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[45] Wombat

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  1. Squadron Name: 45 Aircraft Selection: F16, F18, F15C Pilot Roster: Wombat, Editz, West, Sonic, Starry, Hopper, Xbox, Darkstar, Shark, Mags, Nick
  2. Team: 45 Aircraft: F16, F18 Team Roster: Wombat, Editz, West, Starry, Sonic, Mags, Hopper, Darkstar, Nick, Shark Play Times: 1600z-2200z Logo:
  3. Red plesae [45] Wombat [45] Editz [45] Sonic [45] West
  4. Squadron: 45 Timezone: 16z-20z Aircraft: F-16C, F/A-18C Maps: Cauc, PG, Syria
  5. Callsign: Wombat Airframe: Hornet, super carrier
  6. Squadron Name: 45th JFG Horsemen Aircraft Selection: F-18, F-16, F-15E Pilot Roster: Will update soon Timezone: UFC -5
  7. heres a tacview clip of some bvr fights with my friend. we were messing around with ECM pods but firing the missiles near no escape zone. this is the result. i get people are gonna say "its ecm!" but i dont think the missiles should be trashed that fast and the way they get trashed is a little crazy. is this accurate?
  8. let’s just hope they haven’t paused the development while working on the F4. and that this whole time it’s been actively worked on. I wonder how ED will balance everything else with the meteor missiles
  9. i knew i wasnt crazy. im flying the ball so perfect and yet being essentially "punished" for not throwing the jet down at the last second. ill look up these threads now awesome. im gonna try a landing now with it off to see how i do!
  10. so I have been practicing carrier landings pretty heavily. I have the entire case 1 pattern down, however, I'm struggling flying the ball. i keep the ball centered the entire time yet somehow miss the wire. I slowed down a clip of me doing it and am noticing that right as i get to the deck there's a lift that is throwing me a few feet higher and that's what was causing me to miss it. How do I counter that? fly the ball lower to account for it?
  11. still think about this one idk how they lost all the files without having anything backed up or older versions to revert to. seems like they just called it quits when they could’ve had one of the most popular mods in dcs
  12. im playing without MT. its weird. if i use fast mission, the plane works just fine. if i load it up in the mission editor, it will crash. not all the time but sometimes it does. earlier today it kept crashing so i took the mod out and launched dcs and then closed dcs and put the mod back in and it worked. but then when i put the f22 in my mod folder and tried flying the su it crashed. so i kept the f22 in my folder and took out the su, launched my game, quit it, put su back in mod folder and ran it again and it worked. so it seems to be off and on that it crashes.
  13. i have the mod installed but can’t seem to get passed the briefing page. when i load into the jet the usual little brief box comes up and when i hit okay i see the checklist at the top right and then dcs freezes and crashes
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