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About soullessrat5

  • Birthday November 26

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  1. As shown in the video attached, the F5s joystick bindings, specifically the non-axis ones, the inputs seem to "stick". They are acting as if they are continuously being held even after releasing the joystick. This issue only occurred after the 2.9 update. It's hard to see but it's most prominent when you look at the flare/chaff button. You can see that is being held down after using the binding once. The only way to undo it is to reach and click it manually which isn't a realistic option. dfgfdggfd.mp4
  2. Go into the Steam VR and click the bindings menu. Create a new binding and change the controller profile from Oculus to Vive controllers. It's not as good as pre-2.9 but it works. Keep in mind things such as the thumbstick and the menu button will be broken however the thumbstick can be somewhat mitigated by messing around with the bindings. As far as I'm aware there's is currently no way to fix any other issues, especially with the broken A and B button binds I was just on my way to make a forum post about it to see if anyone knows if I have missed something.
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