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Posts posted by Davis0079

  1. yes...I've got the script working great....it was just a side note, the new mig-21 module has a need for resources when first loading in.....and if its the first mig-21 on the map it can cause temporary freezes....like it loads more then the normal modules we had in the past....



    ...P.S. that mission I linked is secretly a free flight mission (that I use to play/build with)...it may one day be called "Black Sea Alive". Its borders, but with conditions (dont cross the borders). If you stay in your area your good to go, but flying too far is deadly. Turmoil centered in Abkhazia. Much respect to grimes for IADS and all those putting effort into this CAP/GCI script. Add in a little ambient life from the random air traffic script and flying single player can be a full experience.

  2. alright, i got it...


    ...was some bad on my part, but I did find something interesting....after I added the mig-21BiS to the line up I started getting bad freezes...so i debugged and rewrote the sloppy stuff I modified....now i dont get any errors that I know of...BUT!!!...the Mig-21BiS is a problem for this or mabey other scripts....


    heres what is happening to me...now I jumped back into DCS after a few months off, so this may be known....when I make this script load a mig-21 it will take 40 seconds from the start of the mission to spawn, at this point i get a bad freeze....BUT!!!....if I add a mig-21 anywhere on the map and mark it as uncontrolled then run the mission....without changing anything else...at 40 seconds into the mission when the Mig spawns I have no problems....


    ....So, if a new Mig-21biS is already loaded into the mission I have no problems....But if I run the script and it trys to load a Mig-21, if its the first one to be placed on the map, I get a bad game freeze while the Mig loads in....

    ..my game freeze will eventually push through, at first I didnt know this, but after many trys I finally saw it win after like a minute or two...



    ....certainly not a big deal since I'm using an older version on the script...


    ...heres the .MIZ GCI-CAP8.miz , try to load it with the uncontrolled Mig-21 at Sochi...after that, remove the Mig-21 and try again....this will answer if this is just me or can it be reproduced..

    ...here is the working "old" version of the script MIST3_4_GCI-CAP older Migs.lua ,

  3. kk



    edit...I played alittle last night....didnt get the new version to work....will put more time in it after work....


    ...old version still has problems with new mig21...spawns other AC just fine...





    ...and the speeds are too low for a mig21 or mig23....they dont do good trying to patrol at 280kph....


    ... GCI-CAP8.miz ... this is where I left off last night, if anyone wants to take a look... still old version of script..... new auto version seem to have problems with random traffic script maybe... I will start from scratch tonight to better trouble shoot the problems... and only having to turn all un-used airbases to neutral kinda defeats the purpose of this mission...

  4. I'm trying to get the Mig-21 as an intercept/cap flight....i keep getting game freezes at 40 seconds...no error....can some one plz have a look and try to get the mig-21 spawning in correctly


    MIST3_4_GCI-CAP older Migs.lua





    I got it set up for random (1,1) for redcap spawn to see the mig21 spawn....if you change it to include the othe planes it will just skip over the mig21 and spawn the other planes...but when you force the 21 to spawn the game freezes...



    my mission file so you dont have to set up the zones.....I think I left an older script version in the mission trying to get the mig-21 to work..




    this has more then one script in it...grimes exploding missile, random traffic for blue and red, respawning tankers, IADS by grimes....its basically my go to mission editor file....

  5. i dont think so....in the picture next to that sentence...the small needle is labeled "2" and the scale for alt km is labeled "3"....



    ....so i believe its just a minor typo....the big needle (1) reads on the outer scale (4) and the little needle (2) is to be read on the inner scale (3)...


    ...the numbers inside the parentheses() is referring to the labels in the picture...

  6. got to start somewhere (carrier ops coming with F-18?)...the pacific sounds like an overwhelmingly fun time (map making....islands dont take alot of pc resource)...dont know whos going to fly the zeros(fire) or oscars(fire)???...


    ...hopefully they start with the hellcat or later (bearcat vs 1941 zero...lol)...let the wildcats come along in due time when ppl cry for it...


    ...perhaps DCS is the predecessor to 1946 and Pacific Fighters...although the modded 1946 may still have better explosions and bullet hit effects (fingers crossed for EDGE)....

