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About mmarques

  • Birthday 09/22/1988

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad, Microsoft Flight Simulator
  • Location
  • Interests
    Flying and sailing

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  1. I am only disappointed in that we're getting an F-35A before an Su-30SM, Red air really needs something more modern to spice things up (and no the MiG-29A isn't it, even though I'm getting it)
  2. So... about Cargo. Added ability to carry cargo internally for Mi-8, Mi-24P and UH-1H. WIP (known issue cargo may clip into gunner model) Did someone forget to approve a pull request or have we not figured out how it works? @BIGNEWY
  3. Anyone figured out how to load up cargo in the UH-1, Mi-8 or Mi-24 yet?
  4. I tried following the tutorial here: and couldn't get it to work
  5. Cargo. Added ability to carry cargo internally for Mi-8, Mi-24P and UH-1H. WIP (known issue cargo may clip into gunner model) I assume this allows us to use the dynamic cargo system on those helicopters, same as the CH-47? If so, I don't seem to be able to use it, I have set the base to Dynamic Cargo and have opened all the doors on UH-1, Mi-8 and Mi-24 but am unable to see the cargo menus on the rearm screen. Tried both engines running and shut down. Am I missing anything?
  6. I can confirm this issue still exists
  7. When using dynamic spawn, the radio is set to 100.00, when you switch it to a frequency, it ends up offset to what it is actually set to:
  8. Indeed, also as an upgrade with dolphin nose and ramp, the Mi-8MTV5 / Mi-17 V5 could be a fairly low effort, the cockpit is very similar:
  9. I would very much pay for an upgrade, especially if it also added a version with dolphin nose and rear ramp.
  10. Would be amazing if the livery selected on the template would persist and not only the loadout.
  11. This is still very much an issue, also none of the new airbases can support even the C-130, hope the devs see this. EDIT: Adding to this, the shelters at Bassel-Al-Assad also do not support the Su-27/30/33/34 which they very much are used for.
  12. @aterfaxI tried running this on unraid and it's giving me this error, even though I have 200GB assigned to the docker image so disk space shouldn't be an issue, any idea?
  13. I would also be very interested in both the Dolphin Nose and the rear Ramp.
  14. I assume it would be impossible to integrate this into the in game radio system?
  15. What are all those ships doing so close to each other during plane launches? They should be like 10nm away from the carrier apart from the plane guard, if that.
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