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Posts posted by Davis0079

  1. TrackIR is awesome but it will be rendered obsolete in a year or two.


    I guess Oculus Rift is going to be given to everyone for free when it comes out ....or mabey they will create a full size pit that just magically poofs around you in a cloud of fairy dust every time you start up a flight simulator....


    the freeware and facetracking stuff are not going to push Trackir into extinction, they simply dont work as good...and as of right now....full HD projection screens 20 foot tall and Virtual Reality stuff are just to expensive to be consider a realistic trackir replacement for normal working ppl



    maybe in 3-4 flight sim weeks....

  2. According to this website the old 285 that was mentioned a few posts ago is more powerful than a gtx 650.



    and it is comparable to the 660 as well....but the new 760 absolutely destroys the 285 in all categories....this is good since the 285 was once again a $400 to $500 card at release....




    something ppl with 200 series cards need to consider is that the are not dx11...not a huge deal...just a thought...





    heres the article that got me to upgrade my gpu http://www.legitreviews.com/evga-geforce-gtx-760-superclocked-w-acx-cooling-video-card-review_2240 and why I would not get anything less the a 700 series


    and a quote from the testers


    "This is the second EVGA video card that we have tested with Active Cooling Xtreme technology and it certainly did not disappoint. The first card we looked at was the EVGA GeForce GTX 780 Superclocked w/ ACX and it was an amazing card, but at $659.99 it is not that affordable. The EVGA GeForce GTX 760 2GB Superclocked w/ ACX Cooling that we looked at today has all the good looks and some very solid performance numbers for a lucrative price tag of $259.93 shipped.


    When it comes to performance the EVGA GeForce GTX 760 2GB Superclocked w/ ACX proved to be one heck of a contender! If you game on a single monitor, this card should have plenty of power and be able to run all the game titles with the image quality settings you want. At 1920×1080 this card performed excellent and was nearly equal to the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680. Seeing a ~$250 card running with a card that used to be $500 when it first came out is impressive.


    Overclocking of the EVGA GeForce GTX 760 2GB video card showed that with a little time and effort, you can make this card faster than a GeForce GTX 680 in most all game titles. We were able to overclock the GPU by 130MHz and the memory by 775MHz, which is insane considering this card was already factory overclocked. When NVIDIA GPU boost kicked in with out overclocked settings we had the 1152 CUDA cores ripping through frames at 1320MHz with the 2GB of GDDR5 memory running at 7560MHz. This is the best overclock that we have ever done on a GeForce GTX 760 and keep in mind the reference card comes clocked at 980MHz core (1033MHz boost) and 6008MHz memory. Obviously, we had no complaints when it came to performance or overclocking."

  3. you'll never be as happy with anything that you buy, be it a stick, throttle, full hotas, whatever....as you will be the first time you fly with trackir......


    I simply refuse to play without it...but I can live without a throttle and rudders for a while when they mess up.....once you get one your life will never be the same...


    I literally flew the Blackshark for about a year with an xBox controller because of hotas problems and never complained....but I stand by my previous statement..."I will not fly without trackir ever again"... unless something better comes along!!!!?????....

  4. the nvidia cards are rated like so...we will use the 760 for example...the 7 or 700 is the series, which can basically be called the year model...so the 400 are older, the 500 and 600 are a little newer and the 700 are currently the newest one...


    ...now...the important numbers...once again the 760 for example...the 60 part is what can be called the quality, or size, or power of the card...so a 760 is a better card then a 720 and is not as good of a card as the 770, 780 and new titan cards...



    ...now to the card you are asking about...a 620...this is not a good card for gaming...you should try to get atleast a 60 size card....and as for buying an older 600 series model...I would not recommend it...the 700 series card are so much more powerful then even the 600 that it would most likely be a bad idea to get anything less then the 700s....for gaming on a budget I recommend the 760s...


    In the past when Nvida came out with a new card is was a little better then the previous one of the same quality...so if you had a 470 when the 570 became available...unless you had money to throw at your system, it was only a minor upgrade to get a newer card.....and if you had a better quality but older card...like a 480 or 490...it was not a performance upgrade for you to move to a 570...although it is a newer card, it did not replace a older but better card.....


