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Everything posted by Vanguardski

  1. Ill recap what I did to get it somehow running for now: -In the toolkit, enable ONLY "DCS WORLD". Disable Opencomposite_DCS. -Enable safe mode in the toolkit -Launch DCS and using the default toolkit hotkeys find the "reset to defaults" option and click it -Close game, disable safe mode, launch.
  2. Ill recap what I did to get it somehow running for now: -In toolkit, enable ONLY "DCS WORLD". Disable Opencomposite_DCS. -Enable safe mode -Launch DCS and using the default toolkit hotkeys find the "reset to defaults" option and click it -Close game, disable safe mode, launch. So far so good for me. I tested the toolkits functionality with some glass tints and smoothing and so far, it works. Hope it helps!
  3. I wouldn't say its useless, but its much more of a pain in the ass. I definitely dont use VR because it offers me any sort of competetive advantage, in fact i can easily check 6 with a LED tracker whereas i need to twist my entire body in VR. Just one of the examples of course. So no, I don't agree, its not useless, its an amazing way to play flight sims and many other games and even if it does limit me in some ways i'd still rather not go back to 2d. UNLESS you had "not worth the effort" in mind - in which case i am more willing to agree, If i had less time i certainly wouldn't bother with this mess where everything gets broken each patch. case in point: Im writing this as im trying to figure out why the most recent patch shat the bed and broke opencomposite/openxr toolkit. Great fun.
  4. It works with toolkit disabled, which is neat, but the toolkit adds lots of things that make this whole experience manageable, so until some sort of fix or statement is released i'll pass.
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