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Everything posted by TomcatFan1976

  1. ok, i sure will, thank you for the quick response.
  2. I have been trying to buy this module for a little bit now and it won't let me. It keeps saying i don't have 2.8.4 or something like that when i have 2.8.7. I have all the modules it asks for, but doesn't give me an option to buy or anything....
  3. i think Jester is really limited in the RIO position. To put it nicely anyways. Whats really annoying is his constant lame jokes he rattles off during a dogfight, I mean come on, does he have to do that during a dogfight? I want a RIO, not a comedian in that situation...
  4. This is what i replied. I was thanking you for the help..... I do all those things you mentioned and lucky if i get 1 out 6 to hit anything or even go pitbull. Like i said in my last reply, it's nice to have people that actually help instead of looking down on someone for ranting...thanks for that
  5. I do all these things and nothing. most don't even go pitbull. But thank you for giving an answer and help instead of being rude and think everyone is dumb but you. Nice to know there's at least one person on here that doesn't have an over inflated ego and actually offers help. I do all those things you mentioned and lucky if i get 1 out 6 to hit anything or even go pitbull. Like i said in my last reply, it's to have people that actually help instead of looking down on someone for ranting...thanks for that
  6. These Phoenix's are so frustrating. They hit like 1 out 6 shots if I'm lucky. Makes me not want to fly the plane anymore when i use to fly everyday. I think if the missiles performed in real life like they do in DCS, the Navy would've told Grumman to pound sand and not buy the F-14. Why waste a half a mill per missile if they can't hit anything....and here we go with the it's just you, you don't know what you're doing and so on replies
  7. The speed of the Phoenix was Mach 5 and range was over 100nm. We are not getting anywhere near that in DCS. Again, you can reference the 6 on 6 test they performed during the development stage of the Tomcat. We can also reference the amazing accuracy and deadliness during the Iraq-Iran war where Iran had amazing kill rates with the very early model of the Phoenix's.
  8. I agree. Everyone i know just gets the same answer from Heatblur and the people in the forums.....It's more realistic, or they start calling you names and tell you you're the idiot, i have proof of that from a Heatblur team member himself from a whole topic, whom was not banned but the guy posting was banned for a year. So if anyone has an issue with the Tomcat, it's more realistic....lol I posted there too and guess what? STILL NO RESPONSE
  9. Any information on the Phoenix being fixed? Anything at all?
  10. Does DCS or Heatblur have any intentions on improving the Phoenix missile? or are they just gonna leave it for now?
  11. i meant to say ICBM's and cruise missiles that fly very close to the ground, omg....relax
  12. I didn't misunderstand anything. I was just saying that ICBM's were also a threat that the Tomcat could face on top of cruise missile and other smaller threats... do i have to list every single possible threat. ICBM's were just as much a threat as there was cruise missiles.
  13. The Phoenix missile is a very deadly missile. The 6 on 6 test proved to be very accurate, and those were the very early 54a model. Then again we can refer to the Iran-Iraq war, where the Iranians had tons of kills from the Phoenix missile. They proved to be very accurate and deadly against Iraqi fighters. The Phoenix is believed to be designed for Bomber size targets, at least I hear that a lot. Although this was one of the primary threats, they were not designed strictly for this purpose. The were also design to intercept ICBM's flying super sonic and cruise missiles that fly very close to the ground. The cold war threat were Russian bombers, but was mostly Nuclear weapons, i.e ICBMs. The phoenix has been proving to track targets at very high altitudes and right down to 50 ft off the ground. They were very hard to jam, especially the 54c models. One reason why when an enemy fighter received an alert that they were being tracked or locked by a Tomcat, they turned around and left. They knew how deadly the Tomcat/Phoenix combo was. Check out this video and see what you think.....
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