  7. stop changing lua files in your main DCS folder...instead what you do is copy what you want to change and its path to your C:\Users\<user>\Saved Games\DCS file and change it there.....when DCS updates it will not change your saved game folder and you will keep all your custom Lua changes.....


    go into C:\Users\<user>\Saved Games\DCS...then make an empty folder called "Config"....then in that, make an empty folder called 'View"....in that, copy your Labels.lua.....make your custom changes to this file...not the one in your main DCS folder....DCS will use this file instead of the one in your main install anytime you start it up....


    ....no more problems for you.....DCS is one of the best games when it comes to custom settings....if you use the main DCS folder, every update will reset your changes......but if you use JSGME and your Saved Game folder...you will not have problems like this when updates come around...

  8. start menu>Eagle Dynamics>DCS World> Repair DCS World


    try this first...get DCS to ver DCS multi should be this ver also...it says the ver # in the lower right of the menu ingame....

  9. yeah, but a radio channel is a radio channel....the fact that the radio is on a plane that did not exists when the F-86 flew in combat is a mute point...I know not what radios the F-86 has(buying it and the 190 today)...but if it has a VHF or a UHF radio(should have both?), you should get awacs calls on the right channels if an awacs is in the air...BST should consider this..

  10. normally the long range stuff will stay on and do the searching...I normally fly Blue, so I cant say off the top of my head if they are working correctly...but I'll switch sides and see what they do...



    ...also...are you dividing the sams into small groups(by prefix), or just using the "coalition"/"country" option????

  11. this is a good read about BVR and missile/ECM theory.... http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=32019 ...



    WVR in the eagle can be challenging, but you have the raw thrust to defeat most, if not all, airframes in the game....learning to use afterburner when turning(the eagle likes it), then shut them down quickly when heaters are fired at you or when going straight....learn to use Vertical Scan Mode when in a turn fight because it aims your radar up as high as possible, then when you lay the plane over sideways to do a hard turn on someones tail it will find them automatically for you...learn to use Boresight Mode....keymap these modes to your stick so you can switch between them swiftly, without looking away from a bandit...


    ...One of the best tactics once you have eyes on your target is to hit the FLODD Mode button twice to take a heater shot without giving your target any RWR warnings...once the heater is uncaged you get a pretty big boresight aiming circle...


    ...flying around silent works good if you can keep SA by using your others sensors instead of your radar...turn it on for looking around for a minute, then go back silent....turn it on to engage in BVR...then go silent after the merge(WVR)....works against human pilots because they lose their RWR as a sensor against you (not so much against AI)...but you must normally study the map and mission to know where the fights are and which way to go to in order to not just be sneaking to your own death...and you need good eyes(high resolution) and trackir...


    ...practice the F-15 instant action 1v1 BVR and 1v1 guns....once you can shoot down multiple enemy planes (AI), one after another, it turns into fuel management practice. Learning to save fuel can win a dogfight just as quickly as a good heater or gun solution...

  12. the "S" is a good in between choice....its a Q model with TOWs...perfect....it can fly a 1960 era and still fill a modern AH role....


    ...if you don't want a weak AH-1g, yet you don't want a modern electronic AH-1w...the AH-1s is a good choice...I can fly it in a Vietnam scenario without it being an immersion killer, yet i think I can kill a blackshark with it too...


    ...although I'm still leaning towards the "W" (because I like me some GPS)....the "S" should not be overlooked....

  13. good find!


    this shows that "some"body at "some" point was working on the -16




    also, it shows ppl (devs) aren't "afraid" of modeling the -16 because of BMS or classified info, etc..



    I hope this project is still breathing..........




    the aircraft made in DCS has more to do with getting legal permission from the companies that made them and own the copyrights/patents for them....because ED is selling them...even if only a simulation of them...they are selling the name and making money off the fame of old and new aircraft......so ED and 3rd parties are limited to asking big Aviation/Aerospace companies if they can included there intellectual property as DCS modules...


    ...so while the community can work together and build this F-16 and never sell it, but make it into a mod for all to play with...ED cannot without speaking to lockheed first...


    ...legal mumbo jumbo is going to determine the aircraft "for sell" in DCS....not community polls and vote...this F-16 project is a great start for the Falcon community, should they ever wish to make a F-16 mod...but it will most likely never be a DCS module (without giving lockheed lots of money and/or a big cut of the profits)....



    p.s. I cry myself to sleep dreaming of a DCS:Viper (plz god, plz give me one)...but I'm crying, and its called a dream for a reason...

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