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  1. Hi. I have a problem. After being offline for some time, I finally wanted to get back into my F-22 in the evening. However, the radar no longer works. Targets are only displayed on the radar when they are close to sight, i.e. approx. 5nm. But then it is too late. My AIM120 is not used... Is there a way to repair this? Or is there a file in which I can increase the range of the radar? Ps. I also tested the original Grinnelli mod, the same problem there too. Of course it would be cool if you could use the new radar of the F18.
  2. Hi Spino Thanks for the reply. There are many good mods that no longer work with the DCS update over the years. Hopefully the J35A can be activated again. For the F22 I only have the SU57 as an opponent... So thank you again for your efforts... greetings Mike
  3. Hi Spino

    Please help me. J35A not Working...🤔

    F-22A Raptor mod enhancement mod

    greeting Mike

  4. @Spino I have a question to you. How can I activate the J35A? It shows me Inactive in the options. nullI copied your mod into Savegame/DCS/Mods/Aircraft. DCS started, but I can't select it in the mission editor. It would be great if you could give me some help with this. Is this correct? greeting Mike
  5. Completed! I was helped by Helios. The finished profile goes online... greeting Mike
  6. Erledigt! Mir wurde seitens Helios geholfen... Profil geht Online... Gruß Mike
  7. Hi Nightstorm Since I don't use VR, I can only tell you that there are no strange things in the Helios. So it seems to be a VR problem. You have probably deleted the shader files in the Savedgame folder and the further steps you should take if there are graphics problems. VR still has some construction sites, and we also have one or two people in our DCS group with small problems. But if these problems only occur in the F22, I'm unfortunately at a loss. I hope someone else can help you with the problem. Greeting Mike I wish you all a happy new year
  8. Hi Ok, I have to look at where to change it. I didn't notice this at all in the fight against the Felon...
  9. Hi I'm currently in the process of creating a Helios profile for Apache. It's almost finished so far. Now I'm still missing the HAT switches, but unfortunately I can't get them to work. Can someone please help me with this? 4 wnullay switch I can't get the bindings??? New interface bindings? I hope it can help me. Of course I would be happy to make the profile available to Helios users. PLT and CPG work without any problems and I have already completed almost all the switches I need. The viewports, Tedac, KU and displays also fit perfectly and it's fun to fly with a functioning profile. Whether single or Multi, switching between the seats is no longer a problem, as the key files are now assigned to the occupied seat without having to switch in the control settings. Thanks to Bluefina and Helios for your work here... greeting Mike nullnull
  10. Hello I'm back. After a long time and many operations, I'm finally back in the pit. First of all, many thanks to everyone who works on the F22 and especially to Nightstorm. I have now finished the Helios profile and would like to make it available to you. DCS F22A.zip Simply copy files to the respective positions as usual and you're done. Unfortunately the RWR still doesn't work, but I hope it will in the future will be displayed at some point. Have fun and I hope it goes as well for you as it did for me. I had to reinstall DCS Obenbeta and then have the profile in the new Helios v1.6.6050.1 tested and it runs without problems. greeting Mike null
  11. Hi Ich bin gerade davbei ein Helios Profil für den Apache zu erstellen. Es ist soweit auch schon fast fertig. Nun fehlen mir noch die HAT Switches, die bekomme ich aber leider nicht zum laufen. Kann mir da bitte jemand helfen? 4 4 Wegeschalter bekomme ich die Bindings nicht hin??? Beim 4 Wegeschalter welche Bindings setzen? Neues Interface Bindings? Ich hoffe es kann mir geholfen werden. Würde dann für die Helios Nutzer natürlich gerne das Profil zur Verfügung stellen. PLT und CPG Funktionieren ohne Probleme und fast alle benötigten Schalter habe ich schon fertig. Auch die Viewports, Tedac, KU und Displays passen Perfekt und es macht schon Spaß mit einem Funktionierenden Profil zu fliegen. Ob Single oder Multi, das Switchen zwischen den Sitzen kein Problem mehr, da ja jetzt auch die Keyfiles dem besetzten Sitz zugewiesen werden ohne das man in den Steuerungseinstellungen Umschalten muss. Danke an die Bluefina und Helios an dieser stelle für eure Arbeit... Gruß Mike
  12. Hi WIP Helios F-22A. nullSo far the profile is running now. There are still a few small things that I would like to fix before publication. But I need help with that. The following issues still need to be resolved: The active batt. Display is missing although it is in the driver. The rocker on the ICP is displayed as "Not Implemented" in the bindings, can it be activated somehow? I hope that someone can help me there. Once the two things are done I can then give out the profile to beta testers. Greetings. Mike34
  13. Good morning First of all, thank you very much for the tips I received from you. I think it's great when people have a common goal and work in a team to achieve it. I myself am already of an advanced age and am happy about any support and if I can also make a small contribution, so much the better. Unfortunately, I am not a programmer now, but if I can then use the Helios profile to make the flight experience a little more pleasant for all users, I would like to continue to participate in the further development of the F22 in terms of the profile in the future. Thanks to Flying Alex and Nightstorm. It's just awesome what you do here for the community. Maybe one day "Grinelli" will decide to let us take control of the Thrust Vector...;-)) I think the Su57 mod had implemented that? Unfortunately, the mod was lost on my part through carelessness. (Hard drive with DCS and all mods broke...L) If anyone else has the mod, I would appreciate a download link. Unfortunately, the DCS forum no longer has it. F22 against Su57 has something… I hope that in the course of the next week I'll be through with the Helios profile so far that I can make a first test version available. Should I then upload them to Github or here in the forum? @ Nightstorm The ICP works as you can see in my picture, but it was probably a mistake on my part. Flying Alex placed the ad on the left side, i.e. the viewport there. If I pull the viewport over both sides, the font gets too big and you can't see it anymore. So all good, thanks for your info. Ps. One more comment maybe. I only do the landing of the F22 manually. Since I've been a VFW pilot for a very, very long time, I might like to give you a tip. AOA 4-5*, 150Ktn, Airbrakes, Gear Down, only hold AOA with thrust, no more yaw stick movements. Then the “touchdown” is smooth as butter…;-) If the AOA is greater than 6*, you touch down with the rear. So that's how it appears for me. Best regards Mike34
  14. Hi Yes Sir, many thanks. Update to F22 profil. Helio's profile is up and running now. I have now inserted the left UFD and the viewports are working as well. The ICP is also functional and all buttons have their bindings set. When I wanted to do the first test flight, I unfortunately had to find out that the SMS display on the left MFD was not displayed correctly. Also, only the arrows are displayed on the PMFD. The RWR is missing on the right MFD. I then tried to get it all working, but without success. Does anyone have an idea how I can get the ads? The help in various tutorials didn't get me any further after many hours of research... Good. SMS, Radar and RWR failed... @Flying Alex One more question, how did you make the ad in the ICP? Do I have to add an extra viewport and which lua is required for this? I am thankful for every help. I'm currently on the left panels and trying to implement all the switches. At the weekend I will then tackle the right panels... ;-)) Greetings Mike34
  15. Hi @Flying Alex Here the UFC. I had to edit the images again. But now they are original. If you want to have the 2nd (as in the picture above), I have to create that first and it can take a few days until I have the images ready. Just let me know. Thanks to your help, I now have the viewports up and running and will now get to work on the panels. Since I'm new to Helios, I've only had touchscreen with Helios in the pit for a few months. So please be patient with me if it doesn't go that quickly. Depending on the status, I would then post the status of the Helios profile here again and again if that were okay... Images UFC.zip Best Regards Mike
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