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About Recluse

  • Birthday 07/05/1955

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  1. Thanks! It looked like there was a lamp there, but on closer inspection it is something else...
  2. As in the title, at night, when NAV/AntiCollision lights are toggled on, the lights are missing from the Right Stabilizer (Tail). nightFlanker.trk
  3. Maybe late to the party, but the new manual in the MODS/TECH/SUPERCARRIER/DOC folder has information and pictures starting around Pg 54 of various parking areas and routes. Some routes and info on the new Deck Crew on PG 44. So, there would seem to be a difference in how the Supercarriers are handled vs. the STENNIS which currently does not have the new deck crew (but I think still has the Launch crew at the CATs as before. Similarly, the Special Options for Supercarrier lets you disable Deck Crew (does not disable launch crew) which might change things up a bit. Seems like covering all the eventualities for Carrier Ops would be pretty tough at this point.
  4. Guessing he means for the Community Hercules Mod (which I also use and would be interested in). Currently there is some scripts released with it that work with CTLD, if that is of any help.
  5. Just a single Datapoint for now, but again flew the same Multiplayer mission after increasing Pagefile to constant 32GB, dropping Preload Radius from 100000 to 60000. NO crashes. No out of memory errors (still seeing LOTS of VRAM usage >100% on airbases) and relatively good framerates. Hoping it continues!
  6. Thanks for the advice. Yeah, the actual crash was definitely out of memory. The other mods (other than the Hercules, Bronco and UH-60L) are not even in the mission that caused the crash. What is odd is that I have flown this mission (Foothold Sinai) multiplayer for a long time, and the CRASHES only JUST started to happen (though, of course, I was always watching for spiking VRAM). I did disable the VIETNAM ASSETS, SAM ASSETS, and OCEAN ATLANTICO. Will put them back if a mission requires them. I don't recall which patch put the Massun Asset back into CORE FILES. Definitely flew the mission previously without the standalone mod, so I didn't even think it was required. Maybe a coincidence that these were the straws that broke the RAM's back. I'll up my PageFile and see if it helps. Thought I was OK leaving it Dynamic and letting it expand. My Preload Radius was 100,000 but I will crank it down. I actually thought a Higher Preload radius gave BETTER performance as it reduced the number of loads during a mission. My Depth of Field was SIMPLE. I could try turning it off. I thought DOF was mostly for EXTERNAL views anyway. I prefer not to lower the other graphical settings if I can avoid it. DCS runs smoothly and looks good in VR for most Single Player missions, and Multiplayer MOST of the time. FOOTHOLD is a pretty taxing mission, but it runs OK most of the time (LOL until DCS crashes to desktop!!).
  7. Windows 10 Intel CORE i7 10700K MSI Z490 Plus Motherboard 32 GB RAM NVIDIA (ZOTAC) RTX 3070 Meta Quest 2 I see a couple of other odd mod related things, but the CRASH seems to be related to the MASSUN objects. My Pagefile is dynamic with max of 32 GB. Currently sitting at 19 GB, but I don't know what it was during game. BTW, I posted in the VR forum because I seldom, if ever have crashes in DCS in 2D, but I also noticed my VRAM spiking throughout the mission as well so I think VR taxes everything in the system quite a bit. dcs.20241130-041908.log dcs.20241130-041908.crash
  8. I did NOT have it installed as a standalone mod, but I did check my MOD Folders and I had a VietnamAssetsPack and the SAMSITESASSET Pack (which I probably needed for some mission(s) I had downloaded. I disabled them, so we'll see what happens. It looks like the IC fail is happening from the COREMODS folder, though not the SAVED GAMES mods folder. : IC fail: /textures/m92_metal02_roughmet @ coremods/tech/massun92-asset pack/textures/
  9. Variable, but set to 32 GB max (32 GB physical RAM onboard)
  10. Been having frequent DCS CTD in Multiplayer. My log shows the following: Anyone else see this? Any way to fix? I never downloaded the standalone mod, but obviously the objects now part of core DCS are being loaded into the mission we are flying: 2024-11-30 04:19:21.036 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in ed_malloc for 22369808 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.036 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in SharedBuffer for 22369776 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.036 ERROR EDCORE (26144): Not enough memory to decompress: M92_Camouflagenet01.dds 2024-11-30 04:19:21.037 WARNING SECURITYCONTROL (26144): IC fail: /textures/m92_camouflagenet01 @ coremods/tech/massun92-asset pack/textures/massun92_textures.zip 2024-11-30 04:19:21.037 ERROR BACKENDCOMMON (26144): Can't load image '/textures/M92_Camouflagenet01.dds'. Reason: The parameter is incorrect. