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Posts posted by winchesterdelta1

  1. I think you dont know yet.. But now you can import your own addonsvehicels into DCS world. DCS combined arms lets you drive and command tanks and even model new ones toa dd to the DCS world and make profit out of it if you are willing to make a contract with DCS (if i understand correctly). So thats why i was asking if you might switch over to DCS world.

    Right now the tanks are pretty arcadish.... But you my man has the ability to change that :)


    See this:


  2. I wish to have DCS:AWACS implemented......


    Does anyone ever played TAW/ADF? I love the AWACS control mode very much, hope the ED can also got one


    TAW/ADF... the best flight simm next to DCS and Falcon 4 in my opinion :) The possibility's in that game where amazing.

    While we are wishing here anyway... I wish all the command possiblity's from TAW into DCS :p

  3. I just want to say this to the developers.... I LOVE YOU GUY'S. Just seen the glowing Amraam vid. And i was plesently surprised. This is a awesome way to go. DCS WORLD + MODS + FC3 is going to ne my next addiction.

    Now only a multi role fighter and AWACS control and my LOVE is complete.

    Thank you for all the hard work. Online play is going to be fantastic with this.

    Looking forward for other surprises and to fly the mig-21 addon aswell.

  4. After watching that Arma 3 lighting video (very very nice), I just lost 30 mins looking up if underwater guns were real. I'm so naive. I ended up watching a video of a Kentucky family firing range with kids brandishing double M60's and .50 cals.


    God bless the internet!


    I was very sceptic aswell. Especially about the range he killed the OPFOR soldier from underwater. But maybe because its some kind of prototype weapon its possible to actually fire it from that far. They said all the future weapons and such are based on true weapon systems. I'm in no way a weapon expert... but shooting somebody from almost 30m underwater seems far fetched. (i read something about a gun that could reach 20 meters.


    In the below videothe ar15 bullet does not even reach its target thats like 5 meters away.



    And than you have the Russian Underwater APS Assault rifle that is only effective for a cople 10's of meters.




  5. Interesting topic. Keep those tips comming. I still try to understand alot of things cause most of the time i just fly on feeling and learned from trial and error.

    Can i ask a cople things aswell.. Probablic an find find most answers on google. But i it might be a good idea to keep it all in this topic for the noobs like me.


    Alot English words and abbreviations i still dont understand


    * How to pull lag?

    * What means MPRF and how do you "go MPRF"?

    * How do you pull and drag?

    * Beaming means going from left to right simply said right?

    * How to Notch your missile? (i dont know the meaning of "notch")

  6. Be carefull you dont catch a cold and get infected by zombies or other players that are allready infected.


    * [NEW] Server cleanup system replaced with a more agressive one

    * [NEW] Inventory Interaction system (right-click on items in gear screen to bring up interactions)

    * [NEW] Temperature System now implemented (effects are limited)

    * [NEW] Chance of catching an infection the lower your temperature

    * [NEW] Chance of catching an infection from already infected players

    * [NEW] Water can be filled in ponds, all water pumps, wells, but not the sea

    * [NEW] Forced disconnection saving for abort and alt+F4

    * [NEW] Zombie's will investigate player deaths

    * [NEW] Bandaging Sound when bandaging yourself/someone

    * [NEW] Coughing sound when you have an infection

    * [NEW] Camera Shake when temperature drops extremely low

    * [NEW] PROTIP: Use Global Chat/VOIP in populated areas

    * [NEW] Fire requires wood to keep burning

    * [NEW] Various Loot spawn balancing changes

    * [FIXED] Should not be pellets for the Winny

    * [FIXED] Helicopter loot despawning too fast

    * [FIXED?] Too many zombies for the Carebears to be able to play

    * [FIXED] Fog is way too thick

    * [FIXED] Climbing a ladder with a pistol will cause you to fall

    * [FIXED] Zombies not attracted to Flares and Chemlights

    * [FIXED] Panic noises going apeshit all the time

    * [FIXED] Zombie spotted alert far too quiet (increased slightly)

  7. I wonder if CA will give some control for the anti air SAM and Radar Systems.... and elextronic war... posibliy in the future?


    would be great


    +1 this would be amazing. Would be nice for once to not only fear them. I alway's try to stay away from them as far as possible. I suck at dodging SAM's.

  8. Hmmm... I'm played alot of FPS. And i'm under the impression thats the same as in Arma 2. WASD to move around. ZXC for stances. V for the strange little hop over objects (not in other FPS). And the mouse to move around and use optics. Seems pretty straight forward like any other FPS. Offcourse you can make it more diffecult and have your own setup. But for the rest all the basic controls are as easy to use as any other FPS. Offcourse some clunkyness with animations. But that should be fixed in Arma III.


    Or am i mistaken by what you mean with normal "control scheme" in other FPS games?

  9. That video looks great.... Fantastic sight when that chopper takes of with all the lights on. Can't wait to give this a try.

  10. I see what you try to say, but i dont agree with that. its not limiting mission design but expanding it. And ebcause the tanks are so vulnerable for A-10's and kamovs real good team work is needed on both sides to protect their units. That would finally make missions more interesting. Right now i dont care alot if my AI ground vehicles get slaughtered.


    But i can see the point you make for mission designers. And i dont expect any tanks for DCS soon. And i rather have them work on other jets. But it would be a nice expansion.

  11. My opinion. Stop making these WWII legends. There are other games for that. I would rather have a SAM group commander simm and get attacked by some DCS A-10s and F-15Es in a MP game.

  12. Call me names? Who did call any names to anybody? I reacted on a unfunded comment, thats all. he did not call me names and i did not call him names.

  13. who cares how big it is, lets see if there's any worthwhile improvements and not just a facelift.


    I care who big it is.... And alot of others do to. And where you blind the last cople months. There will be worthwile improvements. Like a bigger Island maybe??? But maybe that does not confirm to the perfect standards you have... But alot of others already have seen worthwile improvements. Already shown in the short gameplay vids. And even from the ingame screens. maybe pay a little more attention to the screens and dont keep looking at Graphics... It only shows your shortcommings.

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