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Posts posted by Koekemoeroetoe

  1. Here's how it works: you send me a blue envelope with some cash in it, and then I click that little "+-" thingie under your forum name and check "I approve" and add to your reputation!


    Where can I get your address to send it to? :megalol:


    Navigate to Quick Links (top forum toolbar), FAQ, Board FAQ General Forum Usage, User Profile Features and find the Reputation tab.


    Click and read.


    Thanks, didn't know that part of this site existed:smartass:

  2. Hi all,


    I was wondering how the reputation system on this forum works, but I couldn't find any info on it through the search system etc.


    Can someone explain it a bit to me? I see some people have a lot of green squares as rep, some just one, some lots of red squares. Do the amount of squares increase as the user posts more posts? Do they only increase when given reputation points? And when you get reputation points/power (I appear to have three of them?), where can you see what someone said about/to you and about which post it was?


    Sorry if I ask something stupid ;)





  3. I see they are on the website now.


    I assume the update will soon be recognized by the DCSW 1.2.6 auto-updater and not only by the open beta version.


    Yeah, will have some patience... What I found weird though, is that the Steam version of DCS World already started updating, but the stand alone version not yet. It's the first time in all my gaming years that Steam actually was faster with updating a game than the stand alone version.

  4. I'd want to, but I "can't" fill in your survey, because:

    - Question 2: My pc had different ages (CPU, Mainbord and half of my RAM are 2 years old, other half of RAM is 1 year old, GPU and Case is 6 months, PSU is 1 month old and HDD is 2 months old)

    - Question 4: I'm not buying a complete new PC, only upgrading, so none of the options suite my answer

    - Question 5: None of mentioned, I look at all of those + performance you get for the price you pay

    - Question 6: See Q4, Im not buying a complete new PC. I probably will buy new parts/extra within the next year though. (E.g. second GPU for SLI or a SSD)

  5. Playing a flight sim with a controller? Can't see how that should work out. Best thing is to use a proper joystick for flying, most joysticks have dedicated 'sliders' which are used for throttle, and a so called 'twist grip' for rudder control. What I hear what is a good joystick is the Logitech 3D Extreme Pro, but there are cheaper joysticks.

    If you can afford it though and flight sims interest you, get a HOTAS joystick (seperate stick and throttle control, like the Saitek X52 or Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog).


    If you want to stick with the gamepad, try binding the axis you'd like for throttle.

    How to (dunno if you know this): On the main DCS screen go to options -> Controls. For 'Layer' choose SU-25T. For 'Category' choose Axis Commands. Then select the column which has your Gamepad's name, double click the field that corresponds with 'thrust'. You'll get a pop up, now move the axis on the gamepad which you would like to use as throttle. When it's recognized, click OK and again OK, which takes you back to the main screen.


    Note: If you want to play a 'real' sim, like the A-10C, a gamepad just won't do. Then buy yourself a HOTAS joystick.


    Hope I helped you with this post, if not, tell me :)

  6. Thanks guys for the replies.

    Actually I am a bit reluctant for a major upgrade as I might be moving away to another country or even continent for good. And carrying that stuff might be a bit of pain in the rear end. Selling it might not give even 50% of the price after a few months of usage either.


    The budget is 500€ give or take.


    With that budget I'd go for a SSD + RAM upgrade, would leave the GPU for what it is. Don't know the prices in your country, here in the Netherlands a SSD + RAM upgrade can be achieved for about €150 - €200 (so roughly $200 - $300)

  7. Usually stutter is caused by low FPS and/or high frametimes. Both causes are themselve caused by a too weak GPU (in your case a 9600GT, which is really old and slow for now a day games). A RAM upgrade + GPU upgrade should make the game playable on at least lowest settings.


    What you might try before upgrading:

    - Set textures to the lowest setting (textures use VRAM => the memory on your GPU VRAM full == stutter)

    - Turn of MSAA (really important, can easily double your framerate!)

    - Turn of HDR (lighting is usually extremely GPU intense)


    Long story short, try to turn down all of your settings as low as possible, if it doesn't help, an upgrade of your PC is required.

  8. Have you tried binding the buttons in the TrackIR settings outside DCS? I've set the toggle buttons on my Saitek X52 for the centering and pause functions through the TrackIR interface, and they work perfect in DCS.


    Just open "TrackIR v5" from your programs and bind the key you want to the function you want. You can do this on the left side of the TrackIR screen, where it says "hotkeys".

  9. Hi all,


    I'm looking for a pair of rudder pedals to improve my DCS experience.


    I don't care about the brand, as long as they are in working order. I live in the Netherlands, so due to import and shipping costs unfortunately only European sellers are an option for me.


    If you have a pair of pedals that you are willing to sell, please contact me :) We'll talk prices etc. through Personal Messages.


    Thanks in advance!



  10. Two things have led me into thinking it was possible:

    - my laptop screen pixel density (if such a screen has 120 ppi, why not a standalone display)

    - I've recently read that after apple has introduced the Retina series, other manufacturers are considering defending their decency by coming up with similar products (I was wrong, as it seems)


    I understand why you thought it would exist and share your thoughts. I think that it doesn't exist because there is no real need for such a high PPI on 'normal' screens.


    With a lot of portable devices, you sit so clos in front of the screen that a higher PPI has it's advantages. On a normal screen though, the user stares at it from such a distance that a higher PPI is barely noticeable. The only notice might be that you get lower FPS in games, since your GPU has a harder time keeping up with the relatively high resolution (compared to a regular 1920*1200 display).


    Could you post a link?


    It's a Dutch website, but I'll post it anyways. Clicking the link should get you right into the right webpage, with searchfilters.




    If not, adjust the slider that says "Schermdiagonaal" (Screen diagonal) to max 24" and at "Sortering" (on top of the result list) select "Resolutie". This will sort the list and put the highest resolution on top.

  11. The problem is what you're looking for just doesn't exist. No one produces a monitor that would meet your criteria. So you're stuck just using your laptop, or having to compromise on your requirements.




    Double checked it and, at least in the Netherlands, the highest resolution on a 24" or smaller screen is 1920*1200. Smallest and cheapest 2560*1440 screen available here is 27" and costs €440 (roughly $570).

  12. Hmm, looks good. Now I come across a second problem: the cheapest joystick with a Z axis will cost me 40 to 50 euro's. So after that, I need to buy materials to modify it + find time to modify it... Maybe 100 euro's for a complete set of pedals, including toe brake, isn't that much after all... Still have to find that amount of money somewhere though :music_whistling:

  13. Hey all,


    I'm looking to enhance my DCS/flight sim experience through adding a rudder/pedals set. I'm currently flying with TrackIR 4 and a Saitek X52, using the X52's stick twist as rudder.


    Now, my problem is that I don't have a lot of money to spend, probably something like €50,- (being a student sometimes sucks...), but the cheapest rudder set I can find are the Saitek Pro Flight Rudder pedals, which cost €100,-


    Are there any other, cheaper, rudder pedals? If not, can I make my own relatively cheap (I've got the possibility to use an CnC mill, lathe's etc.)? I've already looked, but the 2nd handed market in the Netherlands is really small, and those selling 2nd handed rudders still ask like 80 euro's for them.


    Although I love flight sims, I don't have the time to play them for hours and hours, so something cheap will work out for me. After 1,5 years, when I graduate and get a job, I'll buy some real Flight Sim gear (TM Warthog etc.).


    Hope someone can help me out.


    Thanks in advance!



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