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  1. FrostLaufeyson's post in frigate neustrashimy was marked as the answer   
    Before DCS was updated to 2.9, this was an extremely simple task, because no one could intercept the bombs, you only needed to throw two Walleyes. But now many units can intercept bombs.
    Fortunately,the 500lb bomb remains "stealth", and the Neustrashimy class frigate's radar has a very low intercept altitude for F18s (hope I didn't make a mistake in the mission editor), so you can throw a bunch of GBU-12s at high altitudes to sink it.
    Of course, this only works against a single ship and requires long periods of laser guidance. If there are a large number of ships, it is impossible for a single player to deal with it. You need to bring several teammates to throw a lot of weapons to occupy the ship's fire control channel.
    GBU12 anti ship.trk
  2. FrostLaufeyson's post in ACLS Problems... was marked as the answer   
    ACLS is not something magic, it may get worse
    I suggest that you make the velocity vector not deviate too much in the horizontal direction before you engage A/P, otherwise ACLS will drag your aircraft left and right into the sea.

    In Wags video, the vector used to indicate is slightly to the right, and if it's too far off, it would cause the autopilot to over-intervene.
    You don't need to worry too much about things in the vertical, ACLS will wait until you enter the correct glide slope to lower the height.
  3. FrostLaufeyson's post in Question about PB HARM Mode in F-18 was marked as the answer   
    AFAIK, You can't set the code separately for each station in advance
    What I do is to change the code before firing each time, it works
  4. FrostLaufeyson's post in HUD Font way too small/thin..need help. was marked as the answer   
    If yous is steam version, just right click the game in steam and go to properties, under the DLC tab you can uncheck items you want to uninstall
    I don't know how the official version works, but Google should be able to find a way
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