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James Bigglesworth

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Posts posted by James Bigglesworth

  1. 1 hour ago, II.JG1_Vonrd said:

    @Art-J. I agree that the original photo looks like it might be camo. So here's that version. I added some more weathering "eye candy" and corrected some copy / paste mistakes in the original weathering. This will be updated into the silver versions.

    01 Popeye Camo.jpg


    Muddy tail gear and mud spatters


    Muddy main gear with mud spatters. There's also an Erk's handprint on the nose bay door.


    Better view of the handprint


    And one on the other door


    In flight view of muddy gear



    Impressive! I didn't think you could improve it but you just did. Love the handprints btw.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 5 hours ago, II.JG1_Vonrd said:

    OK, stick a fork in this 'cause I'm callin it done. Special thanks to @Helles Belle and @BusDriver for their research determining that it probably didn't have letter codes. Also to @Raptorattacker for his "Petrol Spill" graphic. I'm pretty pleased with the weathering and think that it looks the part.

    ! 01 Skin Frame.jpg

    Rap's fuel spill


    Remnants of red doped fabric gunport covering. See Beufighter photo below.



    Eroded paint on prop blades. This is pretty much what most props looked like when an aircraft came in to our shop for a 100hr or Annual inspection. We would file out the nicks and apply "touch-up" paint. (Actually, we rattle canned the most of the blades but the FAA allows only "touch-up". Otherwise, it has to be done by a certified Prop Repair Station.


    Blueish exhaust staining. I've seen this effect on high powered planes. I's pretty subtle. I enhanced it here for some drama.


    More fuel spillage.



    Pilot with white overalls.


    The only photo I could find of a N0. 27 Squadron Mossie and there are no letter codes.

    Mosquito FB VI of No. 27 Squadron RAF in the CBI, 7 June 1945.jpg

    An example of red doped fabric gun port covering. 

    Gunport patch.png

    Submitted to DCS User Files. Also the same skin but with Letter Codes enabled. Awaiting approval.


    Wow! Insane level of detail. I can see you put your heart and soul into that skin. This really sets the bar high. Well done!

    • Thanks 1
  3. This is my final submission. Its a PLAAF P-47D captured from the Chinese Nationalist Air Force during the Chinese Civil War. 

    file: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3315317/


    Btw, this has been an awesome competition. Good luck to all participants.



    -Added fictional serial number

    -Reduced some color tones for less bling




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  4. 10 hours ago, sadjad-vosoul said:


    Here are my Submissions 

    1-IIAF 2-85 and more other registers ( Due to Researching about Iranian P-47D (F-47D After 1947) this topic will be completed later .... before 4th of March )

    Note : Concerning previous submissions, it has come to my attention that all IIAF skins by authors are inaccurate due to selection of wrong shade of color and decal size & position.
    Anti glare color is Default USAF Olive Green and people are always using the wrong shade of color for the flag and roundel. 

    Please disregard all previous drawings and recolored real images.

    To ensure accuracy, I verified my concerns with one of the IIAF veterans ; he agreed that my assessment was correct.

    due to Copyrights i cannot share real pictures here but you can access to all them at this website : http://www.iranianaviation.net

    More information will be added, ASAP , stay tuned 


    WIP Image of Submission: (Note: the Pictures are not final work and may be changed due to still researching)









    Nice. Exact air frame that I submitted 2 weeks ago. Thanks for pointing out the issues. If I change them in my skin, is that considered copying? What is the etiquette here? I'm pretty new to all this. Seems like most on this forum encourage and help each other out to get the best skins possible.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Barrett_g said:

    The F-84 Thunderbird scheme is gorgeous!!!


    I don’t mean to nitpick, as I love it as is, but I think (not 100% certain) the vertical red band just aft of the canopy is a “plane of rotation” safety marking that is specific to the F-84.


    In the event of a catastrophic failure of the F-84’s jet engine, that red band denotes where the turbine blades would explode out of the fuselage from.


    They have those same markings on C-130’s as well, called “prop arcs” letting you know that if the prop fails and you’re in that area, you’re probably gonna get hit by prop blades and debris.


    If you were going for a realistic “what if” scheme, the P-47 wouldn’t have that marking as it (obviously) didn’t have a jet engine..... but if you were doing a “homage to the F-84” then that marking is perfectly fine.


    Either way, it’s absolutely gorgeous and it makes me wish the P-47 was a real Thunderbird!!!  It’s just too perfect of a fit!!!

    Thanks Barrett_g. You're spot on. I was curious about the red band and it now makes perfect sense. It appears to be a 'danger zone' for the high pressure stage of the engine.

    Regarding my skin, I was actually going for the 'what if' scenario, so thanks for pointing it out. I'll be fixing and re-uploading it.


    On another topic, does anyone know what the flags on the fuselage signify? Is it simply the different counties the aircraft has performed in?

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  6. Time for an airshow. I present the Forgotten Thunderbird. A fictional skin for the P-47D based on the early F-84F & G Thunderbirds. Enjoy!


    *Updated* Thanks to Barret_g for his help.


    - Removed the red warning band behind the cockpit (used on jets for turbine failure).

    - Updated flags to better represent the Thunderbirds early tours.


    Link: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3315156/








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