    ....now...lets talk about the 700 series...nvidia did some major upgrades to this thing....theses things are crushing the older but better cards...like to compare a 760 vs a 580 and the 760 is better...this is an amazing feat considering that the 580 was a $500 card at release and the 760 is half that........you cant compare the 660 vs the 580 like that...matter of fact, the 670 isnt better then the 580...the differences between the series wernt that great for the ability to step down in quality and get a stronger card......the 700 series changes all that...



    long story short....try to get into the 700...and try to stay at or above the 60s....760 at a min....if you do get a 600 series, once again get at or above 60...so a 660 at min....but once again at the price you can get a 760, I dont know why anyone would be looking at 660s



    EDIT...I re read your post and see you say you have a 620...not that your looking to buy one...my bad....the above statement still applies though....

  5. then the day i hit the lottery DCS will become bad ass.............this was just an idea...seeings how we have more resources and scripting tool available then we had 3 year ago...I dont see how pointing out how other did things, in hopes that maybe we can do similar things in DCS, is a bad thing......or maybe I'll just lose interest and DCS can go on the wayside till they release a new game changer....in 2027...it seem to take most good sims atleast ten years to get legendary...I guess I check back in later...thz for all the encouraging thoughts....

  6. One problem I see right away is how to carry over weapon, fuel and damage states onwards to newly spawned units. Then of course there is the question how to abstract actions that happen outside the bubble.




    did you watch the second vid....Alive figured it out....rather welll...

  7. I believe DCS already has the power to have a bubble....the spawn/despawn script already exist....the saving of info out of game and the movement of troops out of game is not necessary in the beginning....it would be nice to be able to populate a whole map with sam systems without having to draw the units 200 miles away....so for right now forget the campaign....just a bubble would bring DCS into the light..

  8. bubble system script idea...



    not my idea.....but with the power of the scripting engine in DCS...I'm wondering if this is possible to do...


    http://alivemod.com/ this is a mod for the new Arma3 ...theses guys have done something amazing...making it to were I can build a mission with 1500 units and still have my same FPS....they build a adjustable bubble system that they call their "Profile System". It does alot more then the bubble, but the spawn in/spawn out feature is what I'm mainly pointing at. You can adjust the distance and the number of units it allows ingame...the units out of game still follow waypoints and attack targets in the virtual space....



    just watch the first two simple mission tutorials for a basic idea of how powerful the mod is....





    I'm hoping this make get noticed by some of DCS's great scripters...perhaps even Grimes can chime in.........


    Main question is....is something like this this possible in DCS...and could this bring DCS closer to a Falcon4 like campaign.....

  9. do you have FXAA enabled in your GPU control panel?????.....tis a form of AA that blurs the whole screen just a bit to make the stairstep edges go away.....and I believe is only became an Nvidia control panel option in this last year....

  10. its just a shame that some of us have been waiting around here for 7 years and they are going as slow as slow can get....not that it really matters to me anymore...since the Team Fusion release I havent played DCS and now that the modding community has started kicking ass on Arma3...DCS is just blank space on my hard drive and these forums are as stagnate as dead pond....perhaps one day ED will learn that once you get someones attention...you have to work hard to keep it....something that has not happened here....these forums have progresses only an inch over this last year....matter of fact, if it wasnt for the 3rd party dev, I wouldnt even log on anymore.....




    ....they should have made the F-18 3 years ago and let all the non flyable loadout changes be a side note....not the main features of the latest changelog...


    ...nothing sexy will be coming from here until the Mig gets released (not by ED)....then I'm guessing we have another 4 years of breath holding after that....everyone yelling "be patient" will soon find themselves in a room alone....they are far to many other PC gaming options out right now....I can no longer sit and wait to praise someone around here the next time they fart...i was told something solid was coming and once again its only hot air....


    ....sorry for the rant....just too many other cool things going on right now for me to get exited about non flyable loadout changes and SP mission debugs.....the track on crash is a feature for the devs, not the clients....the fact that we have so many crashes that they even had to make this feature is nothing to brag or be proud about....



    .....Yes DCS is the Best, and I am a fanboy.....and I know they are going the right direction....I'm just tried of the wait....I'm going to wait on someone elses forums and hopefully when ED has something to sell me they do better at keeping my attention the next time around.....



    ^^^^read it quick, I'm sure its getting erased and I'll get a temp or perma ban for speaking how I feel^^^^^......again.....




