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Everything posted by colo

  1. Dont sure if it is new in this version but I see nice 3D model of Dana howitzer in encyclopedia
  2. Hey kEnnY_m, - which version of DCS are you using 1.5 or Alpha 2.0 ? - are you see right key mappings in game - options - controls ? (must be mapped like described in pdf file which is located in DCSpanelsServer folder)
  3. Hi as decribed automatic configuration is only up to 2 monitors If you write me your monitors resolutions i will prepare you monitor profile which you will download or you can mail me your monitor profile which are you using to appsupport@lumatek.sk
  4. If you experience lag this is ussually wifi related, try to check ping from tablet to wifi router if ping is >10ms then it is a problem You can also connect tablet to PC via cable if you are able to manage tcp/ip connection via cable ( application uses clean tcp ip connection so there is no rule that it must be over wifi ) There is also possibility that on some low end tablet it is not able to display pictures from network on time but i don't suppose that this is a problem on today hardware
  5. Hi, new version DCSpanelsPro server version 1.3.3 is out, you can download it here added support for DCS World 2.0 Alpha i.e. you can switch tabs between DCS World 1.5 and 2.0 Alpha, configurations are independent small bugfixes added button for restoring configuration (restores CDU_init.lua file, keybindings, removes lumatek monitor profile file and clears registry settings) No changes on Android client - still most recent version is 1.3 As this is first version with DCS World 2.0 Alpha support all bugreports are welcome Cheers, Colo
  6. Thank you ! I will look on it and try to implement it
  7. Thank you for supporting my work !
  8. Hi, new version of DCSpanelsPro version 1.3.2 server is out - you can download it from here Support for DCS World 1.5 (support for 2.0 Alpha coming this week) More intuitive installer Easy keybindings install for A10C and Su-25T * * For English,German,French,Slovak,Czech localizations of Windows No changes on Android client - still most recent version is 1.3 Cheers, colo
  9. Hi guys, trying to improve server part of app (automatic keybinding import) but need to know how is folder "Saved Games" in %USERPROFILE% dubbed in French and German versions of Windows 7 & 10 Thanx a lot Colo
  10. Please unzip lumatek.lua from this archive over your current lumatek.lua located in YOUR-DCSWORLD-PATH:\Config\MonitorSetup
  11. Sorry I dont notice your response, which version of DCS are you using ?
  12. Please download zipped config files from this link: http://lumatek.sk/ConfigFiles.zip Backup original files, then extract: CDU_init.lua to YOUR-DCSWORLD-PATH:\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\Scripts\CDU\indicator\ (this is for exporting CDU instrument) Keyboard.lua to YOUR-WINDOWS-USER-PROFILEPATH:\Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input\A-10C\keyboard\ (for updating keyboard config) lumatek.lua to YOUR-DCSWORLD-PATH:\Config\MonitorSetup (new monitor profile) Then run DCS World, select lumatek monitor profile in game config and don't rember to untick "FULL SCREEN" i.e. game must be run in windowed mode Hope this helps
  13. G sensor is not implemented - but maybe in future versions Are your keys mapped correctly in DCS world control options ? (you can see correct keys in Keymappings.pdf located in DCSpanelsPro in DOCS subfolder) You can map keys by importing modifiedkeyboard.lua file in DCS World control options or by entering them manually.
  14. Regarding your screenshots - The problem is that your DCS A-10C is configured for one monitor (because you see A-10 instruments on the right side of the physical monitor) and Java app is sending instruments from 2nd virtual monitor which shows nothing. Virtual monitor setup is often problematic, it is better to create fake hardware monitor (you can find more info on my web http://www.lumatek.sk) If you send me your physical and virtual monitor resolutions I will create you config files (one for 1 monitor config and second for two monitor config) which you can download and try. Sorry for inconveniences but it is very hard for developer to create automatic install which will work in DCS, DCS beta, DCS alpha, normal and steam versions and in Win 7,8 and 10 versions (but I am still improving this app and waiting for merge between beta and alpha versions of DCS world)
  15. Hi Vladimus, thank you for purchasing DCSpanelsPro do you have one or two physical monitors attached to your PC ? colo
  16. Hi AesclepiusCrow, thank you for feedback, I will try to debug it Regarding 1: in new server there is only path fix related to monitor config nothing more 2: the biggest change was version 1.2 (network as a service now on tablet released on 20th September) Was this version working well on your tablet ? 3: Interesting I will look into it 4,5 and 6: have you try to turn off tablet, then run server on desktop, and then start tablet and run client ? It looks like that even when you exit app on tablet the network service hangs and when you start the client again it crashes I will concentrate on stability issues on next client release (before abris implementation) and release it within one-two weeks Best, colo
  17. Run DCS World Options Controls Select Aircraft: SU-25T Left click on any letter in "Keyboard" column Click Load profile button Find file SU25T.diff.lua and click OK Click OK on the bottom of the screen
  18. If you see any picture (doesn't matter if correct or not) then your tablet is configured correctly
  19. Maybe this is problem with Windows paths (i dont have russian version so I cannot debug it) Just copy this file to DCSworld folder path: DRIVE:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Config\MonitorSetup Then, you should see lumatek profile in game I suposse that your monitor is 1920 x 1080
  20. It is not necessary to have 2nd monitor, but if you have only one, part of the screen will be used for instruments Regarding dummy monitor - this is just guide - it should be safe, but do it on your own risk Regarding config: Please download new fixed server version 1.3.1 from http://www.lumatek.sk and
  21. Hi, you have wrong monitor configuration Have you 1,2 or 3 monitors ? Do you understand how it works ? http://lumatek.sk/media/DCSpanelsAnimation.gif
  22. Hi, new version of client and sever 1.3 is out. Added Su-25T Shkval instrument. Please note that you must manually remap keys for Shkval or load (in DCSworld control options) profile "SU-25T.diff.lua" located in DOCS subfolder of server app Keymapping are described in "Keymappings.pdf" file located in DOCS subfolder of server app Shkval buttons are described in "ShkvalButtons.png" file located in DOCS subfolder of server app Price changed to EUR 6.65 without VAT Customers who already purchased DCSpanelsPro will have Shkval instrument automatically without rebuying
  23. Here is new SU-25T weapons list sheet - maybe useful for upcoming Schkval users
  24. Sorry please try now - available for download as pdf and png
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