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Posts posted by winchesterdelta1

  1. I'm not a expert on this, but from what i have been reading its already to late to switch of the SAM's search radar when the target is aquired already. If the target is not moving the Missile will simply remember the last known position of the target you already aquired.


    Maybe somebody els can confirm this to be true or false.

  2. No. They did state that the FC3 will get dynamic cockpit shadows, but they will not be "3D/6DOF" with click able buttons.


    Aww thats shitty. I expected some clickable buttons. Not all of them. But atleast some around the MFD and some buttons to start up the engine :(.

    Ahh well we can't have everything. We already spoiled as it is.

  3. PR ..... authorised servers ... meh


    uhh whata re yout alking about? No authorised server. If you install the mod every public player can join in. You only have to be authorised to start a server otherwise its gonna be the same joining mess as the other public servers where you need 100 different Addons.

    2 click install with a executable and your done. Way less hassle than joining other servers. Unless you want to play boring Arma 2 vanilla with no good PvP action at all.

  4. FC3 = "simplified" franchise while DCS = "Advanced"?...hmmm... maybe.

    I brought FC2 and have hardly touched it due to it's too two dementional cockpit. I'm investing my time into DCS at the moment - I'd like to see more complexity in FC3 (or fast movers in DCS) and would be willing to spend money/effort if it provides the same fidelity as the DCS range. I guess they have thier reasons for continuing both product ranges.

    Can't wait to compare FC 3 with DCS range...Good luck on getting what you want - happy flying!



    Why do you want to compare FC3 with DCS? FC3 will be lower fidelity just like FC2 only better if i understood right.

  5. To respond on the worry's that players dont want to communicate and just go lonewolf...

    I wish them good luck on finding any targets on these huge maps. You can get away with lonewolfing in bf3 and even Arma 2/3. But i think on DCS kind of maps its going to be very hard to find any targets if your not a team player. The lonewolfers will quickly leave after going into the wrong direction for the 3th time. Just dont give them to much map markers so they can find everything by themself.


    And what are they going to do with their loneley tank after they leave the safety of the SAM/AAA defence. It will be the perfect prey for a happy flight of DCS A-10 pilots. Nice target practice :)

    They will find out that war can be very boring and turning them into wrecks in a split second without ever spotting the threat.

  6. This +1


    And make it that you also can be the Pilot in the AWACS with 10 player air/radar controllers in the back. Would be a awesome responsibility.

  7. First of all, Thanks WAGS for this incredible piece of news, like a lot of people here, I had been dreaming of this kind of interacting battlefield for a long time!


    Is there a way to incorporate, in the commander mode, a real time control of some AI aircraft? Just like a real commander would direct his air assets if ennemy units are detected or whatever intel that requires to change the behavior of units already in the air?


    Lets say that a recon flight is enroute to the still unknown ennemy territory and the fog of war lifts when explored to reveal some SAM positions. The commander could then direct his SEAD flight already up in the air somwhere to go there and take care of it, then direct some other air units to bomb the artillery sites while he directs his tanks and ground units to go after and take position and control the site finally?


    Because if I understand well everything that has been posted by officials about CA, only ground units (with some restrictions) will be real time controllable and the rest will need to be pre-programmed like in BS or A-10C ??? That seems limited a bit to me, or I am wrong? (I mean limited because a bit scripted on the air AI aspects)


    Thanks for taking the time to answer all our questions with patience!




    I'm curious about this aswell. Maybe we have to wait for DCS E-3 Sentry AWACS? Or Joint STAR :)

  8. ArmA/ArmA2 is nothing special in net coding as there is plenty of pretty much constant warping there also, even more so than LO/FCx/DCS


    Sorry than you never installed the 1.60 patch. SO not constan warping anymore. There is barely any warping now. Unless you code your mission wrong or spawn 1000+ units. So yes there is something special with that netcode.

  9. I dont know the answer but I can guess... Maybe because in order to model the vehicles perhaps ED gave away some of the handling/speed/movement characteristics that the military wanted kept secret.


    A lot like the jamming systems on the EA-6B I worked on. Most of the radar system were not classified. However the one thing that was, which was funny to me is a very small part of it, I cant say of course.. It seems to me that the whole system would have been highly classified but it was not. Military's are funny about such things. But for good reason, if the enemy knew what I know about the radar system of the EA-6B they could easily render the entire platform useless, and that is one of the most important platforms the entire US navy has. Still at the fore front today.


    As for spawning, perhaps since it wasnt an intended feature to add it later would give the consumer market more capability than the military market and this was not allowed? Or perhaps there are some security issues with spawning vehicles concerning the code, like the possible intrusion they found with the print(?) function that put a halt on speed' work there for a minute?


    We've already seen people jump into server with a hack to add vehicles at will so perhaps just keeping this function completely out is safer? I dont know.


    Thanks for your answer man. Made me udnerstand it alot better.

  10. My biggest wish for DCS would be to have a unified battlefield engine that other developers can create content for. DCS has already proved that multiple aircraft can exist within the same environment. The next logical step would be to license the engine so other developers can create content for that environment.


    If i'm correct your talking about the above right??

    Other developers ar now able to develop content for DCS. Content like jets and ground vehicels. The whole forum is bussy with it :) I hope i did not misunderstood your entire post.

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