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Open Squadron  ·  64 members

161 Squadron


About this Squadron

161 Squadron is a primarily Australian / New Zealand group (aka: ANZAC) that flies DCS. We are a relaxed and diverse group of mature DCS flight sim enthusiasts. Our team skill level extends from beginners to the flight sim genre, to the veteran DCS combat simulator pilots. Our focus as a team is to get everyone flying at tasking level over time, and everybody involved is constantly learning new things about the game. The secret to our success is to keep things casual with a beer in hand, yet using the small hours we have to create realistic, immersive missions for our mission nights. We understand that inside every new DCS trainee nugget is an awesome death-dealing combat pilot trying to get out. It takes a little time, patience and guidance to make that happen and you can find all that in the 161 SQN. We play on Tuesdays and Sundays in the DCS Community Teamspeak Channels, with around 10 pilots attending most sessions many more on the roster. Our Discord: https://discord.gg/2uvCmqP3kY
  1. What's new in this squadron
  2. G'day fellas, Can I get an active Discord link, please? Cheers
  3. Hi, Gunslinger I've updated the discord link, Hit the discord and have a fly with us.
  4. Hi All- new to DCS and especially Discord- it says the invite has expired. Is it only valid while you guys are flying?
  5. Imported Group Gallery - 161 (Recce) Squadron

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