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A question about drone.


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Whats this I hear someones been asking questions about me???


They want to take advantage of me and use me in Flaming Cliffs. Well I tell you no sir!!


J/K Thats a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) I dont believe you can use one in FC unless there is some mod I dont know of

Lockon 1.2 Beta Test Team

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Guest IguanaKing

The friendly AI in your flight isn't so bad. You just have to realize that they are SH with weapons employment, but completely clueless about tactics or threat evasion. Keep your AI on a short leash and they'll all come home alive...unless they crash during final (which they do fairly often), LOL. :D

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You don't employ RPVs in SAM-rich territory, it just doesn't work. RPVs have a hostory of being easily shot down by AAA and MANPADS when spotted. Not exactly any sort of far-fetched thing here ;)


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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  • ED Team
Lol, someone out there bothering to mod the most brainless shooter after UT and Quake for realism? wow. Still, by buying BF2 you add to the sales, thus ensuring even more of these point and click games.


Beeing an avid player of BF 2 myself, i gotta comment a little on this. Say what you want about the game, but it is HELLA fun, no matter what. And playing in a 12vs12 or 8vs8 matches requires tactics, skill and thinking. You're not fighting AI in the game you know, as it is MADE for ONLINE play ;)


It's not realistic, nor does it try to be. It's a very fun and stylish FPS.


Ok, back on topic!! :D

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