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Everything posted by Coco22

  1. yeh yeh yeh, but i don t see the same test on a d9 or a 109
  2. do she same test on the D9 and 109 i did a lot of test to and the FW190A8 it is the weakest, i did a lot of test and that my conclusion.
  3. i know i had to hit the right palce and everithing, this is why i did various test and in all my various test my results are the 109 is the stronger and why i do this test because i fly a lot and i had this feeling to and the test confirm my feeling i don t know precisely how your damage model are done fore the wing and i don t undertand how you can be sure your we can be so trong, you explain me a lot things that i already because i m a big fan of ww2 and you don t convince, i try to review my positon, but when i see all the the shoot the wing can take i m really no convinced, and i don t no how to make you review your position, i show you a gun footage were a 109 lost is wing with a good burst and you tell me that possible in dcs but you don t show me corectly (because that impossible with just a qick burst in the right place). thanks you and the time you take for that, the debate was interesting, i hope in the future you will gate more money and time for that. Thank you ED TEAM for all and flight safe .
  4. mosquitos shoot 109 2 try.trkmosquitos shoot 190a8 try.trk look i cut the 190 more easly than the 109 ? are you okay with me ? (i did this test almost 10 time and i always feel the 109 is stronger, try it and tell me if your okay with this feeling please. i completely agree with what you say but the 109 is just a little a to strong in comparaison to the other aicraft.
  5. that is exactly the point of the video i want to see you shoot a 109 and damage is wing like in your video, that the problem the bullets don t do the damage they sould do on the spars, something stop them or i don t no,
  6. xd thx for this you don t show me how you shoot the 109 in your video
  7. It s very interesting effectively i read some report and d'ont find a destroyed 109 or 190 with a wing cut. if you know one report with a wing cut could you can show it to me please ? and i know there is not a lot of planes shoot down because they loose their wings but in dcs that just never happen to me and as i said i watch a lot of dcs youtube contents and i really dont see that more and onestly i don t think that normal and in dcs the planes take really more bullets than in real life because the pilot don't eject like in real life, it s hard to define the durabitily of a wing like that because in real life the pilot don t aim for the wing specially and i never see a gun cam where a 109 take more than a burst of 4 sec of 50 cal only on is wing xd i just say an former p51 pilot shoot a 109 and cut the wing that in a documantary, and that juste one this victory not all i think we can trust him on this point here, i don t see why he will lie for that and he give a lot of details. as is said i shoot more than 100 bf109 with never a wing failures. and as i said it s hard to compare with real life because i put really more bullets in dcs than in real life
  8. i don't see you shoot the BF109, could show me how you do that ?
  9. on your video i don t see how many shot the wing take in dcs it s impossible to do that with a quick burst like that. in the track in send you i put really more bullets. there is already on exemple and i will find other. a former pilot p51 tell is story and he tell he cut the wing of a 109
  10. explain how this 109 lose is wing as i say i shoot down more than 100 BF109 never with a wing cut is that a good stat for you that sim realistic ?
  11. dude i never seen a gun footage were a plane take a burst like that a still with is wing. Show me a gun footage were a 109 can take that
  12. i don t know how many bullets the spars can take but in theory the spars of the FW190 are stronger than the BF109 no ? and how many 50 cal a spar can take. exemple BF109 ? Could you explane me please
  13. server-20211104-185249.trk P51D shoot FW190A8 server-20211104-184805.trk P51D shoot BF109 is that normal they can pull so many G ? i watch a lot of youtube video on dcs and i never see a 109 loose is wing. if you see that show me please
  14. i lost them i will do a new one tomorow with my friend he can tale less bullet
  15. i never see a 109 losing is wing like the FW190A8. please try it and show me i m wrong for that. a BF109 is more fragile than a FW190A8 no ? i dis some try with a friend and he was capable to put 8G that normal? with a big a 50cal burst in this wing
  16. ok i understand and i m okay with you, i think you right and i like this way. in m y opinion a little adusjtment is needed on the on 109 juste a little
  17. yeh i m okay with you that work very well on FW190A8 i have nothing to say about him. but on the 109 that not like this i feel is much stronger no ? could you do the same video with a 109? please because i never see a 109 do that.
  18. https://stormofwar.info/pilots.php I m BJ-Coco i think i got some experience (stats reboot this week) and with 19 confirmed kill and all other plane i let damage there is no wing cut kill
  19. yeh i m okay with you, it s hard to make a judgment with gun cam on footage and compare that to DCS, just in my experience i can tell easly i shoot down 100x BF109 (pvp and AI) and i never cut a wing, i know it s hard but not impossible, i think 1/10 wing cut kill shood be a good stat. I fly WW2 before the new damage model and i keep flying a lot. before to create that topic i mad some try (as you can see on the top) and i ask to others pilots to be sure i m not crazy or bad and they agree with me specialy for the 109 a little adjustment is required. i wan t cut wing to easly but some time that should happen and for now that impossible if you try to cut a 109 wing you will understand. i m okay with that but today as i said i shoot done more 100x BF109 with nerver a wing cut i think i m not crazy to wan t a little adjustement
  20. is more than the aileron look there is no more wing and the piece we see in think that all the exterior wing look that biger than a aileron yeh you right for me the only problem is spars durability
  21. i think that a 109 and there is no explosion just a lot a shards when the wing is cut by the 50 cal burst in my opinion at 01.03.00 here you can see an explosion that different
  22. ok thanks you, I know all of that but in dcs there are too strong did you wacht the video test that i did ? compare to that check at 01.05.20 and try to do that in dcs, it s impossible as i said i wan t cut a wing too easly but now in dcs that impossible or very hard please take a P51 or p47 and try to cut the wing of a bf109 and chek how many G he can pull in m y opinion a little adjustment is required the only germans plane that i m able to cut the wing is the 190a8 you can t tell me there is no problem. please i do a lot of try i past few haours on that, because i m a big fan of dcs WW2 please that required some little adjustment i hope you i will try thank you
  23. hi can i just have a quick reponse from ED please ? I know the dcs damage model continues to progress. but i just want some little adjustment on the spars for something more realistic. i ask many pilots who fly both sides and they agree whit that. especially for the 109 who is stronger than a 190. i did some test, i can show you if you wish, a 109 with very damage wing can pull 8G and go to is max speed i invite you to try that by yourself thank you.
  24. I have done a lot of testing with most WW2 planes and no complaints about the performance of different types of weaponry. I have almost nothing to question on the damage modules which i find work very well when you hit the engine, tank, radiators... The only problem is suspect is the ability to absorb wing damage, more specifically the strength of the spars and i have seen this on all Warbirds some exemple on DCS Open Beta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Nfi1EmQ-c FW190D9 shoot BF109 and P51D.trk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu2ib5l86yM FW190D9 shoot FW190A8 and Spitfire.trk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPCezm_iVwk P51 D25 shoot BF109 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7es4KGLV7JU AAA shoot WW2 plane.trk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esgcXQpc_sU&list=PLSeGjGCkyvgEIjXWNaQq_ZkoFOfoUnao7&index=4 F18C shoot BF109.trk why i can't cut this wing but the tail go out so quick ? https://studio.youtube.com/video/mvIbH3UhcgM/edit F14B shoot FW190A8 and Spitfire.trk i think the durablity of the spars need to be adjusted, for something more realistic. thank you and fly safe.
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