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.063 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in ed_malloc for 11184984 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.063 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in SharedBuffer for 11184952 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.063 ERROR EDCORE (26144): Not enough memory to decompress: M92_Camouflagenet01_Roughmet.dds 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 WARNING SECURITYCONTROL (26144): IC fail: /textures/m92_camouflagenet01_roughmet @ coremods/tech/massun92-asset pack/textures/massun92_textures.zip 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR BACKENDCOMMON (26144): Can't load image '/textures/M92_Camouflagenet01_Roughmet.dds'. Reason: The parameter is incorrect. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in ed_malloc for 11184984 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in SharedBuffer for 11184952 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR EDCORE (26144): Not enough memory to decompress: M92_Camouflagenet01_Roughmet.dds 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR BACKENDCOMMON (26144): Can't load image '/textures/M92_Camouflagenet01_Roughmet.dds'. Reason: The parameter is incorrect. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in ed_malloc for 11184984 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in SharedBuffer for 11184952 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR EDCORE (26144): Not enough memory to decompress: M92_Metal02.dds 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 WARNING SECURITYCONTROL (26144): IC fail: /textures/m92_metal02 @ coremods/tech/massun92-asset pack/textures/massun92_textures.zip 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR BACKENDCOMMON (26144): Can't load image '/textures/M92_Metal02.dds'. Reason: The parameter is incorrect. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in ed_malloc for 11184984 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in SharedBuffer for 11184952 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.064 ERROR EDCORE (26144): Not enough memory to decompress: M92_Metal02_normal.dds 2024-11-30 04:19:21.065 WARNING SECURITYCONTROL (26144): IC fail: /textures/m92_metal02_normal @ coremods/tech/massun92-asset pack/textures/massun92_textures.zip 2024-11-30 04:19:21.065 ERROR BACKENDCOMMON (26144): Can't load image '/textures/M92_Metal02_normal.dds'. Reason: The parameter is incorrect. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.065 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in ed_malloc for 11184984 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.065 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in SharedBuffer for 11184952 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.065 ERROR EDCORE (26144): Not enough memory to decompress: M92_Metal02_RoughMet.dds 2024-11-30 04:19:21.065 WARNING SECURITYCONTROL (26144): IC fail: /textures/m92_metal02_roughmet @ coremods/tech/massun92-asset pack/textures/massun92_textures.zip 2024-11-30 04:19:21.065 ERROR BACKENDCOMMON (26144): Can't load image '/textures/M92_Metal02_RoughMet.dds'. Reason: The parameter is incorrect. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.080 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in ed_malloc for 2796376 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.080 ERROR EDCORE (26144): More out of memory in SharedBuffer for 2796344 bytes. 2024-11-30 04:19:21.080 ERROR EDCORE (26144): Not enough memory to decompress: M92_Container_40ft_RoughMet.dds 2024-11-30 04:19:21.080 WARNING SECURITYCONTROL (26144): IC fail: /textures/m92_container_40ft_roughmet @ coremods/tech/massun92-asset pack/textures/massun92_textures.zip 2024-11-30 04:19:21.080 ERROR BACKENDCOMMON (26144): Can't load image '/textures/M92_Container_40ft_RoughMet.dds'. Reason: The parameter is incorrect.
  11. THANK YOU!! I meant to check it with another aircraft as well. There are SOME aircraft that do better in the grass than others, but most of them get stuck pretty easily.
  12. Agreed that the ground is not properly modeled, but it is larger than it appears in that map screenshot. Lots of room to taxi in/out/through the Aircraft Shelters. I was wondering why the map shows it up as GREEN as well, so maybe it thinks it is GRASS despite the fact that in game it looks like pavement. Would really appreciate it if you (or anyone) could test and let me know if you observe the same thing. No Taxiway markers, so maybe you are right and it is for support vehicles but not aircraft.
  13. Moved from the main OnReTech forum where i posted originally by mistake. There is a taxi way to some Aircraft shelters at Ramon airbase just off Runway 25R: (Image below). This taxiway and the ground in and around the shelters is extremely sticky a la the "DEVIL GRASS". At least in the Harrier, If I keep power on, once I exit the runway, I can manage it, but if I stop or slow down, getting started again requires FULL POWER and then the jet lurches ahead. Very hard to park. What is up with this section of Tarmac?? Is it eye candy and not intended for actual use???
  14. Moved this post to BUGS... Mods, please delete
  15. You will see an ARROW in the HUD which directs you to the TACAN via the entered CRS and gives you indication of your orientation relative to the selected CRS as shown in your HSI/SA. When the arrow is lined up with the FPM pointing straight ahead you are heading for the TACAN at the desired course. If the arrow is perpendicular to the FPM it means you need to turn 90 degrees to intercept the course. Manual Page 145 null
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