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About hollow

  • Birthday 06/16/1976

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  • Flight Simulators
    P3D, MSFS
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  1. Next week I guess.
  2. Star Citizen of flight sims? I'm affraid it might turn into a feature creep. I've poured lots of money into all sorts of modules, terrains and campaigns but called it a day until I see some further progress on early access (the majority of the modules) first. Afganistan in its really poor state was a turning point for me.
  3. Agreed, something doesn't feel right at ED. Hope I'm wrong though
  4. Thank you and thanks to a team for bringing us the biggest patch in the dcs history. Congrats guys!
  5. Oh no. Can you please postpone the release as I'm heading for a vacation?
  6. Just asked for a refund. I hope they won`t give me the store credits as I will absolutely not buy any additional modules, nor from ED nor from 3rd parties after the Razbam fiasco.
  7. OK, it`s LIVE.
  8. Thanks Matt. I actually ended up with practically the same settings. However, as others have pointed out, the cockipt and terrain lighting should be modified a bit in order to make the terrain darker and cockpits a bit brigter especially during the day time. Early morning and late afternoon are fine. It's early 2.5 days, I'm sure we'll be fine after a couple of patches... Cheers. Matej
  9. Hi, Could you please share the Reshade settings? Regards, Matej
  10. Thanks for replying, Glowing Amramm. I actually had to re-calibrate my ASUS ROG Swift monitor and it`s much better now. Besides, let me congratulate you for an awesome DCS 2.5 trailer (I even got some goosebumps while watching). I really hope it attracts more people to come by. Cheers!
  11. Dear Matt, Could you please bo so kind and share your in-game settings, primarily the gamma setting, AA and AF settings and global cockpit illumination option? I tried everything to make my 2.5 look as good as your videos, but I don't quite get there. Besides, do you use any kind of reshade/sweetfx mod? Please note, I use a high-end PC... Regards, Matej
  12. Oh no, I even got goosebumps on while watching it. Simply amazing. Thanks to ED for making a dream come true!!!
  13. hollow

    2.5 Upgrade path

    Could we please get an official word regarding this? I'd like to reinstall DCS and save some bandwith as soon as 2.5 is live.
  14. hollow

    2.5 Upgrade path

    Simplified but logical at the same time.
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