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F-22A Raptor mod enhancement mod
Talon1-1 replied to Nightstorm's topic in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World
I'm just glad I kept a copy of DCS 2.8.6 on an external drive so I can still play this mod. At the moment, I'm learning C++ both for modding and for work. If that EFM from Grinelli doesn't end up being released, then I'm going to try to turn this mod into an EFM. When I finish up learning the language, hopefully I can find someone on here who understands aerodynamics / radar to crunch numbers while I can handle the programming. -
F-22A Raptor mod enhancement mod
Talon1-1 replied to Nightstorm's topic in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World
@F-35 Guy If you mean that they both added a radar with extended range, then yes. thats in sensors.lua. Look at my response to TheMonsterInMe to see how to modify it. Other than extended detection range, there is no other trick that Spino or Nightstorm used to "emulate AESA radar". They just defined their own radar and added it to the avionics. Once again - the addition of sensors.lua define the AI's detection of your plane. The detection range of your plane vs. an AI plane is defined by detection_range_max in the F-22A.lua file. sensors.lua does not simulate functionalities different from other FC3 radars. -
F-22A Raptor mod enhancement mod
Talon1-1 replied to Nightstorm's topic in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World
To answer a few questions (since I've dumped way too much time digging around this mod of this plane) A general PSA for people complaining about RCS - We all know RCS doesn't "work that way". There isn't a good way to represent the effect of RCS for a plane whose main selling point is its RCS. RCS is a single number in the DCS engine and the DCS engine does not allow RCS to change by aspect. No modder can change this if the game engine itself doesn't support it. If you don't like it, go into F-22A.lua, Ctrl+F RCS and change it yourself. There really isn't any need to discuss RCS here as this question has been answered to pieces not just in this thread but also any other thread about RCS. @flavnet@Mike34 Disclaimer: I play on version (for reasons I'll describe later) I have a "working" J20 mod. It's not flyable and the textures are crap but the AI works just fine and the damage model isn't broken. When DCS 2.9 first came out, the J20 still worked the same. The two J20 mods you can download - one has a broken damage model that can take 4 missile hits and still fly. I took the other one that didn't load and ported the 3d model to the one with a broken damage model and it seems to work fine as an AI plane. @F-35 Guy The avionics is entirely from the FC3 F15. There is no way to model an AESA radar accurately. This isn't just because of classified information. DCS doesn't offer the tools to be able to do this (as far as I know) and even if it were to offer these tools, it would take a dedicated development team to create it. For the purposes of a mod the FC3 F15-C avionics are just the most accessible. One notable thing that AESA radars are immune against is notching - and no matter how powerful you can mod a radar in DCS, every single radar and missile gets defeated by a notch. This isn't something that a mod can fix either I don't think. @Themonsterisme Yes. It is a problem with RCS. The original grinnelli mod has an RCS value of 0.1. A work around to this could be to use MOOSE scripting to keep an limit the engagement range by aspect quadrant when you fly the F22 but that's a whole other story. Also if you are setting up this mod in your own server with other fifth gen aircraft, please be aware that there are two different places where a plane's radar power is controlled: 1. If the player is flying the aircraft, there is a single value in the lua file of the aircraft (i.e F-22A.lua) called detection_range_max. This value governs how far away the player can detect a plane. 2. if the AI is flying the aircraft, the radar's range is defined in sensors.lua under AN_APG77. The only values that seem to have any effect are ASPECT_HEAD_ON, ASPECT_TAIL_ON, and the RCS value defined here. Please note: this RCS value refers to the sensitivity measure of the radar and in my experience, decreasing this value makes the detection range a little higher. You really have to do a lot of testing to ensure that the AI and player have the same detection ranges. A few other things to note: A lot of the mods of 5th gen planes right now have low RCS which is fine. However, if the RCS is too low, SAM sites won't pick them up at all in DCS. AWACS also doesn't pick them up at all. I've added and modified existing sensors for SAMS and AWACS and no matter how powerful I make their radar, they just won't pick up something with an RCS less than 0.01 ish. @Joey_Destroyah The last version of DCS for which lofting capability for modded missiles was still working was patch Since the patch after that one, the lofting behavior is no longer enabled by just the lua script itself. A missile scheme was added for the original missiles in DCS while all other missiles that did not have this scheme stopped lofting correctly. In order for those missiles to follow the original loft, you have to make the missile go active much earlier or else the missile will fly straight at the location you loft it at until it either completely overshoots the target or it sees the target too late and unrealistically tries to make a dive for it. Paired with how detection works in DCS this can lead to you missing all of your long range shots as the target will know far ahead of time that a missile is on its way. The AI, which can still fly a perfect BFM, just has to notch the missile and the missile will go dumb - even if notching shouldn't affect AESA radars with which many planes and missiles in the F-22 era are equipped with. I don't know if the recent patches have fixed it though. -
I'm writing a script to get some missile parameters after a missile has been shot at a particular unit. My script is as follows: env.info("Script Running ::DEBUG") PlaneName = "Aerial-1-1" -- Create a new Event Handler Shot = EVENTHANDLER:New() -- Subscribe to Shot events Shot:HandleEvent(EVENTS.Shot) function Shot:OnEventShot(EventData) -- If shot is fired at plane if EventData.TgtUnitName == PlaneName then -- Shows plane name (no errors) local weaponName = EventData.WeaponName env.info(EventData.WeaponName .. " has been fired at ECM unit ::DEBUG") -- Supposedly gets weapon local missile = EventData.Weapon -- Error in SCHEDULER function, attempt to call field 'StartTrack' (a nil value) missile.StartTrack() env.info(missile.ClassName .. " is being tracked ::DEBUG") end end According to the docs on EventData, EventData is supposed to carry with it the Weapon class and it should be accessible via EventData.Weapon or EventData.weapon. When I try to access EventData.Weapon's attributes, All of them return an error saying that attribute is a nil value. I believe that I'm not accessing the Weapon object in the right way. How do I access the Weapon object's attributes?
