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  1. Because I already have some circuits soldered with the arduino nano. There is no problem in adding another arduino, but if there was a easy way to add the command with the arduino nano it would prefer that. second I have a handle on both sides of my chair just like in the real aircraft. The handles are not connected and the left/right console have their own arduino, so no wires are connected between them. If I am going to use another arduino i would either have to use 2 or connect the left/right side. I guess I have no other option then adding another arduino.
  2. hmmm i'm currently using arduino nano's for all my other panels. Is there a way that I can make my arduino nano act as a HID or is there a module that i can attach too my arduino nano? if not, is there a other way. Maybe a other program that I can use simultaneously with DCS_Bios?
  3. Hi, I'm trying to make a ejection handle for my A-10C. What is the best way to send the command to DCS-Bios? I have used the sendDcsBiosMessage command, but i don't know the argument I need for the ejection handle. Is there a possibility to send keybinds?
  4. okay thank you very much for your help
  5. Yes i was worried about giving it a delay, because it needs to send like 68 bits of data whenever you press a button. If you say it's instant then i trust that. Thank you for the information. Just to be sure. Do you know if it is the same with a arduino nano. I have no clue if the processor of the arduino nano is (almost) as fast as the arduino mega.
  6. okay thank you. I'm afraid that using that method results in a massive delay between button presses. I guess it is just testing out and seeing what the results are.
  7. Hey guys, I'm building the CDU for my A-10C. I have arduino code for the buttons. All the inputs get stored in a array. I want to send that data to dcsbios, but I dont know what the best option is here. I can just repeat DcsBios::Switch2Pos cduX("CDU_X", PIN); for every buton, but that is a lot of code and maybe a lot of delay. Is there a way that i can send arrays to dcsbios?
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