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Everything posted by Chewmann

  1. Any news @BIGNEWY?
  2. attached LastMissionTrack.trk dcs.log
  3. @BIGNEWY I plan on flying tonight in single-player to get a track file I can share. Likewise, I will include the log file.
  4. Here's a link to the .trk file on my OneDrive. PG_DAY_v10.86 Deck Crew-20250128-201417.trk I wanted to verify this was the correct track file but I get "Mission Load Fail" message (see attached). That's another issue I have, but I digress. Thanks for the help!!! null
  5. I’m having an issue with my jet’s HSEL not working. I flew with a squadron mate tonight and his worked as expected. Here’s what I do used the HDG switch to a heading of my choosing(or enter the heading via the UFC) turned my jet in the general direction of the heading I wanted (though not the actual heading) selected A/P on the UFC Colonized HSEL on the UFC Nothing. The jet drifts left or right but never locks in on the heading I wanted. In the cockpit, HSEL on the UFC is colonized and HSEL shows up on the left DDI as a caution. Does anyone have an idea want I am doing wrong?
  6. Thanks @Rudel_chw !!!! I'll give it a shot. Windows Defender shows there's a Trojan Horse in the .ddl
  7. Same for me. Here is the error message I got when I updated to the latest patch. null
  8. Hey guys, I created a new campaign using Liberation. The sections and divisions I created as players (clients) have wingman comm options that prevents me from seeing AWACS and AAR comm options (see attached). I asked the community on the Liberation Discord what the issue could be and I was told comm menus are created by Eagle Dynamics's code. They are not affected by Liberation. Is there anything I can do to "correct" this? Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!
  9. I got the image to upload this time Take 2 - now with the correct image uploaded. Sheesh!
  10. I am trying to remove the black area highlighted below. The patch file is completely transparent except for the HMLA-323 (fictional) patch. To me it looks like there is another file that is creating the black area but do not know what the files is. Anyone have an idea? Now with the image...
  11. Hi Saluki, I'll definitely add your name to the list for future openings. Thanks for reaching out. Chewmann
  12. Hi suCaleb, All positions are filled at this time. However, I will add your name to the list of interested in joining. If we have a new opening come available, I will work down the list to see if you or the others are still wanting to join by the date I was contacted. Thanks! Dan "Chewmann"
  13. Hey Stealth, Good timing sir. We had one member who left the squadron recently and we should have an opening. Let me verify it with the XO and I'll let you know. In the mean time, I'll send you an IM with what we are and make sure you are still interested as a result... Chewmann
  14. Turns out, one of the units I had "in" the FARP I created was a red coalition unit accidentally. Once I FINALLY figured that out, it now works as advertised.
  15. Thanks Rudel! I tried again and this time it worked.
  16. I created a few skins for the Kiowa and I wanted to add them to my saved games folder like I do for all my other custom skins. I tried OH58D and OH-58D and neither worked. Does anyone know what the folder name should be? Saved Games > DCS.openbeta > Liveries > ???
  17. I've tried everything I can think of to get the rearm/refuel to work. I have an invisible FARP, a HMMWV (for comms), a M939 (for rearm), a M978 (for refuel), FARP ammo dumps, FARP fuel dump, and other items I think that might help but no luck. I notice when I say to rearm, I don't hear the "copy" response.
  18. It got it to work. I added the DCS.exe in the bin-mt folder to the Allow List. Viola! Here is the list of files/folders that I have in Malwarebytes for everyone's reference. null
  19. running repair now. I'll let you know what happens.
