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Stu 657

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About Stu 657

  • Birthday September 19

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  • Flight Simulators
  • Location
    Portsmouth England

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  1. Is it possible to turn on/off the TVV? I'm currently working on the flight training qualification campaign, on some missions the TVV is on in others its off. I find it really useful for making level turns and without it, doing that is a bit of a pig to achieve. Cheers
  2. Nice one, thanks for the steer. Mum's the word, I just want to get a knee board together. Cheers
  3. I'm looking to create a start up checklist that tallies with the Maple Flag A-10C qually briefings. Is it possible to copy the briefing text from inside the campaign files? Thanks
  4. Nice one, i searched through all the commands for nose wheel steering / steering etc. thanks for the steer on NWS. Cheers!
  5. Hi All, I've got my saitek pedals setup for the rudder, the nose wheel steering is z & x as per the default. But just like Maggie, the lady is not for turning, even if i use the keyboard buttons. The plane just goes in a straight line on the deck. Is this an issue for the F-16 in general or is it just me?
  6. Hi, thanks for the list. Apologies for the incorrect terminology. I wish though that they would keep the naming convention the same for the likes of the F-18 etc.
  7. Thanks for ther reply. I'm not talking about modules like you have shown above. I thought that mods skins etc had to go into a folder named after the aircraft.
  8. Hi, does anyone have a list of correctly formatted aircraft names for the saved games\mods folder? I'm having issues with F-18/F16/15 & A10 mods and i think it maybe because i have not formatted the aircraft type's name correctly when creating a folder for each type. Cheers
  9. I got this message this morning from Norton 360 AV. Bit scary when you read that you may have a trojan!!
  10. Thanks Both.
  11. I want to produce my own mods, but the cost of photoshop is massive. My intended projects and casual usage won't be worthwhile to pay the monthly creative cloud/PS subscription. There are the usual cheap keys sites out there, but they look too dodgy to me. So is anyone using sumopaint to mod planes with? If yes, is it any good? Cheers
  12. Where should the line of text be added to the export.lua file. I've attached a pic of where i have put it, is it the correct location or does it need to be added elsewhere?
  13. After a drawn out conversation with logitech support, the issue was with the logitech windows software. the default for the toe pedals was set by default to unprogrammed. I changed it to directional axis, then Bob's your uncle, the toe brakes appear when i open the DCS axis bindings. Thanks for all your helpful replies All.
  14. Thanks for that. I am not seeing anything in the pedals bindings to enter anything. the key/button box in the binding assignment box is empty, no options to choose anything.
  15. I’ve just got a new set of Logitech rudder pedals. The toe brakes do show in windows and the Logitech software. But when I try to bind them as a toe brake, there is no option in the binding options. Rudder pedals work fine. Is this some digital vs analogue switch issue and DCS isn’t picking up the brake switches? This is the case for all modules that have L&R toe brakes.
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