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Posts posted by Koekemoeroetoe

  1. Why is it always such a bitchfight about what way is the best way to play? Some like their sims as true as possible, some like their sims a bit less complicated, and some like it FC3 level.

    Why make such a problem out of this? Everybody's got their own preferences, no need to smear the forums with these endless discussions.


    Baseline now is that Leatherneck does not have the resources to make multiple 'sim levels', so the MiG is as it is, take it or leave it. Ofcourse input is welcome, but I'm personally getting really tired of seeing these endless discussions over and over again...


    To remain a bit on topic: I personally like the MiG the way it is, with all the (unlogical) complex thingies :) But ofcourse, if LNS has the resources and time, why not make some simplifications for those who desire it.

  2. How long do you wait for DCS to load? The first time I'm flying after system boot it takes sometimes about 2 minutes to load up, and indeed seems to hang at 12%. I'd suggest to just let it load for like 5 minutes, if the problem persists it might be something else.

  3. Excellent photography, but his criticism of TARGET is way off-base. People like that should stick with Saitek or Logitech.


    Second that. What I also find a bit weird is that the guy doesn't even mention DCS A-10C, or any other 'real' sim (even if it were FSX). Basically, the reviewer didn't (try to) use the Warthog to its full potential, IMHO a shame if your task is to review such a product.

  4. The problem is that when I wanted to add a key to flaps up, the ADD button was not clickable so I couldn't do that. But I can't try it now to check if it is working because my MiG-21 module is not working at the moment.


    Speaking of axes, I would like that we could assign wheel brakes to an axe.


    And I like the cover switches idea! :thumbup:


    You can assign wheel brakes to an axis, I assigned mine to the toe brakes of my ch pedals...

  5. Also about protection covers:: there could be an option under custom settings.. something like: automate safety covers?


    This is really awesome product!

    High5 LS ;)



    Sounds like a good idea. What I was thinking myself is making the switches like toggles. So pressing a key once lifts the cover, and pressing the key again closes the cover.

  6. Hey Leatherneck guys!


    First off, what an amazing module you guys have created! Great job!


    I'd like to report a bug though:


    When having nukes equipped (both the RN-28 and RN-24), the landing gear bay-doors disappear (see screenshots).


    When equipping other armament, the doors are there.


    DCS version:

    NVidia Driver version:

    Windows: 7 sp1

    PC specs: see signature

    Ran a DCS repair, didn't fix.


    Screenshots of problem:









    Hopefully this helps you guys making the sim even better ;)


    Koek out!

  7. I also play lots of different games besides DCS (which is barely a game, but for this instance let's consider it as one :) )


    But bought seperately for DCS:


    Warthog HOTAS - €300,-

    CH Pedals - €70,-

    Thrustmaster MFD's - €70,-

    TrackIR - €100,-

    DCS Modules - I own all of them, including Black Shark 1. So that would be roughly €400,-


    Grand total:


    €940,- (~US $1200,-)


    Which are btw €940,- very well spend and without any regrets :D

  8. Can Steam products be activated outside of Steam though?

    I know you can't do it the other way any more.


    Great price on everything that's 70% off and good price on the Mi too.


    Too bad ED already just had a ****ing sale where we had to pay more money despite ED getting a bigger slice of the cake when we buy stuff from them directly...


    Moral of the story: never buy anything DCS unless it's a flash sale or Steam sale.


    Every day I feel more cheated out of my money for buying ED products.


    You should be glad they even put it on a sale, ED is in no way obliged to sell their products for a lower price than what they want. Heck, even if they'd want to ask 100 bucks per module, they still can. It's their product, don't like the price? Don't buy it.


    About Steam being cheaper than ED: get over it, that's how sales work. You know that if you buy a product, even in a sale, there is a chance you find it even cheaper afterwards. That's just how stuff works, like it or not.


    And besides that, let's be honest, where would you find simulators with the quality of ED's product, for the price they sell them for?

  9. Agree but why not allow people who are seriously engaged (that`s squadrons) in this simulator the other titles in discounted offer constantly. That`s why i said Squadrons.


    I'm seriously engaged in this simulator as well, but due to my lack of time/unregular playing hours, I don't want to join a squadron (and I think many players are in a similar situation). With your discount rule, that would mean that even though I'm an active, ED supporting player I don't get a discount, while equally active squadron member DO get a discount. I think that would not be fair... Thus, I voted NO.

  10. O man... :lol:


    I guess everyone gone frenzy and the next request would be "put more plutonium in that nuke".


    FYI, nukes can't be properly simulated, and even if they could, it won't be fun at the end.


    Understandable, too much power to compute I guess? :D Is a proper mushroom cloud possible however (in EDGE maybe?). Would be nice to at least have a stunning visual effect :)

  11. Came home from work at 17:15, saw the news on facebook, bought it, was flying it at 17:25 :pilotfly: Plane stalls way faster than I expected though, already crashed it multiple times :P


    I don't have any engine sounds in my F-86. I downloaded the module with the ingame module manager.


    Any ideas?


    Try to repair DCS world (start menu -> all programs -> eagle dynamics -> dcs world -> repair dcs world)

  12. All I can say now... YAY NUKES!!!!


    The explosion causes some graphical glitches however (flashing ground/crater after explosion), and unfortunately there is no mushroom cloud (I love mushroom clouds :music_whistling:)


    For those not able to check the nukes, two are implemented: the RN-24 and RN-28. Can't wait to drop them myself!!

  13. Koekemoeroetoe, I sense an F-15 fanboy, but I'll explain it to you. I cannot report the other problems with my experience on F-15C because I am not an F-15C expert. The problems which I encountered fall into category "arguable". For example, Rudder in F-15 is useless. The Y-axis rotation degree of the plane with the use of the rudder is close to zero. This is how I experienced it. Please, read again the text in bold before considering to reply to this message.


    I think your senses told you wrong, I'm more of a KA-50 kind of guy... However, that's not the point of this. The thing is, eventhough you're not an F-15C expert (neither am I, just take a look at my first post and Excorcet's answer to it as a proof), if you feel like something is incorrect on the PFM, explain what you think is wrong, maybe you're right and things can get patched. That way the remarks you're giving can be used to make an already awesome simulator even more awesome...


    And by the way, you contradict yourself by first saying the PFM is a joke, and later on saying you're no F-15C expert. How would someone who's not an F-15C expert be able to judge an F-15C PFM?

  14. At least explain what is wrong with the PFM according to you. Calling the current PFM a joke, without explaining why, doesn't help making it better, but quite frankly only makes you look like an ass... Describe whats wrong => devs can change it if necessary.


    On the super cruise thing; if what your saying is true, than it's indeed a bug I guess, at least for as far as I know, the F15 is not able to perform super cruise, right?

    • Like 1
  15. Nice pics! (especially no 16 :D -- EDIT -- and 36, 45, 56 and 74. If that's got anything to do with the US Air Force, Imma join them ASAP :megalol:)

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