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About -=Grumpy=-

  • Birthday 04/20/1986

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
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  1. Do you mean are two missiles per tube or container in the 9A317M TELAR? because the only unit with 12 tubes/containers I see there is the 9A316M...
  2. I was testing the BUK M3 and works really well , but the TELARs are reloading real quick immediately they finish all the missiles (teleport new canisters in seconds), even they are reloading without any support vehicle into the battery. All the Russian assets are into the paint chamber...
  3. Outstanding, thanks for all your effort creating this masterpiece!
  4. Outstanding, just waiting to face that beast! Please We need an S300 PMU, I know there is the HDGT mod but seems to be abandoned and not works really well...
  5. Thank you for the feedback but I test your mission track and works really well when you set the enemy planes to fly directly to the battery, then I copy and paste your battery setup in another location but just modify the plane and the route not to go directly but keeping the plane well inside the engagement zone and the SA-11 battery just stay dumb until the target plane turns directly to the launcher, thinking it could be an issue of mine I uninstall DCS and did a fresh install without modules, mods or something else and nothing change. I attach four tracks here using your own mission track with slight changes in the route or even adding another launcher but the results are very disappointing because seems the SA-11/BUK batteries can't launch missiles to the target planes until they turns directly to any TELAR, that means any plane with an small angular deviation just be ignored allowing them to get really close and that didn't used to happens two updates ago... SA-11-MAX-RANGE-TEST.trk SA-11-MAX-RANGE-TEST-2.trk SA-11-MAX-RANGE-TEST-3.trk SA-11-MAX-RANGE-TEST-4.trk
  6. Testing the SA-8 I discover this SAM just focus on the group leader and ignore the other aircrafts in the group allowing them to close in without any reaction, I understand this TELAR just have one guidance channel but it's supposed to jump and track the other threats when necessary. I attach three test tracks, the last one shows this behaviour more clearly. SA-8 TEST 3.trk SA-8 TEST 1.trk SA-8 TEST 2.trk
  7. Testing a mission I found the SA-11 batteries have some issues to track and engage enemy aircrafts until they are really close (9 miles or less) in that point the battery just react and launch a few of their missiles for short time and then just stay dumb with no reaction against threats even allowing them overfly the battery without consequences. I remove every mod, repair the DCS and I did a short test mission to generate the track attached here... SA-11 FAIL.trk
  8. Hi Currenthill, first I would like to thank you for your effort... then I like to suggest the Iranian anti-ship missiles like the Nasr-1 or the Noor ones, those coastal anti-ship missile systems follows the same philosophy of the Shahed 136 drone launcher mounted on top of a "civilian" vehicle. Another good suggestion would be any of the Iranian indigenous medium range air defense systems like this ones: Implement those ones would be great for the Gulf and Syria maps allowing to mission makers (like me) to do more realistic scenarios.
  9. Thanks for the report, actually I want to change the ship for other one while is fixed because has another issues right there already reported to Admiral 189...
  10. This mission is basically a remake of the original Yankee Air Pirate mission you can see here: http://yankeeairpirate.net/day02_1200-ah64-ponce/ there are some voice overs to add more immersion. Link: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3329592/ I hope you enjoy the mission and if you get any issue use this thread to report it...
  11. By now I'm thinking to do the "Asia Minor" version but in the case of the Iranians keeps the Egyptian Su-35 scheme (probably not) I'll do that version.
  12. Accordingly with the latest news Russia will provides Su-35 fighters to Iran, this will probably be the paint scheme those fighters will use. Download link: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3328419/
  13. Check the first post Thanks Admiral for your outstanding work.
  14. The Iranian Patrol boat doesn't work, even I couldn't change or select variants with antiship missiles...
  15. No, that's the free camera view I mean the satellite camera view...
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