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Asymetric load effects simulated in FC ?

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"According to Soviet pilot Alex Zuyev, the MiG?-29 aviator should avoid shooting one missile because he will have to contend with an asymmetric load. This is not something often considered in the West, but one that Lockheed had to deal with when the AIM-7 became part of the F-16 loadout. Therefore, MiG?-29 pilots are encouraged to fire two missiles to preserve the stability of the aircraft. This fits well with the age-old Russian tradition of shooting two missiles to maximize the Pk of the particular shot opportunity. Clearly, asymmetry can adversely effect the aircraft's dogfight maneuvering capability. It is also interesting that in Russian military literature we find almost no discussion on "necessary" and "un-necessary" back up shots, or using a "shoot-look-shoot" method instead of letting missiles go in pairs. "


Is this effect simulated that way in FC oder LO ? I never experienced the MiG29S behaving strange with an asymetric wing load, e.g. sliding sidewards due to asymetric drag so that I had to correct with rudder or something like that. Anybody how did ?

kind regards,



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No, this is not simulated in LO. Would be nice if we/they could have the jets in LO act like the real life ones. But we are not there yet, someday maybe, but not today.

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