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About MadMax-87

  • Birthday 10/28/2002

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  1. @Reflected & @MadKreator You just need a 60FPS Webcam. I bought mine for 50$ and works fantastic. Before i got my 60FPS Webcam i bought a 30FPS for 5 $ and it was working well, but it was like DCS runs on 30 FPS lol. Since i use the 60FPS Webcam, runs the same like TrackIR (i had one for years then i got VR and i sold mine) And to configure the AITRACK and OpenTrack is easy, way easy as trackir and it works perfect, you dont need adjustments etc. Dont forget the Ultra low Latency Mode in nVidia Settings.
  2. Hey @Reflected i used FacetrackNoIR but it was just bad. Now i use OpenTrack and AItrack and works very good, if you are interested, i will post here my settings, so you can get it work perfect. Dont forget to activate the Ultra low Latency Mode in nVidia Settings, this makes the whole game smooth like butter, i am not joking, and headtracking will work without problems. Thats it...
  3. What makes me angry and hungry (english is weird language lol) are those guys like you. Why you even answer, if you are trying to be just silly? Just ignore me. I kindly asked, if someone can confirm the issue with mirrors. But you have to come, i will block you, i have to see, if this is possible, dont want to see kids. Thank you Ok then teach me how to say it another way. It litteraly looks crap, i am not insulting ED, this game is my second life, so it just look weird. Asking is for free, if nobody answers, its better then somebody try ti be smart.
  4. My friend, what desinformation? I think you wanted to say why i am spreading conspiracy against ED, right? My settings are maxed out and 4K, dont be arrogant. Maybe you have 14" monitor and you dont even see the mirrors. As i said, only my helmet looks nice, everything else looks very low, so no way to use it in dogfight. Whats wrong with you man?
  5. By the way, to deactivate mirrors would be better, somehow ED downgraded the mirrors, looks crap, you cant see enything on those mirrors. I know they were bettter. It eats a lot of FPS and looks ugly. Can someon confirm that?
  6. I did not try this possible solution to deactivate the mirrors. I will avoid this map until they fix that. Looks pretty good, but you know the thing.
  7. I cant believe this bug is still today not fixed. I flew today with F-14 on syria Map, all the time while flying I have flickering (black screen) without VR. In F-18 on the MFD where the map is showing, half of it shows black. I regret I buyed this map. I always say to my self: dont ever buy early access at the firt day, never ever.... But i did it again and now i cant even fly this map. Madness. Ps: i did deleted fxo and metashaders2... i am not against buggs, they happen, i know. But after so many months, not yet fixed? O.k...
  8. Well you have to set the resolution in DCS Settings, then it will show correctly.
  9. Well all what you need is a good throttle to be able to adjust the gas as you need, and the other thing is, just do it every day. My first time AAR was with F-16 and it is not really hard. Then with my F-18 i thought, its not possible to do... but now i can do AAR, maybe not perfect, but it works. Thats all the mathematics. You must spend time with your aircraft. But just for you: i fly to the tanker with max. 20 KN and then i slow down to 3 knots and simply fly in formation and then i just follow the basket when near enough. And dont forget, its the same like when you fly in formation, you have to set constantly the throttle back/forward, its not like you set it on time like in a Car! And with your joystick you simply move it millimeter left/right/up/down thats ist, no trim or flaps. If you have issues, check if your gear is calibrated, if yes, set in game settings for joystick curve "15", for the throttle dont touch anything. If you have rudder peddals check the calibration to. But dont ever set deadzone, trust me. Deadzone will kill AAR possibility, because you cant do precise movements. Good luck
  10. When i saw the video posted above, i gave it a try. I installed bms and started the game, its pretty after 20 minutes i deinstalled it again, not worth spamming my ssd space. How in the world somebody can play bms and why? The aircraft feels like paper, come on guys, who ever promote bms, he must be mentaly ill. Sorry i dont want to be rude, but everywhere you see those bms spam, but the game is the biggest nonsense. Lol i am dying
  11. I saw a post where they showed an aircraft without pilot inside. They said, without the pilot the jet can handle more Gs and for longer time. The pilot was sitting in a container with joystick lol. It has pro and contra for sure, and that is the point you said: it might one day be the only way anyone could experience being an actual fighter pilot!
  12. Not only flickering, the Bugwheel of F-18 does not work, how i chould taxi to the runways? On other maps works fine. I asked my mate to test the sinai map, he had the same issue... Its not logical for me, that because of a map the aircraft might not work, but it is how it is, sadly...
  13. When i fly (not VR) on sinai map i have black artifacts or black flickering. My brother has the same issue. Who else have this problem?
  14. Yes thats true! With previous Beta (VR) i had on the Carrier frame drops, and there was something like blury lines. Now on the carrier no frame drops at all. I think this MT Beta will improve 2D much more for those with 1080, 2000" and 3000" GPU's. For 4000" not so much, at least 4090 did not improve on FPS, but the stability is much better and definitely they are on the best way, i can't complain.
  15. I did test 3-4 hours the BETA and i still have 72 FPS like before, but i noticed following: i can now set everything to max settings, i did set now clouds to ultra + terrain shadows and i get now still 72 FPS and it runs generally much smoother, i would say perfect. I even can set 2x to 4x MSAA then i got stable 32 FPS and runs actualy very smooth. With previous Beta Version i was not able to use MSAA. I hope later i will be able to use MSAA with at least 60 FPS. Then i tested it in 2D, 200 FPS and even in Mariana Map 160 FPS with everything ultra and 4x MSAA lol... Nice job ED,DCS runs much smoother and better...
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