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Zad Fnark

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About Zad Fnark

  • Birthday 12/15/1968

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    -IL-2 Sturmovik Compendium
    -IL-2 Cliffs of Dover
  • Location
  • Interests
    Model Building, Wargaming, R/C aircraft, Shooting/Reloading Ammunition, Military History
  • Occupation
    Defense Contractor IT

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  1. I wasn't aware of how much disk space all the extra maps required. I was down to 60 gigs on my main hard drive. Thanks to the new intro screen, I was able to delete many of the maps I bought and now up up to just over 400G. I may avoid new maps at this point.
  2. Outstanding. Thanks.
  3. Same issue here last night. I ate 3 23mm rounds to the tail. Full rudder authority.
  4. Thanks. I thought it was impossible, but I'm using the left hat switch on my Warthog. I push it down to slew the Mavs. I guess it's easy to pull it back which is how I have cage set up. Appreciate the help. I'll have to tweak my controls a bit.
  5. I'm pretty certain I never hit cage at my end.
  6. I believe I was using 2x AGM-65D Maverick D (IIR ASM) LAU-88 on both stations. No rack name given.
  7. With me, it seems pretty random how many I can shoot. Once I got through 5 of them and couldn't fire the sixth. Yeah, I don't care for all on once side going first. It messes up the trim. Glad somebody else sees this too.
  8. Thanks for the help. Two pictures and the track. FIgured the track is more useful since you can look around at will. I lost use after firing the first missile this time. EdMission.trk
  9. Hi everyone, I'm havinng some issues relating to my use of AGM-65s. I'll start a mission carrying 4 of them. I can fire off the first three, but when I pull the trigger to activate the last one, nothing happens. I can't activate the last missile. No picture comes up on the radar screen. Not sure what's wrong. If I'm also carrying bombs on the centerline, I can only fire off one Maverick and then am unable to activate the next one. Oddly enough, after shooting my one Mav, I also cannot drop the bombs. Jester won't do the ground lock-on thing and I can't do any drop. This was set to dive-toss. Thanks for any help. ZF
  10. Mine arrived today, US Mail.
  11. I'm hoping the Cs and Ds will carry along with the naval variants. The C wasn't much different from the B anyway.
  12. lol... The MiG never seems that way when I fly it.
  13. I figure it'll be similar to the Viggen's RB 05A. Hopefully less twitchy. Yeah, I know... Tanks probably aren't the best targets for these.
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