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About shinobi61

  • Birthday 03/21/1988

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  1. This
  2. i mean i hope its not me being dumb but here is my miz. Hot kiowa just need to hover on the spot, 4 targets 4 groups 1 unit each group, reaper above, launch hellfire on code C L2MUM REAPER TEST.miz
  3. So i figured that i'd be able to cheese the system by using single unit groups but even that doesn't work when a drone is spawned and picks a target that is the only target that the video feed will watch, even when the drone switches to a new group after killing the first one (all single unit groups) it stays on the very first one that it was observing. Im wondering if there is a work around then, that a drone is like a single use and it despawns / spawns a new drone after the kill
  4. yeah i figured when it changed "group" it would switch so you could use single unit groups but, it doesn't, shame
  5. awesome thanks target switching works well, but appears that the video feed never will change no matter what, its locked to the first thing its looking at even when destroyed etc
  6. very interesting, although im of the thinking it would be alot more widely used if it was only a texture update therefor being able to be a custom cockpit livery and usable by all, will watch this thread
  7. tbh i wish there was just a definate end to it all now, so we can move on. Fed up preaying everyday that av8b wont be trashed aswel
  8. ED giving store credits for f15e, im leaning on razbam being the issue in all this and can only see them coming to an end. I wish only there was a way to save the harrier and m2k
  9. @cfrag small spelling error in doc HOW GROUP TRACKER WOKS <---- Simply put, a group tracker works like this:
  10. Ah i see, i think for kiowa specific missions then the best solution "should" be single unit groups if the script now forces the drone to engage same group, and then omit the shift feature. Unfortunate but still with that method (if works correctly) you can theoretically design a mission to suit, trust DCS to mess up such a cool feature lol edit: also another thought, paired with the forced targeting (if i understand correctly) + single unit groups you could use multiple channels (drones) in one area for this kind of thing, actually could be kinda realistic this way too, have to really be hot with your laser codes and comms though. null As the kiowa supports multiple drone channels could be kinda fun this way to be honest! Its like manually shifting target by changing channel + code Could get messy with larger OwnedZone / Capture type missions becuase alot depends on Groups Going to have a mess around with this now! Edit2: i made a mission to test a little but i think i need the updated script with the forced correct group because at the moment if you put 4x single unit groups (tank, truck, shilka, bmp) as example and then 4 drones above, then all 4 have the same video feed (AI targeting same one) and at the same time, all DML scripts lasing the same one too (albeit not the matching one lol) L2MUM REAPER TEST.miz
  11. lol that is funny Well i already had the L2MUMs working with DMLs reaper, i assumed (probably incorrectly) that if you were able to impliment a cycle target feature/command to say radio item, then when you "step" or "shift" target via a command it would just shift the video feed, can we download the new module with cycle ability already? im working on a small mission for kiowa / apache practice for buddy lase and drones regards
  12. Step would be so awesome, with priority in the background, options are great but radio menus get cluttered so easily in missions when for example you need 1 feature from a script but it comes with like 13 features i've not read through the full documentation yet but there is probably a way to omit things from radio menus already using DML lol
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