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About Fjordmonkey

  • Birthday 03/29/1976

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
  • Location
    Larvik, Norway
  • Interests
    Taking over the world one gerbil at the time!
  • Occupation
    Full-time geek, Desk-pilot and aviation-nut

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  1. You mean you had any from the start of...?
  2. Awesome work, congrats to the winner. Would it be possible to get the screenshots that didn't win posted in full resolution?
  3. All of them, if the campaign-maker has a semblance of imagination and is able to create a believable setting for it.
  4. Is it even possible to be a regretful passenger in a Phantom? Asking for a friend
  5. Learn something every day. Thanks!
  6. Even our old AM/BM's with the AFLCC moves the stabs/flightcontrols way faster than they currently do in DCS, and the RNoAF AM/BM's were never updated to DFLCC. Also, from what I remember from my days on the flightline, even the old OCU-birds were quite violent in moving the FLCS during BIT. Glad to see it sped up in the next patch, though.
  7. Will this be an option? For those that don't know what this is, it can be seen used here on a Luftwaffe F-4F. Instead of using a huffer-cart to supply compressed air for engine-start, they use a cartridge-system that inject a jet of high-pressure gas into the engine to spin it up to speed for ignition.
  8. I just went with the latest. No issues with it.
  9. Just make sure your drivers are updated, and you shouldn't have any issues.
  10. Remember: I am under no obligation to make sense to you.

  11. Strangely enough I don't have that issue at all, using OpenTrack as an endpoint for SmoothTrack running on an iPad above my monitors. Will check more on this.
  12. Remember that if you're on an AMD-CPU, install the latest chipset-drivers, install KB5006746, and set a Ryzen powerplan in the controlpanel. That solves the early issues people had with Win11 on AMD. Running on the RTM of Win11 now. Zero issues what so ever, small increase in fps (3-5fps average). Your mileage may vary. Ryzen 5 3600, 32Gb RAM on a ASUS TUF B450M mobo. 1660Super 6Gb GPU.
  13. KB5006746 dropped for me today, which fixes the L3-cache latency-issues for AMD-CPU's. Haven't tested things with DCS yet but will do so a bit later today.
  14. An update on my end: I ended up just wiping the entire system due to the framerate-issues in DCS (yes, I AM that level of maniac) and reinstalled the at-the-time latest Beta-build from USB. Since that time I've been happily running Win 11 without any issues what so ever, and even gained 3-7 fps in DCS overall. Usually sitting at between 45 and 50 on the ground in Caucasus and PG, about 40 on the ground on Syria. I don't run VR, so cannot comment at all on how that behaves. Specs: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 on a ASUS TUF B450M-PRO mobo, 32Gb G.Skill Ripjaws V DDR4 3200Mhz RAM. DCS installed on its own 512Gb m.2 NVME SSD, system running on a 256Gb m.2 NVME. ASUS GeForce 1660 Super 6Gb Vidcard, latest drivers. 32" QHD-monitor with a 27" QHD as secondary. No overclocking of any kind. Have had zero issues with other games (Diablo III, Aliens Fireteam Elite, Battletech, Outriders, Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen etc). Haven't done any direct comparisons between framerates from Win10 to WIn11 on any except DCS, mostly since I haven't noticed any issues in the first place. Wiped my workflaptop (HP ZBook 14u G5) and installed the release-build of Win11 on it. Zero issues with any of the workloads I have on it. Take it for what it's worth, but so far I'd have to say that the main differences for me with Win11 are all visual.
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