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Bubble System Script Idea


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bubble system script idea...



not my idea.....but with the power of the scripting engine in DCS...I'm wondering if this is possible to do...


http://alivemod.com/ this is a mod for the new Arma3 ...theses guys have done something amazing...making it to were I can build a mission with 1500 units and still have my same FPS....they build a adjustable bubble system that they call their "Profile System". It does alot more then the bubble, but the spawn in/spawn out feature is what I'm mainly pointing at. You can adjust the distance and the number of units it allows ingame...the units out of game still follow waypoints and attack targets in the virtual space....



just watch the first two simple mission tutorials for a basic idea of how powerful the mod is....





I'm hoping this make get noticed by some of DCS's great scripters...perhaps even Grimes can chime in.........


Main question is....is something like this this possible in DCS...and could this bring DCS closer to a Falcon4 like campaign.....

It only takes two things to fly, Airspeed and Money.

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It is an interesting idea, but I doubt a satisfieing result can be achieved with the scripting engine. I do completely agree though that a bubble or AI LOD system is needed for a good dynamic campaign. Unfortunately I do not believe that ED will ever work on either a bubble system or a dynamic campaign.

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I believe DCS already has the power to have a bubble....the spawn/despawn script already exist....the saving of info out of game and the movement of troops out of game is not necessary in the beginning....it would be nice to be able to populate a whole map with sam systems without having to draw the units 200 miles away....so for right now forget the campaign....just a bubble would bring DCS into the light..

It only takes two things to fly, Airspeed and Money.

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Hi gents read thru these links................








Interesting haa!


*** Well I'm not the guy to speak to on this Topic it would be better to speak to Snakeman or BaldEagle over at PMC ......... http://tactical.nekromantix.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=63 ............ etc..... Its all explained over there anyway.


Also many web sites on Topic!


Also an idea why cant some sort of Contract come about with DCS and PMC for this to happen..... dunno just putting it out there....


The above links I have read enough so it would make some sense to me yet people say all sorts of things (Excuses)!


Its more of what people really want to work on at present focusing energy on projects that matter for now as resources allow.


Because I have poured my heart out for the concept of DCS Theaters of WAR with a ( DCS Advanced A.i / Dynamic Campaign). So eventually the essence of DCS being a Air Combat Sim based on WAR has to get more attention.


These discussions are not about Falcon 4.0 its about adding Theaters of WAR and Campaigns based on Historical or Theoretical scenarios to DCS as a Air Combat Simulator.


Its "WAR / Aerial Warfare" Air Craft and other military assets are ............ "Tools of the Trade"!


I have gone into some darn lengthy type blog posting to illustrate thats its more of developing or Programming/Coding into DCS. Like a separate Database as additional Modules like a list of Theaters which would merge with DCS World and DCS Combined Arms.


More here............ http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1936777&postcount=905


This might involve a more advanced hybrid version of what Microprose Falcon 4.0 attempted to create since it really was only early development in those days anyway.


Now combine Single-Player and Multi-Player functionality for DCS WORLD with DCS Combined ARMS and various Theaters of WAR (Historical or Theoretical) on a Global MAP with GPS for full operational ATC system and so many other treats that i could go on about.... WoW.


A 360° tactical WAR play ground, we can only imagine.


This is an Air Combat Sim based on WAR so Theaters of WAR with a few Advanced A.i Dynamic Campaign Mission's in each Theater will eventually have to be created there is just know way escaping that.


Unless people want the Georgian War for the eternity of what is DCS..... naa me thinks over time sadly it will happen.


Q? How long.... I have 20 years left for gaming...LoL


***** DONT GIVE UP! *****





Edited by WRAITH



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I believe DCS already has the power to have a bubble....the spawn/despawn script already exist....the saving of info out of game and the movement of troops out of game is not necessary in the beginning....it would be nice to be able to populate a whole map with sam systems without having to draw the units 200 miles away....so for right now forget the campaign....just a bubble would bring DCS into the light..


One problem I see right away is how to carry over weapon, fuel and damage states onwards to newly spawned units. Then of course there is the question how to abstract actions that happen outside the bubble. While I can imagine that this can be scripted, it would be a major undertaking.


Generally I am sceptical regarding major scripts for DCS. They are at merci from ED's actions. Months worth of scripting might quickly be overthrown by the ever changing nature of DCS. I consider the scripts more to be temporary workarounds or concept demonstrators. Ultimately all these improvements need to be properly hardcoded into DCS (by ED).

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One problem I see right away is how to carry over weapon, fuel and damage states onwards to newly spawned units. Then of course there is the question how to abstract actions that happen outside the bubble.




did you watch the second vid....Alive figured it out....rather welll...

It only takes two things to fly, Airspeed and Money.

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DCS is a WAR Simulator with Tools of the Trade!


Who clicks on Links to Youtube and PDF files :doh: .... LoL


Yeah that Developer does go into some detail here's the Videos enjoy!





The ALive web site.............. http://alivemod.com/


Also the ALive Manual .............. http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/21306/ALiVE%20Manual%20Compressed.pdf



Like I said in my above post its all doable just requires workers and time/patience!:smilewink:


There are so many online infos on this Topic with explanations on "HOW TO's" mainly on PMC web site its all there............. http://tactical.nekromantix.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=47


Again its more about starting a development into the DCS Series this is the Core of what an Air Combat Sim is all about, "THEATERS OF WAR"!





Edited by WRAITH



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did you watch the second vid....Alive figured it out....rather welll...


It is of course great that stuff like this works in Arma, but the DCS scripting engine does not support adjustable fuel, ammo and damage properties for spawning ground units.

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Well there are heaps of third party developers for $30 dollars an hr or so that could whip up the code and programs needed to get this started here is a start.................




Its either we keep posting all the darn long winded discussion you find all over the net or get cracking is how I see it.


But......... :dunno: :doh:



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then the day i hit the lottery DCS will become bad ass.............this was just an idea...seeings how we have more resources and scripting tool available then we had 3 year ago...I dont see how pointing out how other did things, in hopes that maybe we can do similar things in DCS, is a bad thing......or maybe I'll just lose interest and DCS can go on the wayside till they release a new game changer....in 2027...it seem to take most good sims atleast ten years to get legendary...I guess I check back in later...thz for all the encouraging thoughts....

It only takes two things to fly, Airspeed and Money.

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Well there is nothing wrong about trying to think outside of the box in order to improve the game. The scripting engine gave us a lot new options and things are now possible that nobody expected. With my ASW script for example I tried to expand the boundaries of the game with unconventional thinking. But the scripting engine is not magic and it has its limitations, either technical limits, amount of work, performance considerations or compatibility with future DCS developments. It surely cannot be compared with the capabilities of Arma yet.

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