F-22A Raptor mod enhancement mod
Talon1-1 replied to Nightstorm's topic in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World
A few things I discovered while running on the latest version of Open Beta: -Missile trajectories are no longer working as they did before. This isn't a problem specific to this mod but it seems like all custom made missiles are now missing something to use a ballistic / curved trajectory. The missile will auto loft and travel in a straight line until seeker picks up the target, in which case the missile makes a wild dive to try and hit the target. I've literally copied the code from aim120family.lua into A2Amissiles.lua and vice versa. The only difference was that in the modded code, I did not use the scheme files found in aim120fmaily.lua. This means that what ever changes were introduced in the update after resulted in all modded missiles being unable to use whatever the default missile scheme used to be. This has been the case for the meteor missile in the Gripen mod as well as every single other missile mod I could find. The last version in which missile trajectory wasn't screwed up for me was I have since reverted back to this version and the missiles work fine without any change to the original code. I'll be digging into this further to see what has been changed and possibly look at how to create and utilize new scheme files for modded missiles. Going forward though, I will be playing open beta only on version -As of open beta version (and later updates as well), the radar definition in sensors.lua results in TWS lock unable to switch to other locked targets after firing. This was corrected by adding SensorType = 1 while keeping type = RADAR_MULTIROLE. SensorType = 1 allows the switching to other locked targets in TWS mode while RADAR_MULTIROLE is required for AI to use any active radar missiles. -
F-22A Raptor mod enhancement mod
Talon1-1 replied to Nightstorm's topic in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World
Maybe you ought to take that up with ED because that's literally not his problem. RCS isn't even modeled correctly in DCS and currently sits as a flat number for all planes regardless of aspect. How aspect is SORT of modeled is in the sensor definitions of a plane. FC3 radar can be defined to allow different detection ranges for head on, aspect, high and low detection ranges (at least for AI aircraft). This, however, is the radar's ability to detect targets at different aspects and the target's RCS doesn't actually change it's detection distance as far as I can tell. -
JAS 39C Gripen Community Mod
Talon1-1 replied to whisky.actual's topic in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World
I have a question about the missile behavior with the meteor. The parameters of the shots are generally as follows: Gripen: 40k ft, 400 kts, Su30: 40k ft, 300 kts, Separation: about 55-56 nautical miles Launch Parameters: TWS, High PRF, 1.5 - 2 degrees pitch up, fire and track missile entire way. The vast majority of my shots are like the "Flat trajectory" file - the missile gets lofted and continues to travel in a straight line over the target until it either overshoots and doesn't detect the target or it detects the target and begins maneuvering. There are some special instances where the missile travels more in an arc long before going active. It is able to reach a nice optimal point above the target before going active. I am unable to reliably reproduce this (Special 3 file) with my firing parameters. In 20 shot tests, only three have turned out this way. ---- I've done quite a bit of tweeking with missiles and I cannot definitively find any other parameter besides active_radar_lock_dist (the parameter that controls when the missile goes active) that makes the missile deviate from its usual flat loft trajectory. Could someone explain to me why the missile is acting like its using two different flight models? Does anyone have any idea as to which parameters pertain to this problem? Special.acmi Flat trajectory.zip.acmi special2.acmi Special 3.acmi- 467 replies
F-22A Raptor mod enhancement mod
Talon1-1 replied to Nightstorm's topic in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World
Turns out I was dumb. Perhaps I didn't read closely enough or didn't look in the right places but here's what I found for anyone who stumbles upon this again: values defined in Sensors.lua - at least when I tested things, these values are used by AI but doesn't seem to have direct affect on how far away the radar can see when the plane the sensor is for is being flown by a human. max_detection_range - Through my own testing, this value specifically affects how far away the radar can see when the plane that the .lua file is defined for is being flown by a person. -
F-22A Raptor mod enhancement mod
Talon1-1 replied to Nightstorm's topic in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World
I think it might be a problem with my DCS in general. When I'm testing out different values for mods, like say - RCS or any of the detection distance values in sensors.lua, There are times where the test would be successful once (where the new values are reflected as I expected). Thereafter, it seems like none of my changes are being picked up when ran. For reference, I set all detection distance values in sensor.lua to 0. Then I create a new mission in mission editor. Somehow I am still able to pick up another F-22 at 30 nm away. -
F-22A Raptor mod enhancement mod
Talon1-1 replied to Nightstorm's topic in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World
I have some questions about the AN/APG-77 radar in this mod. I was curious about radar modding and was messing around with some numbers on the mod to see which values change what. max_measuring_distance = 296000000.0 RCS = 0.00001, [ASPECT_HEAD_ON] = 296000000.0, I pushed these values to extremely high numbers, but it didn't change detection or lock on distance at all. In fact no matter how I tweaked the file, it didn't change anything in game. Is there something else I need to do to see these changes reflected? To clarify, I am on open beta. For ASPECT_HEAD_ON, I've changed by the upper and lower hemispheres' attributes and nothing has happened at all. I've also changed the detection_range_max attribute in F-22.lua as well to no effect. It's almost as if the game isn't using that custom radar at all