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Everything posted by fatspacepanda

  1. Hey, sorry for the delayed response. I am not so active on the forums, I am on discord though. When I play the track file it shows you reaching 900 kts before hitting the ground. I think I was mistaken when asking for a trk file since its not a recording but rather a scenario that is simulated, with my local install following the same route as yours. I am not sure of what the cause could be but I recommend you disable other mods to see if that helps. Feel free to message me on discord if the problem persists
  2. Hey! We did some tests and could not replicate what you are describing. With a clean plane at 10000 feet it reaches 748 kts Indicated airspeed, 876 kts True air speed or Mach 1.37. The top speed gradually increases with altitude up to roughly 41000 feet where it tops out at 600 IAS, 1256 TAS or Mach 2.2 (bear in mind that acceleration above mach 2 is very slow). Can you provide a track or tacview file?
  3. Hi, im currently working on a mod and am having a bit of an issue. The wheels do not connect to the ground I have tried adjusting main/nose_gear_pos in the aircraft lua file, but they dont seem to do anything.
  4. I was wondering if it can be done from jf17.lua with a function triggered by a key press I can help Dcs behöver gripen
  5. Please excuse my noob question.. Does it matter what lua file has the code for changing argument value?
  6. Yes Gripen AAR is possible. Regarding arg 22, is it on the jf or gripen model?
  7. Youre right. It would be easier to change the arg value directly, right?
  8. I found this in DCS World\Mods\aircraft\JF-17\Comm\comm-lua: -- contact GC to install/uninstall fuel probe local updateProbe = { perform = function(self, parameters) local avINT = data.base.GetDevice(dev_radio_int_id) if avINT then avINT:avFUEL_update_probe(self.update) end end } updateProbe.__index = updateProbe function updateProbe.new(updated) local todo = { update = updated } data.base.setmetatable(todo, updateProbe) return todo end menus['AAR Probe'] = { name = _('AAR Probe'), items = { [1] = {name = _('Install Probe'), command = updateProbe.new(true)}, [2] = {name = _('Uninstall Probe'), command = updateProbe.new(false)}, } } table.insert(menus['Ground Crew'].items, { name = _('AAR Probe'), submenu = menus['AAR Probe']})
  9. Ive been thinking alot today about how to trigger the extend probe argument and I feel I dont know lua well enough. Does it need to be triggered from a specific file? Is there any resources regarding dcs lua scripting, that I can learn from? All I found was for mission scripting
  10. Okay so I looked around in the fa18 and f14 lua files since both of them have animated fuel probes, but didnt find anything. Maybe its being triggered from a file in the cockpit folder? What do you think? Would it work with doing it the same way the 14 and 18 does it? (Both have arg 22 as fuel probe animation, if anyone wanna look artound)
  11. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_BajbETcXr-AwD34q56jHfpRH2BY4dtJ?usp=sharing Cockpit headrest is in the right place, refueling of external tanks work and model isnt floating anymore. Meteor and pod- pylon is still not recognized by sms system. Liveries are Gray swedish paintjob, Made By Breadmaker and the gripen E splinter 6002 made by me
  12. What lines did you enter to trigger the fuel probe with the AAR switch? Ive made some changes to filenames to add Swedish weapons and the oval fuel tanks. Do you want a link?
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