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Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    IL-2 Great Battles
  • Location
    The North of England
  • Interests
    Graphics, Skinning, Virtually Flying
  • Occupation
    Graphic Artist

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  1. Ditto... same area.
  2. Hope you had and will HAVE a goodun!! From me and mine to you and yours...
  3. Happy Yuletide to you and yours from me (Rap) and mine!! XXX 🙂 :drinks_cheers:


  4. Fair play, I got the wrong end of your particular stick and I apologise if I sounded a little grumpy! Peace Rap
  5. Obviously these things aren't 'a big deal' if you don't own these modules but to those that do own them they are as important as everything else my friend, trust me! The Mosquito cost the same as your F16 or F18 and, as such, it's owners are entitled to just as much care and attention as anyone else. Their money is exactly the same.
  6. ABSOLUTELY!!! If nothing else, 'Replays' would be nothing if not a fantastic advert for the game and almost undoubtedly increase the player-base... 110%!!!
  7. A wise man once said, "Nobody thinks about you as much as you think about yourself". Taking the progress, or lack of it, personally will never get anyone much mileage.
  8. No offence to red-haired step children of course...
  9. Same as above @BIGNEWY, pleeease?
  10. Crackin'. Crackin' Huey Campaign. Crackin' guy!
  11. Apart from coding, you can always stick the skinfile into the root folder and look at it in the ModelViewer... not much help I guess but it's simple and, more importantly, it works.
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