  20. I turned off Malwarebytes and Window Defender and no joy. Still crashes
  21. I do. I even added it to the Allow list. Let me check to see if anything silly is happening with it. Thanks!
  22. Attached dcs.log This is the crash error text... 00000.084 --- Log file: C:\Users\Work\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\autoupdate_templog.txt 00000.000 === Log opened UTC 2024-07-22 17:46:04 00000.021 INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 10.0.22631; Win64; en-US) 00000.021 INFO : src-id: f697eb0b6959f621dddfde672932cdb00d183f23, lib-id: b88ea51ae2210987a3865f77cc1802548216d7a8 00000.021 INFO : cmdline: "C:\Games\DCS.openbeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe" 00000.082 STATUS: Initializing... 00000.083 INFO : basedir: C:\Games\DCS.openbeta\ 00000.083 INFO : variant: openbeta 00000.083 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,SUPERCARRIER,FA-18C,CA,MARIANAISLANDS_terrain,SYRIA_terrain,PERSIANGULF_terrain,NEVADA_terrain,P47D30,WWII-ARMOUR,BF-109K4,FW-190D9,P-51D,F-15C,REFLECTED_SIMULATIONS_P47D_WOLFPACK_campaign,373VFSPHOENIX_FA18C_OPERATION_PONTUS_campaign,BALTICDRAGON_FA18C_RAVEN_ONE_campaign,REFLECTED_SIMULATIONS_BF109K4_JAGDFLIEGER_campaign,MAPLEFLAG_FA18C_AGGRESSORS_BFM_campaign,P51D-BLUENOSEDBASTARDS_campaign,MAPLEFLAG_F15C_AGGRESSORS_BFM_campaign,BW_P51D-CHARNWOOD_campaign,F15C-THE-GEORGIAN-WAR_campaign,F15C-REDFLAG_campaign,THECHANNEL_terrain,NORMANDY_terrain,RAZBAM_AV8BNA,SORELRO_AV-8B_HORMUZ_FREEDOM_campaign,GROUND_POUNDER_SIMS_FA-18C_OPERATION_CERBERUS_NORTH_campaign,BADGER633_FA18C_RISE_OF_THE_PERSIAN_LION_campaign,EAGLE86_AV8B_SKY_WARRIOR_campaign,BADGER633_FA18C_SERPENTS_HEAD_2_campaign,BALTICDRAGON_FA-18C_RAVEN_ONE_DOMINANT_FURY_campaign,CAUCASUS_terrain,HEATBLUR_F-4E,POLYCHOPSIM_OH58D) 00000.083 INFO : branch: openbeta 00000.087 STATUS: Checking for updates... 00000.711 INFO : Got reply from www.digitalcombatsimulator.com 00001.176 INFO : Got reply from www.digitalcombatsimulator.com 00001.178 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,SUPERCARRIER,FA-18C,CA,MARIANAISLANDS_terrain,SYRIA_terrain,PERSIANGULF_terrain,NEVADA_terrain,P47D30,WWII-ARMOUR,BF-109K4,FW-190D9,P-51D,F-15C,REFLECTED_SIMULATIONS_P47D_WOLFPACK_campaign,373VFSPHOENIX_FA18C_OPERATION_PONTUS_campaign,BALTICDRAGON_FA18C_RAVEN_ONE_campaign,REFLECTED_SIMULATIONS_BF109K4_JAGDFLIEGER_campaign,MAPLEFLAG_FA18C_AGGRESSORS_BFM_campaign,P51D-BLUENOSEDBASTARDS_campaign,MAPLEFLAG_F15C_AGGRESSORS_BFM_campaign,BW_P51D-CHARNWOOD_campaign,F15C-THE-GEORGIAN-WAR_campaign,F15C-REDFLAG_campaign,THECHANNEL_terrain,NORMANDY_terrain,RAZBAM_AV8BNA,SORELRO_AV-8B_HORMUZ_FREEDOM_campaign,GROUND_POUNDER_SIMS_FA-18C_OPERATION_CERBERUS_NORTH_campaign,BADGER633_FA18C_RISE_OF_THE_PERSIAN_LION_campaign,EAGLE86_AV8B_SKY_WARRIOR_campaign,BADGER633_FA18C_SERPENTS_HEAD_2_campaign,BALTICDRAGON_FA-18C_RAVEN_ONE_DOMINANT_FURY_campaign,CAUCASUS_terrain,HEATBLUR_F-4E,POLYCHOPSIM_OH58D) 00001.178 INFO : branch: openbeta 00001.180 STATUS: Can't run C:\Games\DCS.openbeta\bin-mt/DCS.exe: (2) The system cannot find the file specified. 00003.562 === Log closed.
  23. I get to the dashboard and when I click on "Launch DCS" the game crashes every time. I sent the crash reports for 3 of them already. I tried the DCS_updater.exe and the DCS.exe. Both do the same thing. Prior to the hot fix, I was able to get in the game, so it has nothing to do with mods or the like.
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