    EDIT...to ED.....if the standalone F-15 get released today i will kiss your greasy white ass....plz use this opportunity to prove me wrong....never in my life have I wanted to be wrong so bad....

    • Like 1
  11. not quite sure we need more ships just yet......I think a little refining on the way the current ships work should be what is discussed here....no load/unload script (for beach landing)...problematic spawn points....cant even use any ship in the game to land on if its moving...


    ....why on gods green earth does this game need more ships at this time...the current ships in this game are missing textures in my install, black windows and lower deck doors....bad damage models and unrealistic weapons loadouts.....


    ...yeah....my vote is that we skip modeling the whole Royal Navy and focus on the holes in the boat we are sitting in.....

  12. "there is a little misunderstanding from my site.

    I thought I will see with the hat, that the horizon could be modified

    So I didnot see any movement

    Now it turns out that I can see the small display and move that one with the hat"



    no need to look around with the hat switch anymore in the flight sim world....plz consider one of the most important pieces of fly sim equipment you could ever buy

    <<<<<watch for more info
  13. i dont know about the hat as axis'....I use the button mapping for my hats, not the "axis" category like the pic by Flagrum


    look under the category of "cyclic" or "collective" for the button avalible on the stick and collective....the shkval slew is on the collective I believe

  14. delete/re install didnt work...that means your user/savedgames/DCS/config/input is probally overwriting the game....you can delete this folder or the ones in it to make the game rebuild it on next start up.....in the input file you can find the airframe you wish to reset and delete just that folder.....should be Ka-50 sim....correction Ka-50....not the Ka-50 easy file



    you can also edit these lua files with notepad++...make sure to not use notepad....very necessary to use notepad++ when editing DCS files in LUA form

  15. collective up/collective down are under "keys"...look under "axis commands" for the "flight control collective"



    like the previous post already said...in a helicopter, this is what you use instead of the throttle...and the throttle (on the back left wall) is basically a "set it and forget it" type control...

  16. technically there is only one gunner on a huey...the other guy is the crew chief....


    normally gunner/crew chiefs are full sargents yes...but you could see a corporal as gunner in a rare case (no privates or PFCs)....normally the crew chief has been though enough training in order to know all the systems on the helo to be at least a sargent


    the Pilots should be a captain or high lvl warrant officer, probally no less then W-4, and the copilots should be a 1st lieutenant...normally 2nd lieutenants were the new guys and not giving a lot of responsibility at first...but I guess the copilot could be a 2nd Lt on a rookie crew....


    ....this is the old vietnam era crew type...I have no idea how non U.S. or the modern U.S. does it...

  17. if your going to compare the customer to the publisher...I would like to remind everybody that the publishing companies(*cough*Ubi*cough) have a track record of asking for too many updates, pushing time tables, micro managing everything and eventually ruining the project as a whole, making the project go under, or forcing an early release of an unfinished bug fest...


    ...after thinking about it like this...i'm sad we put so much pressure on the Devs...no matter how much money we have invested..


    ....adding more pressure to someones shoulders does not make them produce more then if you where to give them solutions...point being, if your not supplying a steady flow of solutions, make a conscious effort to not be a part of the problem...

  18. ...when you shoot a beer can, do you kill all the beer in it, or just the top half...



    ...is it that they are a good shot...or do you just make one of the finest targets on the range...



    even better question...what are you getting hit with...


    ...anything 20mm or bigger and you can figure its going to be an exploding shell, probably killing everything in 10ft, which in a helicopter equals everyone...


    ...anything less then 20mm is probably a regular ball round, bouncing off the walls inside the air frame, killing everyone, magic bullet style...


    ...anything with a rocket motor or thrust system is probably burning everyone to death with the jet wash...


    ...anything throw by hand is probably hitting the rotor system creating shrapnel, killing everyone...


    ...any children holding their fingers up to your silhouette in the distance, saying "I'm squishing you, I'm squishing you, I'm squishing you", probably is creating random faults in your flight systems, making you crash, killing everyone...



    No matter how you slice it...Helicopter + Combat = Blackhawk Down...




  19. I'm a little of both....I scream "Shut up and take my money" on the stuff I'm really exited about , then wait for the quarterly sales on the stuff I want to back as a customer, but don't need to have lived a full life....



    I dont always drink beer, but when i do, its Dos Equis....unless its not payday, "then I justa drinka Budlight".

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