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About Fear-Factor

  • Birthday 10/13/1977

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  1. As for me a Cobra or Mi28 would be the best choice. It has to fit the acutal available helicopters in DCS. Dont really understand those proposal of "flying motorhome"..... what would you do with that in DCS? Transport helos do not make lot of sense of missing logistic possibilities. When proper logistics would be available so a CH53 would be then interesting. Blackhawk would be also great. Attm i would prefer to have the Mi28 to be a counterpart for the AH64D
  2. This AI behavior is also present on AI helicopters. A Mi-28 flown in my direction so ive tried to shoot it down. Beside the fact that the Mi-28 got 5 (!!!) Vikhr hits he was still able to perform unhuman climbing rate where my Ka50-III was not able to compete.
  3. Ive understand that there are maybe more important things to fix (for example those big texture bugs "saturn rings") but i would be fine when it takes max one week to fix such gamebreaking wiper bug. No, instead we need to wait weeks or more. This is not ok.
  4. Flown the Huey and Ka50 and BOTH have not functioning wipers. I saw nothing and at some point its not playable. This post and in the other thread are now nearly one month old and stil no fix in sight. Its an important point so would be nice if there would be "more preassure" behind the fix procedure.....
  5. There is an discussion meanwhile quite long but we get only "sadation". Whole 2024 nothing happened.... thats sad
  6. Ok, thanks. Will check it
  7. I am quite new in a F14 and so far i can hadle it in mp sessions but i am not sure if after the update something changed..... My bind for dropping flares seems sometimes not to work and before the update it was fine. And i have also a strange thing now that when i drop gbu12 so they are realeased pairwise.... do i need to change something now before dropping? I am not sure about this both things because i fly the F14 for more than 3 months and this problems were not present. So i assume something changed after this update?
  8. I was in the airfield area and after destroying that truck i just flown around in max 1-2km radius. Didnt left the airfield area. Then ive turned toward this area and saw that bug. But as you can see in my video at some position/angle this bug is not visible (bottom view of texture?)
  9. Yes Flappie, thank you for your help too. This is important and good because this is sometimes really bad and this bug covers big areas. This disturbing the gameplay massively. In my case i have everything up to date. No mods, only few skins. All tracks were deleted yesterday. Unfortunately i cant help with track files coz they are approx 60-350mb. Depending how long i am flying... But i dont know if they are really helpful because when i rewatch them so this bug is not visible.
  10. Finished out 5h session and 4h long ive hadnt any visual bugs. In the area of Gelendzik airfield ive killed lot of units with Ah64, Ka50, F14 and Mi24. Nothing special. Even using F14 ive dropped GBU12 and no visual bugs were visible. The strange thing is that with Mi24 ive killed i think an asset truck which was standing around. Ive used the main machine gun and this truck exploded. This created then the visual bug. The iso container is caused by a shot down heli. But is far away from the "bug point".
  11. I know it sounds strange but sometimes it can work In my case its maybe just a lucky day so i dont mark this as an solution. During next session i will still look out if this will appear or not.
  12. Finished my 4h session and no visual bug were visible for me. Ive flown Ka50-III, Ah64, F14 and Mi24. Another collegue had less luck and he had the bug again.
  13. hm, hard to say if this is the problem. Someone wrote on ED discord that deleting/removing track files seems to solve the problem. Strange but i removed all my trackfiles and tomorrow we have our mp session so i will see if this problem will appear or not.
  14. This is really weird. In our last session (5-6 hours) with several reconnects to mp server (due to save the trackfiles) ive hadnt any issues. We call it meanwhile "saturn ring bug". Other players experienced it. This is spontanous and seems like not really replicable. After restarting DCS and joining same running mp session seems to "clear" the bug.
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