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Everything posted by reeman

  1. Calm downn, Its not noticeable but ants are holding it up and shaking it, All ED has to do is debug it. Its stupid I know
  2. I was confused as well why I didn't get miles haha.
  3. If you used miles to pre order or purchase a module you don't get ED miles I think.
  4. The basic of miles to how I understand it. You get miles from purchasing DCS modules, Miles can be used to partially pay for other modules you purchase or pre order. I hope this is simple enough but if you don't understand fully here is a link https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/faq/bonuses/.
  5. ED is not guilty for anything, All you should have is patience. Making claims like this won't help at all.
  6. Would be a dream come true I guess. Pretty cool
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