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Everything posted by Darkdiz

  1. Outstanding! Thanks for the quick reply. One other question... The pilot body defaults to on, even though I have it turned off in settings, and I have to press RShift+p to turn it off. Is there a way to have it default to off? This only appears to happen in the RIO seat, the pilot seat appears to obey the settings command
  2. First off, LOVE the F-14 module, best DCS investment I have made to date. I especially enjoy the RIO aspect. My question arises from the HOJ capability for the AIM7 and 54 with the latest update. HOW does the RIO command this? Is it automatic? Are there any switches that need to be made to optimize/invoke this mode? Thanks
  3. Hey does anyone know the names I need to put into the monitor setup lua file for the F-14 Airspeed Indicator and master caution panel? I have a heck of a time seeing them, so thought it would be a possible solution to put them on my MFDs
  4. Downloaded the file, but I keep getting unrecoverable errors Extracting to "D:\Updates\DCS\Mods\Military_Aircraft_Mod_V1.7.1a\" Use Path: yes Overlay Files: no Extracting Military Aircraft Mod\A400M_Atlas.lua Irrecoverable Error: Attempt to access a file detail that isn't specified. This happens even if I individually select each file Can anyone help?
  5. There is NOTHING that beats cruising along at night with Dark Side of the Moon playing in your headset. I have actually done that in real life, back in the day...
  6. @near_blind You sir, are a rock star!
  7. Still trying to get the B-side tracks to work, currently when I flip the cassette, I get silence. I have the ogg files as Song1.ogg, Song2.ogg etc in the Walkman folder, seems to work. Is there a proper syntax for songs on the b-side? Is there a resource somewhere that explains the parameters for the files and controls, ie how to FF to song 2 (or can it even do that?)
  8. Hi: Just discovered this really nice enhancement to the already nicely done F-14. My question is that if I want everyone on my server to have the same playlist of F-14 walkman ogg files, is there any way to include the files in the miz file, and if so, where do they go? Pretty sure I would have to manually include them (drag and drop into the miz file once it has been created), but which folder would I have to place them in? Would it be direct into the miz file? Or would I have to put the ogg files into perhaps somewhere in the l10n folder?
  9. So, after more testing, and a bit of research, this is what I came up with... (From the Heatblur Manual) The LANTIRN steering cues for ground target engagement are automatically enabled when the LANTIRN is slewed to QDES or a new QDES is designated. The QDES itself will remain even if a new Q is selected and as long as it exists, the steering cues will point towards QDES even if slewed to another point. This is important to keep in mind as it is easy to think that the steering commands is to the current sensor location instead of the QDES. Although I'm pretty sure I QDES'd the second tgt... Worked as advertised this evening though, 4 direct hits on 4 separate runs. Interesting in that I lased the second tgt, one would think the weapon would track to the laser, and not the original QDES point?
  10. I’ll have a look later today
  11. This is similar, but on seperate runs more than a few minutes apart. We went out to about 10 miles after the first launch (I was the RIO, this is NOT a Jester controlled launch). Never lost the target area (always had QDES locked), dropped on the second run on a second target about 50 yds away, laser was locked onto this tgt in Point track, second LGB guided to the first impact point. I think in your case, the LGB may not have time to see the laser, as it has to arm itself once released, hence the miss. LGBs need at least 5-6 secs of laser prior to release to guide properly in my experience
  12. Now before anyone goes on a rant saying I'm not doing it right, hear me out... This is REPEATABLE, and has happened every time I have launched more than one LGB since the last update. Observation: First LGB hits designated target as expected, no issues. However the second LGB, even though a different target in the same general area (50-100yds away) is newly designated (QDES then Area Track to second tgt, then Point or Area Track as the case may be) impacts exactly where the first target was designated, as if I was designating the first target, not the second. Its like the second bomb locks onto the first target. Tested on at least 6 occasions, each time the same result, regardless of area/point track, WHOT/BHOT, even if I undesignate, then egress out to 15 miles or so and re-run in etc. Second designated tgt clearly in the cross-hairs, weapon clearly misses and hits original designated spot (center of now burned-out tank, the first tgt). Laser on second target and not moved from 10 secs prior to release to impact (which is clearly visible on first target). All tests done in a sanitized area with no enemy present, codes all at 1688, drop height ~12000', wings level, TTI apx 35secs from release, wpn GBU-12, but also noticed the same on GBU-10 and 16 (24 not tested). Anyone else have this issue? Or Am I missing something?
