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About Dr4gis

  • Birthday 10/29/1980

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  • Flight Simulators
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  1. Any chance for some youtube eye-candy while we wait? Or a nice juicy announcement of a FF F15C to go Mig-hunting in Iraq with?
  2. Hi, close if already requested.. With the Kiowa almost there it would be great to make buddy lasing as the designating partner available for single player missions. Similar to the JTAC implementation, I would like to give the order once reaching a station to call in on the player stating their loadout, laser codes, playtime etc, and then being able to be tasked to attack a player designated target. thanks for consideration
  3. Thanks, will recheck!
  4. Yes, I am sure. I double checked on that. On the frequencies in regards to the kneeboard too. Clearances for startup and taxi worked. The call and answer for takeoff happened without me doing anything though, I was going to do this when holding short of the runway as I was advised. I also retried it, happened the same way so was reproduceable. Edit: I tried a third time now, same result. ATC call for T/O clearance happens without me doing it by any menu. Violation call comes after takeoff. Track file is attached, hope this helps. opf-atc-track.trk
  5. Hey guys, I don't know what I am doing wrong. On the first mission I start the APU, get startup clearance via F10 menu, start the rest, get taxi clearance via F10 menu, then I "automatically" request and get takeoff clearance while still taxiing, the F10 option os gone after that. After take off ATC then calls me out for violating procedures. Radios are tunes correctly, F10 menu is being used as long as possible. Rest of the mission works perfectly well. Any hints? Thanks and kind regards
  6. Since you asked... get together your business operation. My lawyer is still dealing with the mess your support has left behind. If one googles around.. the forums are full of similar bad experiences. It's a pity, because I think Pimax is actually making nice products, but sadly I can only warn anyone to buy into this horror-show.
  7. No FF F15C.
  8. Pretty please!
  9. Can it stay the current way for the aproach after the mission? :-) -that- is currently really fun. -g-
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