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Everything posted by qvdg

  1. Looks great, but how do you get the update ? I bought it on release and I have no pending updates when I log in. Thanks Hi is the low level perf better ? Previous I had à slide show at < 1000fr AGL but fine above. I think I will havecto delete itcan re install as I stil seem to have the okd mesh and exténués dépité the 2.9.6 update. Cheers
  2. Looks great, but how do you get the update ? I bought it on release and I have no pending updates when I log in. Thanks
  3. Hi, Is there any simple .lua mod possible (like above to fool ssa into thinking a F1EE is as M-2000) that could work with the F4 from VSN). Many thanks
  4. Although this map is a massive step forward it is now 2021 and high res Dem and satellite imagery is widely available. I hope the next step for ED is adopt these and move away from generic textures at least for the smaller maps. Cheers
  5. Many thanks for this it is a great addition, landing the A4 is quite a challenge and great fun. In future releases any plans for a more weathered superstructure ? Deck by the way is really top notch.
  6. Hi , I did try by setting turb in DCS and played with the SSA thresholds but felt no effect in clouds. Cheers
  7. Hi, with clouds now affecting sensors, does 2.7 export an 'in cloud' type message that could be exploited by ssa to simulate a "cloud turbulence" effect ? Cheers
  8. I can confirm starting the sim in the A4 then loading a mission with the T45 activates SSA with the A4 model for the T45. Nothing like feeling the shake of the speed brakes as you are in the carrier landing pattern to make you feel you are doing something unnatural. My traps were significantly worse with SSA than without.
  9. Many thanks I will give this a try. Cheers
  10. Yes If you could do the same magic as you did on the A4 for thé T45 that would be absolutely fantastic !
  11. Turbulence editor and new AOA for A4 looking forward to trying out tonight . Many thanks
  12. Concerning the the A4E AOA figures you could reach out to to JNelson or Plusnine on the A4 discord, hopefully they can help out. cheers
  13. May I suggest you touch base with F4I0 who does wonders with simshaker for Aviators . He recently updated SSA for the A4 v 2.0 which raises the immersion level to an amazing level. Cheers
  14. Short feedback on the A4C mod. I think the the high AOA shudders only kick in when they are already very intense as seen by cockpit shake. Also the slat « thumps » don’t seem to be reproduced. In any case it is a true joy to fly with your mod. Superbe. Many thanks again. cheers
  15. Just had quick A4 v2.0 launch and trap on super carrier, launch ,flaps ,spoilers, hook , touchdown all feel great. I need to check the shudders at high AOA suspect there is a small delay between when you start to hear the shake and feel them but only first impression. In any case many thanks this is fantastic ! cheers
  16. Wow that was quick ! Will try tonight. Many thanks Cheers
  17. Hi, Looking forward to an update to cover the new A4C v2.0. It now shakes, rattles and thumps it will be great to have a F14 like simshaker experience. In any case I think SSA is an excellent product and I really can't fly without it (using Realteus forcefeell -also excellent). Keep up the great work (happy to donate to help the A4 roadmap). Cheers
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