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About elewarr

  • Birthday 07/24/1981

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  • Flight Simulators
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    3D modelling, 3D printing, flight/space sims, software development

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  1. Thank you, I will try to train more. It's just, F-15E feels a little bit different than other aircrafts in this matter and I wasn't sure.
  2. For me performance is better than in Apache, I have no complaints, even with mirrors on. I kinda like that even after years since release modules still receive updates. If there's any software I'm continuously checking release notes for, it's DCS for sure.
  3. It's probably me and maybe that's exactly how trim works in real F-15E... but I'm unable to trim the aircraft pitch properly - for level flight or selected descent rate at given speed - any single pitch trim change feels like it's too much. I've compared it with F-86 (if it's any comparison) where one could go down with trimmed aircraft to the runway almost without having to touch the stick... not with F-15E. I assume I could set then appropriate speed for given pitch setting, that would help me to preserve altitude or vertical speed but wouldn't that implicate I have only certains speeds I can pitch for?
  4. +1
  5. I was so angry, when RAZBAM ignored Steam users, but - who am I trying to fool - I bought it immediately when it showed up on Steam. I don't mind the price difference, it's just we were completely ignored earlier - for me it was about fairness, not the money. And I have to say I love it, we were - me and my colleague - taking off, flying and landing in a formation, occupying both seats, trying to figure out things ourselves (learning how to set radio while flying by the tanker isn't best time nor place), and we had so much fun I can't recall having in a really long time. I have mixed feelings about Falklands but F-15E wasn't a mistake. And that attention to details... I approached airport with 200lbs of fuel. Barely get there with engines spluttering and electrical systems going off over the threshold and steering pressure dying after touchdown, just amazing - F-15E is a living organism! I can't wait when I'll have spare time to fly again.
  6. Does anyone have this problem with multiplayer menu item not being active when logged in properly to DCS? I had to wait a few minutes, it eventually became enabled itself, then I had to wait for some time again to refresh the server list. Much, much longer than usual. And it's not only me, my colleague (different part of the country) was waiting even longer than me and multiplayer never became enabled for him.
  7. I don't think I'm matching the imaginary interlocutor you are responding to, I also don't think name calling is a well known attribute of maturity.
  8. You're constantly missing the point, not sure if on purpose but let me explain last one time. I was given the ability to invest in DCS on this specific platform (i.e. Steam) - I didn't enforce this option on anyone. Since it's not one time buy, it's a continuous process and it requires a lot of commitment on my side (incl. financial) I'm treating the whole thing as a kind of contract - I was aware of Valve's cut and to support ED and vendors I decided I'll be buying every possible aircraft, terrain and campaign (I'm missing some campaigns that seemed tad old), including everything RB's released as a sign of my commitment, support and respect, and I did. And today this contract was broken, I'm not treated the same way as other players. I didn't set price limit for F-15 module on Steam, I didn't tell RB how much their module should be priced on Steam (it wouldn't be the first time when prices differ a bit), I just impatiently refreshed Steam client on 15th and 17th. And they just ignored the whole platform... and the reason is - money... even though I don't care (too much, It would just be a little bit more explaining to do to my wife) about what value it would be 30% of off. And I'm reading in this topic that I should switch to standalone version to support ED and vendors more - because apparently - as "this specific platform" user, I don't support them enough, and then I'm reminding myself there's just nothing more I can do to support them (incl. RAZBAM) because I already did everything I can on "this specific platform", because I wanted to prove my support and commitment... I feel like someone is slapping my face. Sure, maybe I was wrong, maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm dramatic (but I didn't start the whole "support them more" thing) for sure I'm disappointed - I realised the commitment and respect of the effort was only on my side. You are correct, I didn't - I was thinking whatever I was thinking while it's just "give us money and shut up".
  9. Refusal? What refusal? As I wrote earlier no one is forcing anyone. I just had different expectations with all the fuss on Steam. And, no worries, lI'm not gonna buy, so RAZBAM isn't going to lose any money.
  10. I have 75 DCS modules on Steam (including all RAZBAM's), Steam has its own advantages and I could probably consider moving for a good reason but cash grab isn't one. ED even had the audacity to post release page on Steam linking to... ED shop, it's easier for me to ignore this (and RAZBAM's future ones because of middle finger) modules. There are plenty of other modules coming to DCS and MSFS to keep me busy.
  11. I bought all aircrafts, maps and most of the campaigns... and I mean all of them (you can check my account), and I did it on Steam because I could, i.e. someone decided earlier to make the game available on Steam. I'm not going to move now, it's too late. And I won't let anyone to treat me as a 2nd class citizen. I understand RAZBAM may have reasons, but I have mine. I was checking Steam on 15th, now on 17th and then I got the news, disappointed but I will manage, I won't forget though.
  12. They don't like my money? Well then, I'm not going to force them.
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