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Posts posted by Davis0079

  1. I dont see why the "G" cockpit cant be used to make a "S" also...I like the nostalgic G, but I want TOW missiles....


    ...I also would like to see a "W" super cobra to go with the F-18c should it ever really happen...although i dont think much would carry over from earlier cockpits work...they lose alot of commonality that the early models had together...


    an equal to the Blackshark would be the "W"...modern MFDs and weaponry...GPS moving maps and countermeasure defense system...


    but if you want a Vietnam feel, the "S" is a good choice...and it can still kill tanks in a semi modern setting



    ...without ATGMs of some sort, the "G" is just not a good fit for DCS world...to many tanks and vehicle columns...not enough viet cong infantry and river boats...



    just my 2 cents...and I still can't figure how I want to vote....nostalgic(with tow) or superbadass..

  2. I wish to play with the airport resource settings in the ME. but I came across some basic questions that I don't know the answer to regarding the amount of fuel a large or small airfield should have, or the amount of missiles, iron bombs/rockets and then smart munitions a squadron should have..


    1) How much fuel should a basic military airfield have? the default is 100 tons.


    2)how many planes should be available per airfield? per squadron?


    3) how many munitions should be available??? I guess rockets and iron bombs are more plentiful??? Guided missiles/bombs and advanced A2A less??? the game defaults to 100 per item


    4)how many civilian planes per airfield? yak-40s and an-26s?


    5)how many logistic AC? C-130s and C-17s????



    I understand real world data may not work out...but on a semi-realistic lvl, how many resources should be available (mainly fuel tons and missiles/bomb counts)????

  3. Backup the Lantirn EDM and Copy the Lightning ALQ Edm and re-name it to the Lantirm EDM File Name.


    the litening pod is named "aaq-28 litening"....thats the pod that should replace the Lantirm????


    ....I tried it already...it works...but its just the targeting pod on the one side...it does not have the HAD on the other....and I dont know if it can still complete it missions.....but it looks good...err...better then the pods hanging off the nose 2 feet....

  4. I just want to bump this.....after testing, I will say this script has really brought A2A a step in the right direction for DCS...I can't believe more ppl aren't posting here...the AI does multiple missile every merge and after the merge the heaters are all over the place, it really wakes up BVR and WVR...


    ...This script is a must for anyone dogfighting the AI in the mission editor...I did have to make it into a .lua file and use the do script file for some reason...but after putting it on a Once, Time more (5), do script file, everything worked great...


    ...another homerun Grimes....my single player map has your name all over it now....and its getting very aggressive...


    ...if you could only get them to abandon the missiles that run out of energy....if you dont break the lock, they will stay with it even though its doing 150knots and you are leaving it at 500knots....maybe something like once the distance from missile to target stops decreasing and starting increasing for a few seconds (or longer???), the missile should be destroyed (maybe one day abandoned, not destroyed) ...

  5. I'm noticing now that when i added a KC-135 tanker to the show that the CAP flights will refuel instead of landing and new flights spawning....adding alot of time between non combat spawns...modern version of the script....




    ....F-18c does not go to the tanker...it lands...


    Not adhering to the area doesn't mean you can't break Mach 1. Bullets do this. It just makes it require more thrust.



    bullets actually follow the "area rule"...they have good shape (widest part is last 3rd, cone shaped) and lack wings and cockpit bubbles....the F-86's wings and canopy are in the first 1/3rd of the fuselage...the widest part of the fuselage is the first 1/3rd...this is a triple negative for trans sonic flight (wings not far back on fuselage, no "waisting effect" for canopy or wings)....and we learned with the F-100 and original F-102 that adding more thrust just built up more pressure, still preventing breaking through the "barrier of sound".....yes its possible in an extreme dive in some late 40's aircraft...but once again, they lack the fundamental design requirements that were later put into standard practice....

  7. the Mig-15 is damn near immune to F-15 cannon burst and missile strikes....F-15 vs 4 Mig-15 results in 8-10 hits on the migs with them only losing 1 plane...she's a bit to strong in my opinion..



    ....F-86 breaking the sound barrier regularly????....Im not sure it should be able to do this...it lacks the fundamental design needed to safely push through the pressure build up when reaching the speed of sound...the thinning of the fuselage at the wing roots...matter of fact, it does the opposite.....now I'm not arguing whether it ever did it....I'm simply saying that it did not have the design to do it safely....


    ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_rule ...



    .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-102_Delta_Dagger ... read the "Major Redesign" part...

  8. that looks like a MiG....not a F-86....but what do I know, I'm no aerospace engineer...



    ...edit...we were all just kidding too...love the F-86, the release of a AI MiG-15 with it will be the pinnacle of gunfighting in DCS....6 nose mounted .50s...stop it....stuff of legends....


    if my consumer spidy senses are correct......only a matter of time before our eastern brethren get a clickable mig-15 to combat my mad guns only skill....may god have mercy on us all...

  9. "kill the community"....nice...thats what they are doing....glad to see that instead of growing with us, you resent us for leaving you behind....we are very sorry for that...but we are not stopping....i suggest you stop whining about progress and start trying to catch up...



