Users\Dennys\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\tempMission.miz loaded

00010.400 UNKNOWN main: GUI Error: [string ".\MissionEditor\modules\me_debriefing.lua"]:317: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)

GUI debug.traceback: stack traceback:

[C]: ?

[C]: in function 'ipairs'

[string ".\MissionEditor\modules\me_debriefing.lua"]:317: in function 'load'

[string ".\MissionEditor\modules\me_debriefing.lua"]:262: in function 'show'

[string ".\MissionEditor\Missi

00010.400 ALERT LUACOMMON: Error: GUI Error: [string ".\MissionEditor\modules\me_debriefing.lua"]:317: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)

GUI debug.traceback: stack traceback:

[C]: ?

[C]: in function 'ipairs'

[string ".\MissionEditor\modules\me_debriefing.lua"]:317: in function 'load'

[string ".\MissionEditor\modules\me_debriefing.lua"]:262: in function 'show'

[string ".\MissionEdito

00010.428 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\sounds\sdef\"








00000.000 INFO EDCORE: createSerialQueue IOQueue

00000.108 INFO VFS: Using 'Saved Games': "C:\Users\Dennys\Saved Games"

00000.109 INFO DCS: DCS/ (x86_64; Windows/6.1.7601)

00000.126 INFO Dispatcher: 2013/3/23 00:57 V1107131420

00000.242 INFO NET: events.lua loaded

00000.243 WARNING LOG: 1 duplicate message(s) skipped.

00000.243 INFO NET: loading ./Scripts/net/default.cfg : OK

00000.243 INFO NET: loading C:\Users\Dennys\Saved Games\DCS\Config/network.cfg : can't open 'C:\Users\Dennys\Saved Games\DCS\Config/network.cfg'

00000.243 INFO NET: loading ./Scripts/net/net_types.lua : OK

00000.243 INFO NET: default_conn is 3

00000.302 INFO SOUND: loaded 507 sdefs from "sounds\sdef"

00000.314 INFO SOUND: XAudio2: Using device ID:'{}.{ded9747b-153d-4194-9c86-19e5b12bba3f}' Name:'Speakers (Logitech G35 Headset)', channels: 8

00000.314 INFO SOUND: XAudio2: channel layout: FrontLeft FrontRight FrontCenter LowFrequency BackLeft BackRight SideLeft SideRight

00000.344 INFO SOUND: Using SSE FTZ mode.

00000.350 INFO WorldPlugIns: Loaded plugin module CockpitBase.dll

00000.540 UNKNOWN WinMain: MOD loading: ./mods/aircrafts/Ka-50/entry.lua

00000.540 UNKNOWN WinMain: MOD loading: ./mods/aircrafts/Su-25T/entry.lua

00000.540 UNKNOWN WinMain: MOD loading: ./DemoMods/tech/CombinedArms/entry.lua

00000.540 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file D:\DCS World\DemoMods\tech\CombinedArms\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: MOD loading: ./DemoMods/aircrafts/A-10C/entry.lua

00000.541 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file D:\DCS World\DemoMods\aircrafts\A-10C\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: MOD loading: ./DemoMods/aircrafts/Flaming Cliffs/entry.lua

00000.541 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file D:\DCS World\DemoMods\aircrafts\Flaming Cliffs\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: MOD loading: ./DemoMods/aircrafts/Ka-50/entry.lua

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: MOD loading: ./DemoMods/aircrafts/P-51D/entry.lua

00000.541 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file D:\DCS World\DemoMods\aircrafts\P-51D\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: PLUGINS START-------------------------------------------------

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: plugin: Ka-50 Black Shark by Eagle Dynamics applied

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: plugin: Su-25T by Eagle Dynamics applied

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: plugin: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics applied

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: plugin: A-10C Warthog by Eagle Dynamics applied

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: plugin: Flaming Cliffs by Eagle Dynamics applied

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: plugin: P-51D Mustang by Eagle Dynamics applied

00000.541 UNKNOWN WinMain: PLUGINS DONE--------------------------------------------------

00000.554 UNKNOWN WinMain: ./MissionEditor/data/scripts/unitsclasses.lua loaded

00000.557 UNKNOWN WinMain: ./MissionEditor/data/NewMap/classifier.lua loaded

00001.951 INFO SOUND: loaded 0 sdefs from "c:\users\dennys\saved games\dcs\sounds"

00001.953 INFO DXRENDERER: Creating Resource "Unicode" of type 5





Asus P6T, i7 975, 6 GB DDR3, GTX670 , Win7 64, X52 Pro and TrackIR.


At this point I am going to guess that there is another issue. The monitor luas should be fine. Unfortunately, I am not fluent in logfile-ese so I am unable to assist with those.


If I think of anything I will let you know.

ASUS ROG Maximus VIII Hero, i7-6700K, Noctua NH-D14 Cooler, Crucial 32GB DDR4 2133, Samsung 950 Pro NVMe 256GB, Samsung EVO 250GB & 500GB SSD, 2TB Caviar Black, Zotac GTX 1080 AMP! Extreme 8GB, Corsair HX1000i, Phillips BDM4065UC 40" 4k monitor, VX2258 TouchScreen, TIR 5 w/ProClip, TM Warthog, VKB Gladiator Pro, Saitek X56, et. al., MFG Crosswind Pedals #1199, VolairSim Pit, Rift CV1 :thumbup:


Ok, I think I'm going to give up on this.

For me this is only a "nice to have issue" for now.

if I get a third monitor in the future or I finally create my sim pit. Then I'll revisit this.

Hopefully by that time ED has added some friendly options in the options menu.


Asus P6T, i7 975, 6 GB DDR3, GTX670 , Win7 64, X52 Pro and TrackIR.

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