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3000 Black Jets of Allah

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  1. Yeah this needs to be reverted/toggled, immersion breaking change for people that do carrier landings correctly and don't use the comms menu.
  2. You'd hope it'd be a quick fix, but with ED it could months/years
  3. The lights are now backwards after the patch, they point towards the front of the boat and are invisible from the back.
  4. Can confirm, it seems that the lights are backwards because you can see them from the front of the boat
  5. I hope they do something, the F10 is so cluttered now with all of the helipads on it. It's a real chore to find the actual airfields amongst them.
  6. Try looking for the TO 1F-4E-1 manual, it has a section for DI and weights etc. for all pylon and store setups. I've done some calculations with those values and the performance charts and it's pretty spot on
  7. Haven't heard anything yet, no acknowledgement from HB.
  8. If the human in each jet jumps to the back seat to set it, it was working from what we found. Just not with 2 humans in each jet.
  9. +1 here, I posted the thread on the Heatblur discord that you replied to, but apart from that I haven't heard anything from Heatblur to confirm they know it's a bug or not. Might have more luck in the forums here than discord.null For anyone commenting later, this is with both jets in the same group in the mission with static slots. I've also noticed that the datalink address has no effect when the pilot manually sets the 4C up by jumping to the back seat, both jets can be on the same sub-address and the datalink works fine.
  10. As with most things ED, it'll arrive in 2 weeks for sure (trust me this time I swear)
  11. To add some visual details to the comment by Ivandrov because it covers it all perfectly, here's a diagram from FlyandWire showing the relative scan volumes of the radar at 25nm, with the green being the TWS modes, and the gray zone being 8B 130°. As you can see, the amount of space that TWS covers in both sizes is absolutely tiny compared to a maxed out 8 bar 130° RWS scan. null
  12. Has anyone noticed similar? Just tried to use the F/F datalink with another tomcat and it didn't work. Both tomcats had 2 humans so it's not anything to do with Jester. No matter what frequency or setup we tried it didn't work. Both jets were in the same ME group so that wasn't the issue. EDIT: Tested on the same mission with just one of us in each tomcat and it worked fine, might be a multicrew issue. We also tested a mission pre and post-GPS just in case that had something to do with it somehow but it worked every time.
  13. Yeah that's fair, it would be nice to get more shapes.
  14. The Recon Helicopter icon is similar to the Scout Plane one but it has a pointed tip, It might not be accurate to the standard but it does exist in the game. The reason I noticed is I use a directional icon mod, and it means that the Kiowa looks like a plane, instead of a helicopter icon. And switching the icon would mess up other aircraft and make stuff like the An-30M look like a helicopter on the map because they are assigned the correct icons.
  15. Currently the Kiowa uses the "САМОЛЁТ РАЗВЕДЧИК" (Scout Plane) icon in the mission editor. It should be using the "Recon Helicopter" icon instead. These icons are defined in the "DCS World\MissionEditor\data\NewMap\classifier.lua" file.
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