  13. I found that you have to tweak the lua file until you hit the sweet spot. I'll attach my file, feel free to edit as necessary. I have my main screen as 1920x1080, with 2 x 800x600 below lined up with the left and right corners. The F-14 screens had to be significantly tweaked, mostly by trial and error. 1_Screen+2xMFCDs_below.lua
  14. No, just McAfee. All necessary ports (8088) open and forwarded. Weird that I can control it from my phone or on the host machine no issues, just no response when I try it through the ED site with my laptop. Its OBVIOUSLY something stupid, but it is evading me...
  15. Hi: I have the DCS Open Beta Server installed on my main desktop, but would like to control it through the webgui from another computer on my LAN. It USED to work fine, I run LOTATC etc from the laptop, connects no issues, but for some reason when I run the webgui from the laptop, it won't connect at all to the running server on my desktop. I can connect through my phone no problems, or on the host desktop, but all I get is server not responding from the laptop. Clearly I'm missing something here. Anyone have any ideas?
  16. I know on the pilot side the ARC-159 Main/Both switch is screwed up as well. Any idea on which lua the Cmd button is in?
  17. I have this button mapped to my keyboard, and when activated, it sticks in the down position. I tried re-mapping it to one of my MFD buttons, same issue. To clear it, you have to mouse click it. Easy fix? Clearly when remapped to a seperate button the press function works, but the release function is missing, causing the button to remain in the pressed position.
  18. The BSOD always happens at the same point in the download. But, I completely removed (renamed) my user saved games folder, and tried again, managed to get through to a "hash marker mismatch" or whatever in Syria. Renamed the offending file, and managed to get the update done. Haven't actually flown it yet, but we'll see what happens
  19. Installed a new MOBO, same game SSD, attempted to update. Got the BSOD with KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE message. Did a complete, slow repair, still get the BSOD. Any suggestions? All mods removed. autoupdate_log.txt
  20. Here is my lua file for the above setup, note I only use the center monitor (5) and the 2 monitors below (4 and 3). DCS ignores monitors 1 and 2 (both 1360x780) The center is 1920x1080 and the 2 below are 800x600. In the lua file as remarks (--) is the explanation of the pixel selection. If you want to activate a particular output (F-14 HSI, VDI or TID) simply remove the -- so that part of the script can be executed. It is still a WIP 1_Screen+2xMFCDs_below.lua
  21. I just re-installed my dedicated server, and now the Host Player Name shown in the Web GUI keeps resetting itself to Pilot (insert number here), even though I change it to something else and save it. How do I get the name I typed in to stick? Is there an actual file I have to edit? Every time I enter the name, it adds another entry into the nickname.lua file, so I had over 25 instances of the name I typed in. The host name will be the same every time I run the server, but not sure how to avoid having to keep typing it in every time I start the server. Cheers
  22. No worries, was just wondering. Haven't flown it yet, but it looks really well done on you not doing Coop versions
  23. Any update on this? Both my buddy and I have it installed, I would like to host the missions so we can fly as a crew
  24. So I have everything more or less sorted out, both MFCDs show pretty much where they are supposed to. However, now everytime I bring up my kneeboard for the first time I have to resize it, and put it back into the corner of my main display. It shows up much larger, and half on my main diosplay and half on my lower right MFCD. Is there a file I can edit or a setting I can change to make this come up on the bottom right corner of my main display (same position if I was using a single display), and not as large? Main display is 1920x1080 with 2 x 800x600 MFCDs below L and R corner EDIT: Ok Darkdiz, READ THE THREAD!!!!!!
  25. Ya, I sat in the jet for a bit with it forward and a PH loaded, didn't get the MSL COND light. Tried again with it AFT, got the light. Trial and error, but at least I know
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