    ...."wait (not weight) is what broke the wagon"....make no mistake about it...this wagontrain is not waiting because a small few have refused to grow with the PC gaming industry....


    ...Go play BMS like I originally stated, its more game less graphic, just like you want...no need to tell ED to slow down....

  10. If so, would it be acceptable to devote time instead to the graphical detail of minutiae like trees instead of development of the more gamey parts like multiplayer, the flight model, or instrument behaviour?



    You do realize that they just put almost everything on hold so they could build the new graphics engine....specifically putting an extreme amount of time into trees and making them so you can run into them....EDGE and the striving for better graphic has been DCS's main goal for over 2-3 years now.....


    ...and for the record....they are infact not removing trees....and not working on parts like multiplayer, and FMs, and instrument behavior (although they get very minor updating)......they are currently working on increasing the graphics and lighting, and shading,.....and yes, they are currently working on making so many trees your PC will explode.......good luck with the new game engine about to be releases....




    ....and......everything sells more copies then DCS...its the nature of comparing complex simulations vs fast action FPS or app like games for a phone...the mental effort, physical space and financial investment needed to truly get into a simulator is much more demanding on the consumer then the mass media games available....its like me saying Ford sells more trucks then Tesla sells cars...well ofcourse they do...but the comparison is stupid and not fair to the mass truck seller or the fancy cars that only sell 300 a year.....

  11. I hope they add so many trees our PCs explode....if I wanted to fly with no trees i would play BMS or IL-2.....perhaps you should do a hardware upgrade or a software downgrade....either option is capable of bringing you happiness...well maybe not...but, atleast you would have no trees (and still be playing some damn fine simulators)....

  12. yes i get intercepts.....I can retreat from enemy territory and see the intercept flights return to their CAP orbit or RTB....I get intercept spawns when CAP flights get overwhelmed or destroyed....



    ...small DCS bugs with the group respawn function through mist here and there when adding flights to test your script....and a landing pattern bug when to many cap or intercept flights try to land at the same airfield....but the script itself seems to work properly....

  13. love it....I changes only a few things to fit my needs....airfields ofcourse...task interval....but the main thing I did to make it fit almost all of the little missions I've built for private use is i added more EWR unit types.....I unlocked the A-50 then added the search radar for the Sa-10, Sa-11, and Sa-3....this works well and you dont need to use the 100 mile LOS radar towers....



    the Sa-3 SR work great because it cant see 1000 miles and it cant shoot 100 miles...but if you get close it will shoot at you....and the shorter search radar make it so you can sneak into enemy territory...


    ....anyways, not ground brreaking and I know it does not help with bughunting....just figured I would show my EWRunittype line for those that wish to try it...


    if possibleEWRunittype == "55G6 EWR" or possibleEWRunittype == "1L13 EWR" or possibleEWRunittype == "A-50" or possibleEWRunittype == "S-300PS 64H6E sr" or possibleEWRunittype == "S-300PS 40B6MD sr" or possibleEWRunittype == "SA-11 Buk SR 9S18M1" or possibleEWRunittype == "p-19 s-125 sr"

  14. I run triple 1600x900 monitors on a quadcore overclocked with a evga760sc at 3100x1600res (corrected for bezels) with no problems (a weaker system then yours)....I had it in landscape for a while running at 5080x900res....so I think a 770 should handle the extra pixels just fine...


    ...i run all graphics high including water...civ traffic low or off....hdr normal...mods including model and texure upgrades....


    ...dcs is not that gpu heavy now that the 700 series is out and thriving....large amounts of units and static objects scattered across the entirety of the map is a fps killer....large amounts of scripts randomly spawning combat AI with large battles and many destroyed units littering the place is a killer....basically till multi-threading is looked at for DCS...you will always have 25-35 fps(or lower) in largely populated maps...


    ....when edge comes out we may need to do GPU upgrades....but if you own a higher 700 series card (760 or higher) and get low FPS at any resolution in DCS....its most likely unit count and a weak CPU.....not your graphics settings....

  15. So if someone would have the patience to explain how to actually load the MIST into the mission editor, i'd be grateful!


    Thanks you!





    when you open the trigger window....you will see the three windows for the event, the condition, and the action....these three things make all your normal triggers...


    ...to load MIST first the easy way.....if you look below the three trigger windows you'll see Initialization script, a open button, a reset button and a spot for a code.....USE THE OPEN BUTTON AND PUT YOUR MIST.LUA HERE....no need to fill in the code box....this will be the first script DCS loads...put MIST here and it will always be first...then make all other scripts "time more" 2,4,6,whatever, and everything should work...


    ...hope this info is correct...because of my triple screens I cant see if the event and initialization windows are called that....but its the only line below the three trigger windows on the trigger page in the ME....

  16. dont know about the other two...but = 'Krasnodar-Center' ...works for me....




    heres what I can conferm from my working scripts



    'Minoralnve Vody'













    all these names came from scripts that I know work.....I believe I used the full name I saw on the map in the ME, with hyphen, and had no problems....that list did not work for me....

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